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Technical Service Center

Client Support and Technical Presentations Office

Organizing to tell your story

We put your data and information together in an organized, logical flow will help your readers quickly grasp your meaning and intent.

Organizing on paper (brochures, newsletters, reports, manuals, and more)

It is important to determine what comes first. Our writers and editors help you organize your materials, add relevant headings, and format your documents so they are easy to follow. Our illustrators and graphic artists provide effective layouts for all of your documents--from a small one page brochure to a large series of reports covering thousands of pages.

Presenting in person (presentations, videos, speeches and more)

Knowing what to say and when to say it is the key to winning the hearts and minds of your audience. We can help you organize your thoughts and find the way to build up to a rousing conclusion. We'll make sure your audience knows your point and that your presentation accomplishes your mission.

Navigating the web successfully

We consider who your readers are and plan an effective approach to organize your information and to keep your information up to date.

Using PDFs and CDs effectively

We provide links for your table of content and cross references. This allows your readers to zero in on exactly what they need. We also provide cds with self-starting pdf files.

Transferring knowledge through training and meetings

We can package your meetings and training materials so that your point comes across loud and clear.





Call us for all your communication needs:

View our recent work
| Posters | Meetings | Brochures |Newsletters |Environmental and planning documents |Technical reports | Manuals | Training materials | Web design | CD and PDF Creation