U.S. Army Medical Department, Office of the Surgeon General
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Enterprise IM/IT Management

IM/IT Customer Solutions

IM/IT Operations and Support

Mission Statement



IM/IT Operations and Support

USAMITC support services are crosscutting. Our various teams work proactively to ensure that the superior technology solutions we develop, monitor, manage and sustain enable worldwide communications to flow efficiently, seamlessly and securely.

Network Security

USAMITC ensures the U.S. Army Medical Department's network security and connectivity by monitoring the Army Medical Command's medical networks 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, for any operational vulnerabilities. We also maintain the MEDCOM corporate Virtual Private Network (VPN) architecture and offer security engineering assistance and support to Army Military Treatment Facilities worldwide.

Electronic Messaging Services

USAMITC continues to maintain and enhance the AMEDD electronic messaging system consisting of more than 100 servers centrally managed at six global messaging centers. The MEDCOM electronic messaging system, supporting users worldwide, provides secure, reliable transmission of more than 2.5 million messages daily. USAMITC also provides secure mobile capabilities to more than 2,000 regionally-located customers using mobile devices, e.g., BlackBerry®.

Enterprise Service Desk

The USAMITC Enterprise Service Desk provides help desk support around the clock to approximately 50,000 AMEDD users. Our technicians assist users with broad range of issues to include connectivity and configuration problems, mailbox configurations, and distributing software and tracking licenses for the enterprise. Although most problems are resolved within minutes, and automated trouble ticket system allows users to monitor the status of their problem. The ESD is entering its final year of deployment and by the end of the year, will provide support to more than 80,000 users within the AMEDD.

Videoconferencing Services and Support

The USAMITC Video Network Center bridge provides audio and videoconferencing support to more than 1,500 customer sites from various D0D and civilian communities worldwide. We assist with scheduling and provide live monitoring of videoconferences to ensure audiovisual technical quality. We also help design and install videoconferencing facilities for customers. Video Network Center Web Site External Link, Opens in New Window

Information Assurance

Our IA team safeguards the MEDCOM's IT infrastructure. We provide data security for MEDCOM systems and networks by providing technical and managerial measures that ensure confidentiality, possession or control, integrity, availability, and utility of all systems. Our IT security experts provide services that inlcudes conducting DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process reviews, mitigating MEDCOM IA vulnerabilities, scanning systems and implementing systems security technologies.


Data Center Operations

We operate and sustain secure and centrally managed data center operations for AMEDD and MHS systems. Our state-of-the-art storage and network infrastructure has robust data management and storage capabilities. USAMITC provides a physically secure, environmentally-monitored data environment so the AMEDD can operate its current business and systems with assurance. Our developmental test and evaluation staff ensures that new technologies and applications are tested in a simulated environment.