Maternal and Child Health Research Program

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Overview of Funded Projects

Photo of Mother and Daughter

Disciplinary Affiliations of Grantees

Who applies to the MCH Research Program?

Maternal and Child Health is a fundamentally interdisciplinary field. As such, our grantees represent a variety of disciplinary affiliations, including:

  • Pediatric and other medical departments
  • Schools of public health and other health fields
  • Psychology and other social science and academic departments at universities
  • Nonprofit research institutions

The MCH research program encourages applications from all researchers interested in better understanding and promoting maternal and child health and well-being.

Age Groups Targeted

What age groups are targeted in the MCH Research Program?

The field of MCH Research adopts a life course perspective. We have funded projects that focus on:

  • Pregnancy and the prenatal period
  • Children from birth to age 18
  • The transition to young adulthood
  • Women throughout their reproductive years

Many of our funded projects have also focused on the family as a whole, including the role of fathers in the health and wellbeing of mothers and children.

Funded Grants by Topics

What topics are funded by the MCH Research Program?

MCH research is broad in scope. The MCH Research Program has funded grants on a variety of topics relevant to the health and wellbeing of mothers and children, including:

  • Health Care Systems & Delivery
  • Medical Home
  • Prenatal health & Pregnancy Outcomes
  • Nutrition & Obesity
  • Parenting & Child Development
  • School Outcomes & Services
  • Health Promotion
  • Illness & Injury
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Behavioral Health
  • Developmental Disabilities & Special Health Care Needs
  • Culture & Context

Studies Focused on Underserved Populations

Does the MCH Research Program focus on underserved populations?

Most of the MCH Research Program's funded research targets diverse groups of underserved populations. Some of these are underserved by virtue of ethnic minority status, others because they are immigrant populations or live in rural areas. The majority of the targeted populations, but not all, are low-income.

The MCH Research Program encourages proposals that focus on promoting health and wellbeing among specific underserved populations.

Studies Focused on Special Needs Populations

Does the MCH Research Program fund studies on special needs populations?

Many of our funded research projects focus on delivery of health care services and promotion of health and wellbeing among children with special health care needs, including:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Asthma
  • Chronic conditions associated with preterm birth or low birthweight
  • Other special health care needs, disabilities, and chronic illnesses

Grantees by Federal Region

What regions of the country are represented in the MCH Research Program?

The MCH Research Program has funded projects throughout the United States and its territories. We seek representation across all states and territories included in the 10 US Department of Health and Human Services regions.

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