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23 January 2013 U.S. Ambassador to UK praises 'business-friendly' Welsh Government (via WalesOnline)   The U.S. Ambassador to the UK has praised the approach of the Welsh Government to encouraging trade with America as he prepares to step down from the role after more than three years. 


11 June 2012 State's Gottemoeller on Freeing World of Nuclear Weapons   Remarks by Rose Gottemoeller, Acting Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, at the Joseph Rotblat Memorial Lecture, Hay Festival, Hay-on-Wye, Wales

09 June 2012 Fulbright Community Helps Makeover Cardiff Allotments   Current American Fulbright scholars, British Fulbright alumni, Fulbright Commission and Embassy staff, and their friends joined forces with Keep Wales Tidy and spent the day volunteering at the Leckwith and Drove allotments site in Cardiff, Wales.   

16 April 2012 Steel giant Tata announces £800m Welsh investment (BBC News Wales)   India's Tata Steel is to invest up to 800 million pounds in its facilities in Wales over the next five years, the First Minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones, said in a statement, after returning from a visit to India.

20 March 2012 Rt Hon Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Wales, Visits the United States of America   Said the First Minister: "Wales’ links with the USA date back to the very foundation of the Union.  I was honoured to be guest of honour at the 177th annual dinner of the St David’s Society of the State of New York.  The links continue to thrive today and our language and culture add an important dimension to our footprint. "

19 March 2012 Wales' Six Nations Rugby victory event at Senedd (BBC News Wales)   Congratulations to the Welsh Rugby Team for celebrating their rugby Triple Crown victory !

01 March 2012 Statement by Secretary Clinton on the Occasion of St. David's Day in Wales On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to the people of Wales as you celebrate St. David’s Day this March 1.

15 February 2012 U.S. insurance specialist Drias Transnat creates 50 jobs in Cardiff (WalesOnline)    U.S. company Drias Transnat is to create 30 jobs, rising to 50 over two years, by establishing  its first European operation in Cardiff.   Drias specialises in outsourced administrative functions to the insurance sector  and has chosen Cardiff Bay for a European centre of excellence.  The inward investment is the first in Wales from a US company for five years andis supported by £162,000 from the Welsh Government’s Economic Growth Fund.

Cultural Connections

There are many examples of Welsh-American connections in the UK. We have listed some on our  American Cultural Connections in Wales  page!


Visit Wales

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