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Report SAR Training

By completing and submitting this form, you are making an official report to the Nationwide SAR Initiative (NSI) Program Management Office. Entries received may constitute official law enforcement training records depending on state and federal guidelines.

Please fill out this form if you are reporting for your agency on law enforcement or fusion center personnel who viewed the SAR Line Officer Training CD. You should complete this form if you were the fusion center member or training officer who facilitated the training session during which this CD was viewed. You may report on several trainings that occurred over multiple days or weeks, but they all must be within the same month. If the CD was viewed during the course of a training delivered to multiple agencies, this can be reported on by adding the agencies under the Add Agency field within the form.

Reporting Individual Information

Last Name: *  

First Name: *  

State: *  

Your Agency Name: *  

Please spell out agency name completely. Example: PD should be listed as Police Department.

Agency Type: *  

City: *  

Phone Number:    

E-mail: *  

Are you assigned to a fusion center?: *  

Training Information 

Month and Year training occurred: *  

Total number of officers trained: *
The total number of officers trained per agency must equal the total number of officers trained.

SAR training type:

Please correct the following errors:

Agency of officers trained:

State Agency Name Agency Type # of Officers Trained

Add additional agencies:

State Agency Name Agency Type # of Officers Trained

Complete a new form to add more than 25 agencies

Delivery method:
