PLANET QUEST Exoplanet Exploration

Kepler had a big 2011 with plenty of promise for future discoveries.

Kepler's big year

Talk about a big year. 2011 turned out to be a banner year for NASA's Kepler mission, with the promise of even more exciting results to come in 2012. PlanetQuest reviews some of Kepler's 2011 highlights.

Read more | PlanetQuest web site



Two extremely bright stars illuminate a greenish mist in this and other images from the new

Bright Lights, Green City

Two extremely bright stars illuminate a greenish mist in this and other images from the new "GLIMPSE360" survey from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.

More info | Spitzer site

Astrophysics Missions

Galaxy Evolution Explorer
Uses ultraviolet wavelengths to measure the history of star formation 80 percent of the way back to the Big Bang.
Mission home page

Keck Interferometer
Links two 10-meter (33-foot) telescopes, which form the world's most powerful optical telescope system.
Telescope home page

Kepler Mission
The Kepler Mission will search for Earth-like planets with the "transit" method.
Kepler home page

Palomar Observatory
A joint effort between JPL and the California Institute of Technology, the Palomar Observatory houses a collection of famous telescopes.
Palomar home page

Spitzer Space Telescope
Uses infrared technology to study celestial objects that are too cool, too dust-enshrouded or too far away to otherwise be seen.
Mission home page

Voyager to the Outer Planets
Voyager 1 and 2 flew past Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 2 also flew by Uranus and Neptune. Voyager 1 is now approaching interstellar space.
Mission home page

Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE is mapping the entire sky in infrared light, uncovering the coolest stars, the universe's most luminous galaxies and some of the darkest near-Earth asteroids and comets.
Mission home page

This artist's concept shows the Euclid spacecraft. JPL to Lead U.S. Science Team for Dark Energy Mission

The European Space Agency has selected three NASA-nominated science teams to participate in their planned Euclid mission, including one led by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Read more (Feb. 12)

Artist's Impression of Pulsating Object LRLL 54361 NASA Telescopes Discover Strobe-Like Flashes in Young Stars

Two of NASA's great observatories, the Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes, have teamed up to uncover a mysterious infant star that behaves like a strobe light.

Read more (Feb. 7)

Astronomers estimate that six percent of red dwarfs have a temperate Earth-size planet, as close as 13 light-years away. Kepler Data Suggest Earth-size Planets May Be Next Door

Astronomers using data from NASA's Kepler space telescope estimate that six percent of red dwarf stars in the galaxy have Earth-size planets in their habitable zones.

Read more (Feb. 6)

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