


School Improvement Goals 2011-2012

Vision Statement

Bamberg Elementary School: Inspiring learning
and success for all.

Mission Statement

To provide an exemplary education that inspires and prepares all DODEA students for success in a dynamic, global environment.

Smart Goal 1

All students will improve problem-solving skills by 3-5% when solving mathematical problems across the curriculum independently and cooperatively as measured by TerraNova 3rd Edition, grade level determined standardized assessment, and/or school based problem-solving assessment by 2012.

Smart Goal 2

All students improve their written communication by 3-5% in skills across the curriculum as measured by TerraNova 3rd Edition, adopted ELA curriculum writing tests, and/or school based writing assessments (6+1 Rubric) by 2012.









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Last updated: Monday, February 4, 2013