February 13, 2013
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Your Computer and e-Appeal

e-Appeal is designed to give Internet users secure access to our Web site and provide good performance. The power of your computer and the speed of your connection to the Internet will determine how fast you can work in e-Appeal.


Browser Versions and Internet Security � e-Appeal is designed to work with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) version 5 or higher and Netscape Navigator version 6 or higher.


Required Software � To view and print the completed e-Appeal you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher installed on your computer. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader or a full version of Acrobat installed on your computer you may download the reader from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html


Screen Resolution � e-Appeal was designed for a monitor screen resolution of at least 800 x 600 pixels. If your resolution is set lower you will have to scroll more often.


Navigation Buttons � Once you begin filling out a form, use only the back and continue buttons at the bottom of your e-Appeal screen when you see them. If you cannot see these two buttons you may need to use the scroll bar on the right. Also, make your screen viewing area as large as possible by hiding or minimizing extra tool bars.


General Browser Setting Requirements � Your Internet browser should be set to accept session cookies, JavaScript, and to check for newer versions of pages at every visit to the page. If you have gotten to this point, you likely already have your browser correctly set to accept session cookies and JavaScript. Checking for newer versions of pages at every visit is needed to allow e-Appeal to work correctly. Different browsers and different versions of browsers have different ways to check and change this setting. Your browser's help function may help you check this setting.


For Internet Explorer 5.50, from the toolbar, choose Tools, then Internet Options, and under Temporary Internet Files, choose Settings, then select "Every visit to page" then "OK," and "OK."


Also, you should use "Arial" font to view e-Appeal best. For IE 5.50, from the toolbar, choose Tools, then Internet Options, then the "Fonts" button at the bottom of the page.  Under "Web page font," choose "Arial" then "OK" and "OK."


e-Appeal Printing � When you submit an e-Appeal you should print a copy of the appeal and the confirmation information for your records. You may print data entered prior to submission of the e-Appeal, but this printed copy will not contain the submission date and confirmation number in the footer, which appears on submitted appeals.


You may also print help topics by using the print link at the bottom of each help topic.


Ad and Pop Up Blockers � e-Appeal uses pop-up window technology. If you use a pop-up blocker, you will need to temporarily disable it in order to access all the features of this application. Pop-up blockers are known to interfere with printing in e-Appeal.