Strengthening Democratic Structures

USAID supports a number of programs to help Serbia deepen its democratic culture and practices. USAID provides funding and technical assistance to civil society organizations across Serbia so that they can mobilize citizens to understand and support necessary reforms, while also serving as watchdogs of national and local government operations. Assistance to independent, local media outlets makes reliable news and information available to citizens and helps ensure their longer-term sustainability. Support provided to democratic political parties emphasizes the need for responsiveness and accountability to the electorate. Programming supports the separation of governmental authority and improved judicial and parliamentary operations by improvements in court management and establishing budget and planning offices. USAID cooperates with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to provide technical assistance for the drafting of new, and modification of existing, legislation that is EU compliant. A new activity will help strengthen institutions promoting public accountability and transparency of government operations, and providing additional assistance to improving court operations. USAID also supports the participation of young politicians, minorities and women in parliament, while encouraging the better functioning of parliamentary committees, party caucuses, and cross-party forums.

Current programs that contribute to this process include:

Civil Society Advocacy Initiative (CSAI)

The Civil Society Advocacy Initiative (CSAI) seeks to support Serbian civil society in its ability to influence public policy, serve as government watchdogs, and conduct sustained advocacy campaigns on a wide variety of reform issues. CSAI nurtures a healthy and vibrant civil society by focusing on the sector’s capacity to successfully advocate at local and national levels, and to secure a legal and regulatory environment that fosters the long-term financial and operational sustainability of NGOs.

Project components include:

  • Promoting civil society advocacy through grants, training and technical support to Serbian NGOs to develop institutional capacity and the ability to promote causes of relevance to Serbian citizens.
  • Strengthening the non-governmental sector by helping NGO coalitions to improve the legal and regulatory framework and operate with maximum leeway in the current environment.
Media Assistance program

The Media Assistance Program is a four-year activity, launched in September 2008. It helps build sustainability and the professional skills of local and regional broadcast media, and the advocacy and monitoring skills of media-support institutions. The Program also facilitates media partners with the transition to “new” digital interactive media platforms.

Project components include:

  • Strengthening the legal and regulatory environment for media, particularly the role of media-support institutions and other organizations in ensuring fair, timely, and transparent implementation of media laws.
  • Increasing the managerial and financial capacity of media outlets, particularly key local and regional radio and television stations.
  • Enhancing the quality and availability of information important to citizens with a focus on news and program production at the local and regional levels and coverage of reform issues at the national level.
  • Helping Serbian media outlets make the transition from traditional delivery platforms (radio, TV, newspaper) to interactive and participatory “new media” platforms, including on-line, mobile and digital broadcasting.
OSCE Good Governance Program

USAID grant to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE Mission to Serbia) is funding a project that aims to increase the capacities of institutions, public officials, and civil society to ensure good governance through improving the legislative framework, enhancing existing public accountability mechanisms, and promoting best practices in public accountability. This is in line with the USAID strategic objectives: efficient, transparent and accountable provision of government services, and checks and balances strengthened.

Project components include:

  • Improving the legislative framework in the fields of institutional accountability and public participation.
  • Developing the capacity of institutions in charge of public accountability.
  • Promoting best practices in combating corruption and strengthening public participation.
  • Supporting independent anti-corruption institutions and civil society organizations for activities that seek to improve public accountability and participation mechanisms.
Political Processes

The Political Processes Support program is a five-year ctivity, launched in October 2010, which aims to enhance the ability of key actors, including the government, political parties, parliament, and civil society, to develop institutional capacities and strengthen relations between institutions within the political environment. Political reforms will increase the government’s accountability and public faith in democracy. Continued work with democratic parties will promote internal transparency, responsiveness to constituencies and participation of women and minorities in political processes.

Project components include:

  • Encouraging greater transparency and inclusiveness of the electoral reform process, and promoting compliance with subsequent legislation;
  • Strengthening the representative, legislative, and oversight functions of elected officials in cooperation with civil society;
  • Enhancing the participation of youth, women, minorities, and marginalized populations in the political process;
  • Assisting small, regional, and minority political parties in crafting responsive, issue-based campaigns, and assisting all parties in devising strategies in response to Serbia’s election framework and electoral conditions;
  • Building a professional and effective policy development community;
  • Enhancing political stakeholders’ understanding of political and campaign finance regulations;
  • Creating the framework for improved accuracy of the national voter registry.
Separation of Powers Program

The fundamental principles of Serbia’s 2006 constitution include the rule of law, separation of powers among the three branches of government and judicial independence. Gaps in these areas have been identified as fundamental obstacles to Serbia’s accession to the European Union and as reform priorities by the Serbian government:the Separation of Powers Program (SPP) is designed to help Serbia move closer to EU accession by strengthening the judicial and parliamentary branches of government.

Project components include:

For its work with the judiciary:

  • Assists the new High Judicial Council establish its own budget and long term planning office so Serbia’s judges can assume more control over their own affairs, track the income and expenses of courts more closely, boost their efficiency and make court operations more transparent and responsive to the needs of court users
  • Works with a wide range of courts and officials to establish a training and career track for and placement of professional court administrators who can assist with long-term improvement of court operations.
  • Helps reduce backlogs and court processing times in Serbia’s non-commercial, trial-level courts.

For its work with the Assembly:

  • Assists Members and Assembly staff establish its own budget and long-term planning systems, so parliament can be more responsive to the needs of Serbia’s citizens.
  • Helps Assembly operations become more transparent.
  • Provides advice on specific legislation pending before the Assembly.
Serbian-American Women’s Leadership Network

The Serbian–American Women’s Leadership Network was an one-year activity, which helped development of closer ties between Serbian women leaders and their American counterparts in order to help Serbian women to become one of the leading forces for development and growth in their country. Given that women are among the most underutilized human resource in Serbia, and that they are under-represented in leadership roles at many levels of society, this activity will help build and strengthen the capacity of Serbian women leaders so that they can actively participate in guiding Serbia forward by taking on leadership initiatives.

Project components include:

The leadership network will build a women’s leadership corps that will contribute proactively to Serbia’s future, help Serbia democratize better and faster, and prepare the country for entry into the European Union. Specifically, a group of Serbian Women Leaders will be identified and brought to the U.S. to establish friendship and connections with their Serbian-American counterparts. This study tour will help build and strengthen the capacity of Serbian women leaders. A conference in Serbia with American women leaders participating will also be supported, as well as a media campaign related to project activities.