SBIR and STTR Grant Programs

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program

Solicitation and Other Information
The Office of Science manages the SBIR program for the Department of Energy. For information about the SBIR program, including the Program Solicitation, click here.

Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program

The Office of Science manages the STTR program for the Department of Energy. For information about the STTR program, including the Program Solicitation, click here.

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Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC)

Beyond the scientific computing and computational science research embedded in the Office of Science (SC) Core Programs, SC invests in a portfolio of coordinated research efforts directed at exploiting the emerging capabilities of terascale and petascale computing ( The research projects in this portfolio respond to the extraordinary difficulties of realizing sustained peak performance for those scientific applications that require terascale and petascale capabilities to accomplish their research goals. They respond also to the need for developing collaborative software environments where distributed resources and expertise are combined to address complex questions that no single institution can manage alone.

In recognition of these difficulties, the SciDAC research projects are collaborative efforts involving teams of physical scientists, mathematicians, computer scientists, and computational scientists working on major software and algorithm development for and application to problems in the SC core programs, namely, Basic Energy Sciences, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Fusion Energy Sciences, and Biological and Environmental Research. Research funded under the SciDAC program must address the interdisciplinary problems inherent in ultrascale computing, problems that cannot be addressed by a single investigator or small group of investigators. The latter are typically funded by the core research programs. SciDAC Contact: (301) 903-3691.

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