USAID Serbia Country Strategic Plan 2011-2015

USAID’s Country Strategic Plan (CSP) for Serbia covers the period 2011-2015 with the overall strategic goal to support Serbia in its vision to be democratic, prosperous and integrating into Euro-Atlantic institutions.

The CSP includes two Assistance Objectives that address key economic and democratic reforms and are targeted to areas where assistance is most needed and where USAID can have the greatest impact. In developing this strategy, USAID worked closely with local stakeholders including counterparts in the Serbian Government, private sector, and civil society, and took into consideration the assistance portfolios of other donors and partners.

Through the CSP, the United States will assist Serbia in implementing critical reforms necessary for the country to complete its economic and democratic transition into the EU and other international institutions. The strategy focuses on building prosperity and increasing democratic practices, both of which are fundamental to Serbia’s Euro-Atlantic integration. Therefore, USAID’s assistance is targeted to facilitate reform in areas where hurdles to European integration remain.

The CSP for Serbia was approved by USAID on February 3, 2011

Click here for more information on the Serbia Country Strategic Plan 2011-2015

Click here to view the executive summary of USAID’s strategy statement for Serbia 2006-2011.

Click here to download a copy of the full strategy statement for Serbia 2006-2011 in PDF format.


From 2001-2011, USAID has provided nearly USD $663 million to address areas that are important to Serbia’s long-term development goals and U.S. interests. USAID assistance programs will continue to support and advance key reform efforts in these areas.

USAID Serbia Budget FY 2011:
Governing Justly and Democratically: $16,177,000
Economic Growth: $15,360,000