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New SPIE Digital Library: More Contents, New Features!

September 27th, 2012

The SPIE Digital Library is the world’s largest collection of optics & photonics applied research. JPL Library has recently added  its 160+ ebooks to our subscription, and SPIE has moved to a new platform in order to have more functionalities.  This is a great time to visit the new SPIE Digital Library.

Highlights of the New SPIE Digital Library:

  • Electronic books: topics range from guide to binocular, fiber optics, to remote sensing.
  • Proceeding papers: more than 350,000 papers from 1962 to present.
  • Journals: all nine journals from the earliest issue to present.
  • Topical collections: pre-defined subjects clusters cutting across proceeding papers, journal articles, and book chapters.
  • Video links: selected recent proceeding papers include links to videos or other media that were a part of the conference presentation
  • Mobile applications: with a one-time set-up, users can access SPIE contents via smartphones or tablets.

For more information about SPIE Digital Library, contact the Library Reference Desk at, or call the Reference Desk at ext 4-4200.