Maternal and Child Health Research Program

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Strategic Research Issue #3

Services and systems to assure quality of care (7) for MCH populations.

(Correlates to MCHB Strategic Plan: FYs 2003-2007, Goal 5: Assure Quality of Care.)

IMPORTANT: To assist the reader in better understanding what is meant by MCHB Strategic Research Issue #3, the following are examples of possible areas of study addressing this issue. They are only examples for illustrative purposes and do not constitute preferences for funding consideration. The Bureau strongly encourages research studies that specifically address issues related to MCHB investments and programs.

  • Explore mechanisms of information transfer of evidence-based MCH strategies that lead to enhanced quality of provider practices and consumer behavior.
  • Determine the effectiveness and impact of the current system of care (both public and private) to assure that women and infants receive risk-appropriate perinatal care.
  • Study the extent to which children and adolescents needing emergency medical services actually receive them and the quality of care received from hospital emergency departments.
  • Study the impact of specific characteristics of the medical home, such as the use of written "care plans," (8) on improvements in the quality of care for CSHCN.
  • Study how duration, organization and content of visits for clinical preventive services affect the quality of anticipatory guidance/health counseling provided to children, adolescents and women.
  • Investigate the factors that promote quality of health care service delivery, with attention to understanding the effectiveness and impact of interdisciplinary training of MCH professionals.

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