You are here: Home Ocean NOMADS Navy Coastal Ocean Model Global Domain (2008 - present)
NOTE: Data Access is available by clicking on region 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 or 10

The Navy Global NCOM model is being phased out of operation, to be replaced by the higher-resolution Navy Global HYCOM. This transition is currently scheduled to take place in mid February. Some interruption of NCDDC's model data services is possible during the transition. As always, operational users are directed to the high-availability servers at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

Navy Coastal Ocean Model Global Domain (2008 - present)

The Global NCOM is an ocean prediction system run by the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) as the Navy's real-time operational global nowcast/forecast system. The Naval Research Laboratory developed NCOM based on the Princeton Ocean Model with time invariant hybrid (sigma over Z) vertical coordinates. See Navy's NCOM Publications Web page for additional information. For distribution, NAVOCEANO interpolates the output onto a regular latitude-longitude grid in the horizontal and a series of standard depths in the vertical, and parses the global domain into 13 regions. This site provides access to regions around the U.S. and its territorial waters. Additionally, access is provided to global data for the surface only.

Users who require operational, realtime access to this data are directed to the high-availability servers at the
National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

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Available Services

Access to G-NCOM data is provided via Thredds Data Server. Supported services include bulk file download in the native netCDF format, OPenDAP subsetting, and timeseries aggregation. Visualization services are provided via ERDDAP.

G-NCOM data and services
Region 1 Metadata Daily Data Timeseries Aggregation Visualize 2-D Fields Visualize 3-D Fields
Region 2 Metadata Daily Data Timeseries Aggregation Visualize 2-D Fields Visualize 3-D Fields
Region 5 Metadata Daily Data Timeseries Aggregation Visualize 2-D Fields Visualize 3-D Fields
Region 6 Metadata Daily Data Timeseries Aggregation Visualize 2-D Fields Visualize 3-D Fields
Region 7 Metadata Daily Data Timeseries Aggregation Visualize 2-D Fields Visualize 3-D Fields
Global (sfc) Metadata Daily Data Timeseries Aggregation Visualize 2-D Fields Visualize 3-D Fields

Real-time and Timeseries Products for Region 1

Currents (meters/sec) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Salinity Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Sea Surface Height (meters) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Sea Surface Temperature (degC) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop

Real-time and Timeseries Products for Region 5

Currents (meters/sec) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Salinity Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Sea Surface Height (meters) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Sea Surface Temperature (degC) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop

Real-time and Timeseries Products for Region 6

Currents (meters/sec) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Salinity Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Sea Surface Height (meters) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Sea Surface Temperature (degC) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop

Real-time and Timeseries Products for Region 7

Currents (meters/sec) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Salinity Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Sea Surface Height (meters) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop
Sea Surface Temperature (degC) Latest Product Adobe Flash Player Movie Loop