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Middle East Cancer Consortium

About MECC Cancer Registry Program Palliative Cancer Project Other MECC Activities Useful Links

This site is hosted by the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, USA.

Contact Information




Palliative care is any form of medical treatment that focuses on relieving the symptoms associated with the advanced stages of disease, rather than altering the course of the disease itself. Ultimately, the goal of palliative care is to prevent and alleviate the suffering of individuals facing a terminal illness, such as cancer. Through effective management of pain and other distressing disease-related problems, palliative care practitioners strive to enhance all aspects of the patient's quality of life, including physical, psychosocial and spiritual. Additionally, palliative care employs a team-driven multidisciplinary approach that incorporates community resources and addresses the needs of the patient's family, offering an emotional support system intended to ease the tremendous difficulties involved with end-of-life care.

MECC is committed to promoting the availability of quality palliative care resources to patients and their families throughout the Middle East. Please check our Web site frequently for updates on our involvement in palliative care and advocacy.


  • February - Palliative Care in the Middle East Conference, Larnarca


  • April - Calvary Hospital delegation visits the Italian Hospital and Rambam Medical Center, Haifa
  • April - INCTR-MECC Joint Advanced Course for Oncology Nurses, Izmir
  • June - MECC Delegaton to American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Bethesda and Calvary Hospital in New York
  • November - MECC-INCTR Joint Palliative Care Meeting, Lanarca [Cyprus Minister of Health presentation]


  • January - Advanced Workshop on Palliative Care for Palestine Physicians and Nurses, East Jerusalem
  • April - 1st Palliative Care Steering Committee Meeting, Ankara
  • June - Workshop on Communication Issues in Pediatric Oncology, Larnaca
  • November - MECC International Pediatric Oncology Meeting, Istanbul


  • May - MECC Palliative Care Workshop for Palestinians, East Jerusalem
  • June - Workshop on Stress and Burnout Working with Cancer Patients, Larnaca
  • December - MECC-ONS Course in Leadership Development for Oncology Nurses, Ein Gedi


  • May/June - Workshop on Psycho-Oncology: The Role and Involvement of the Patient’s Family, Larnaca
  • June - MECC-ONS Course on Symptom Management for Oncology Nurses, Larnaca


  • January - 2nd Palliative Care Steering Committee Meeting, Larnaca
  • April - MECC-ONS Course on Pain Control for Oncology Nurses, Ankara
  • 2010

  • January - Third Palliative Care Steering Committee Meeting, Larnica