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Exchanges News

Fulbright Commission and Elsevier Introduce the Bibliometrics Award

18 September 2012
US-UK Fulbright Commission

US-UK Fulbright Commission

The US-UK Fulbright Commission, the world’s largest merit-based scholarship programme, and Elsevier, the leading provider of science and health information products and services, announced a new award for post-graduate British students to study in any interdisciplinary field requiring bibliometric analysis in the United States.
The first award will be granted in academic year 2013/14.  Bibliometrics is the quantitative analysis of research output, used, for example, to uncover new research trends, emerging fields of science or collaborations between universities and industry.
Read the Fulbright press release

Fulbright Launches New Awards in 2012

04 September 2012
The UK Fulbright Commission

The UK Fulbright Commission

Bucking the trend, the US-UK Fulbright Commission, announces that from 2013, its awards will be more generously funded and a series of new partnership awards will come on stream as part of its drive to make this trans-Atlantic programme the scholarship of choice.

The Fulbright programme has grown by nearly 450% in the last 5 years, increasing the number of scholarships it offers to 170 in academic year 2012/13. For the 2013/14 academic year it is proud to announce the new partnership awards.    Read the Fulbright press release.

09 June 2012

Fulbright Community Action Day Volunteers Gardening in Cardiff, June 2012 (U.S. Embassy Photo)

Fulbright Community Action Day Volunteers Working Hard at Allotments in Cardiff (U.S. Embassy photo)

Muddy work for Fulbright Community Action Day Volunteers at Allotments in Cardiff (U.S. Embassy photo)

Fulbright Community Helps Makeover Cardiff Allotments

On Saturday, June 9, current American Fulbright scholars, British Fulbright alumni, Fulbright Commission and Embassy staff, and their friends joined forces with Keep Wales Tidy and spent the day volunteering at the Leckwith and Drove allotments site in Cardiff, Wales.  

The day was part of a series of free Community Action Days taking place across the UK in 2012.  Funded by an award from the Department of State’s Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund, these events provide an excellent opportunity for Fulbright alumni, current scholars and local communities to come together to help improve the environment.

Following successful Community Action Days in Scotland and Northern Ireland, the day in Cardiff allowed different members of the Fulbright community to get to know each other as well as to participate in some active cultural exchange: the very idea of allotments was new to some of the American participants who embraced the opportunity to learn about this particularly British institution.  Under blue skies the team helped to clear land for a planned children’s play area and pond: muddy but enjoyable work!

The next Fulbright Community Action day will take place in Rotherham on Thursday, June 28 and is open to all members of the Fulbright community as well as other Department of State alumni.  For more information visit:  The final Community Action Day will take place in London on Sunday, July 8.


01 March 2012

The 2012 Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund competition is now open! The AEIF offers $1,000,000 to help teams of alumni tackle some of the world’s most pressing issues.


01 March 2012

Mitchell Scholars

The U.S. State Department supports many cultural exchange programs designed to foster mutual understanding, not just by bringing international visitors to the U.S. but also by giving Americans opportunities to travel and study abroad.  One of these prestigious programs which brings leading American academics to Northern Ireland is the Mitchell Scholars, named in honor of U.S. Senator George Mitchell who helped to broker the Good Friday agreement.  BBC Northern Ireland correspondent Martina Purdy, who herself participated in an International Visitor Leadership Program exchange visit to the U.S. in 2000, explains the history and significance of the Mitchell Scholars program and meets some of the current cohort in this BBC article.
More information on the NI:US Exchange Program Alumni Network can be found on their Facebook page.

U.S. Exchange Program Alumni

Over the last 60 years, thousands of UK citizens have traveled to the United States on exchange programs sponsored by the American Embassy in London.  A number of alumni of these programs have been highlighted in brief videos produced by the Embassy's Public Affairs Section.

John Adams Society

  • John Adams Society logo The John Adams Society is an association of individuals who have participated in one of the U.S. government exchange programs through the U.S. Embassy, London.  It works to foster mutual understanding amongst the British and American governments while strengthening a network of individuals who are invested in cross-Atlantic cooperation and development.  More information on the Society can be found on their website.

State Alumni

  • State Alumni logo All Embassy alumni are eligible to join State Alumni, a prestigious, web-based community for alumni of all U.S. government exchange programs.  Members can use the website to network with alumni of all programs from around the globe, find grant and funding opportunities, access free periodicals, participate in Q&A Live discussions with experts and much more.