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Forum Events

Governmentwide Senior Executive Service Forum Series: Washington, DC
The Department of the Interior University partners with other federal agencies to present this speaker series that provides federal senior executives with a continuing learning opportunity. Executives from subscribing agencies hear from and interact with today’s top thinkers and organizational practitioners, as well as learn from current top executives in the federal sector.  Distinguished authors and speakers share their knowledge in areas related to the Office of Personnel Management’s Executive Core Qualifications. This forum series offers Senior Executive Service employees the opportunity to network, hear presentations from today’s cutting-edge authors and speakers and when applicable, receive a copy of the book.  The forum series satisfies the OPM requirement for continuing executive education. DOI Senior Executives who had previously attended the DOI Executive forums are encouraged to participate in this forum series. View upcoming events in this series.



Washington and Denver Leadership Forums
DOI University partners with other federal agencies to present this forum series that focus on topics ranging from leadership and diversity to career development and quality of life issues. Employees from subscribing agencies hear from distinguished authors and speakers, network with other federal employees, and have an opportunity to meet the author/speaker.  Where applicable, participants receive a copy of the book.  Seats are available on a subscription basis. View upcoming events in this series.



For more information regarding the Forum Series, please contact Alex Tremble at or 202-219-2424.


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