United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Link to JD Powers 2012 Customer Service Excellence Award

National Formulary

VA National Formulary Section
VA National Formulary - October 2012 - Excel Spreadsheet
VA National Formulary by Class - October 2012 - Excel Spreadsheet
VA National Formulary Changes - October 2012 - Excel Spreadsheet

PDA National Formulary

VA Class Index Section
VA Class Index - Excel Spreadsheet

Previous Changes to VA National Formulary
Changes to the VA National Formulary - October - 98 to October - 12 - Excel Spreadsheet
Changes to the VA National Formulary by Month - October - 98 to October - 12 - Excel Spreadsheet

General Documents
Formulary Review Request Form (PDF)
National Drug File Support Group Guidelines
National Formulary Frequently Asked Questions
Non-Promotable List (Word)
VA Do Not Substitute List July 2011 (Word)
List of Medications at Lower Copayment Rate Under 38 CFR 17.110(b)(iv)


National Drug File
(***This file cannot be viewed. It can only be downloaded in Access or imported into another database.)
National Drug File Structure