United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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2012 1099 forms from NRCS payments to be reissued


The 2012 IRS 1099 forms issued to farmers and ranchers who received NRCS financial assistance are incorrect and are scheduled to be reissued by USDA’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer in March.


The IRS forms issued in January may either be in the wrong amount or no 1099 was issued when one should have been.


Important data to produce correct 1099 information was left out when a system change took place May 1, 2012, and NRCS financial experts are working with the USDA’s Controller Operations Division to help get the thousands of 1099s to the appropriate people as quickly as possible.


At this time there is no guaranteed date by which the 1099’s will be delivered, although they expect to be released March 8.  USDA is working to ensure a quick turnaround so that the 1099 mailing is expedited.  The Chief Financial Officer will keep NRCS officials informed as this issue is resolved.


Soil Health A Top Priority for Indiana NRCS

Indiana farmers are on a Health Kick!  Soil Health is soil managed to its maximum potential through a system of conservation practices, including never-till, cover crops, advanced nutrient and pest management, and buffers and drainage systems where appropriate.  This approach results in healthy soil that reduces erosion, requires less nutrient inputs, manages the effects of flood and drought, and reduces nutrient and sediment loading to streams and rivers.  Indiana success with this approach, being promoted through the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative, is getting national attention and will be a focus of NRCS this year.  For more information on Indiana Soil Health click here http://www.in.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/Soil%20Health/soil_health.html


Or check out a National NRCS Soil Health component by clicking on one of the pictures.




In the News


2012 Indiana Drought Information

Indiana farmers are facing one of the worse droughts in years.  NRCS employees are reporting corn and soybean acreage at almost a total loss and water conservation is a critical issue.  In order to help our landowners learn more about the impacts of this drought and what they can do to minimize impacts to their land, please visit the 2012 Indiana Drought webpage.


Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Status Report

NRCS recognizes the importance of the Great Lakes and has targeted efforts to contribute to the protection and improvement of this natural resource. NRCS is one of 11 federal agencies collaborating with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in implementing the Action Plan for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative


Local Soil and Water Conservation Districts and Northwest Territory Resource Conservation and Development Council have worked together with NRCS on outreach and the promotion of conservation, with special efforts to reach historically underserved audiences such as beginning farmers and limited resource farmers. Some of that information reached Jay Fahn, a beginning farmer in Indiana. Fahn is converting 73 acres of highly erodible land in Porter County from cropland into bison pastureland, forage and wildlife habitat. Fahn used NRCS standards and specifications for his pipeline and tanks, roof runoff management, heavy-use area protection, fencing, seeding and prescribed rotational grazing practices. "As a beginner rancher, I had a steep learning curve; but with technical support from the NRCS folks, my goals have been achieved," Fahn said. Learn more at:  GLRI Status Report


To learn more about the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, please visit the GLRI webpage at: http://greatlakesrestoration.us/







Conservation Accomplishment Web Site Launched
The Indiana Conservation Partnership (ICP) has launched a new Web site that provides information on Indiana's conservation investments made with local, state, and federal funding. This tool provides reports on all ICP conservation work accomplishments for each county and  statewide. 



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Last Modified 02/13/2013