Finding Encouragement, Being Included - Pham Thi Bich Ngoc rides the modified wheelchair to get her out into the community.
A young woman riding on a modified wheelchair
USAID Supports Community Surveillance of Poultry Farms to Fight Bird Flu - USAID works with local officials to train community surveillance collaborators in provinces to detect and control disease outbreaks.
USAID helps communities with trained collaborators to detect disease.
USAID Supports Science for Disease Control - USAID has provided cutting edge equipment to a national laboratory in Hanoi to help epidemiologists identify resistance in viruses.
USAID contributes technology to Hanoi laboratory
Ethnic Minorities Grow Cocoa and Improve Livelihoods - USAID helps ethnic minorities earn a better living by harvesting cocoa.
Ethnic Minorities in Central Vietnam boost livelihoods with cocoa
USAID Funds Refurbished Preschools in Central Vietnam - Better preschools and instruction help ethnic minority children learn Vietnamese and get a good start in school.
USAID Funds Refurbished Preschools in Central Vietnam
Vietnam Expands Community Methadone Treatment with USAID/PEPFAR Support - Former Deputy Prime Minister Truong Vinh Trong visits co-pay methadone clinic in Hai Phong, supported by USAID and PEPFAR.
First co-pay methadone clinic opens in Hai Phong. Photo: R. Nyberg, USAID
USAID Teams up with Vietnamese Company to Provide Microfinance for People Living with or Affected by HIV/AIDS - Nguyen Hung is one of 22 women who are HIV infected and affected to access microfinance services of TYM as part of a pilot USAID project. 
Farmer Hung Nguyen received a loan from TYM to buy a cow. Photo: Chemonics
USAID: Celebrating 50 Years of Global Development - USAID Mission Director Francis Donovan, colleagues, and students gather in Hanoi.
USAID/Vietnam welcomes guests to an open house on November 3, 2011.
Support for People with Disablities: Empowering Workers - Ms. Le Thi Het received a wheelchair and rehabiliation support from USAID that strengthened her legs to help her make a living by sewing.
Ms. Le Thi Het received a wheelchair and rehabilitation support from USAID.
Promoting Innovation in Engineering Classrooms - Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Minh teaches computer aided design and manufacturing using techniques that put students in the center of the classroom.
Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Minh, Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Taking a Chance on New Entrepreneurs: Access to Microloans Stimulates Business Development for PLHIV

Truong Ngoc Hong, a motorbike repairer, is a microfinance recipient in HCMC

After many years serving in the army, Mr. Truong Ngoc Hong returned home to face a battle as a civilian - HIV infection. Mr. Truong struggled to find steady work, and was shunned by his peers due to his HIV-positive status and his inability to provide for his family. He became a freelance worker, repairing motorbikes and working as a motorbike taxi driver. But with only a few simple tools to support his newfound trade, his ability to generate income was limited.

From Brick and Mortar to Stainless Steel: Investor Voices Help Build a Better Business Climate in Vietnam

Employees at the Sonha Corporation produce stainless steel water tanks in Hanoi


Hanoi's skyline is rapidly changing as modern office buildings here, as in other major cities of Vietnam, are rising. Looking down from one of the capital's taller buildings, one can see shiny new water tanks glistening in the midday sun, perched like bright pods atop buildings big and small.

Vietnam Promotes Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure

Tran Thi Ly Bridge in Danang. Photo: R. Nyberg, USAID

When it comes to Vietnam becoming a more competitive destination for investment in the region and achieving its full economic potential, the answer from Truong Quang Hung is clear: "People talk about different issues, but to me, improving infrastructure is vital at this stage of our development."

Cocoa Brings Cash, Creates Better Conditions for Farmer Families

Mr. Tri is pruning his cocoa trees, which are bearing the first fruits

Even with bumper crops and well-laden trees, farmer Nguyen Van Tri's cashew income always fell short. Profits were never enough to feed and care for his wife, seven children and parents, and he had to moonlight as a seasonal farm hand just to make ends meet.

Remarks by Kyung "KC" Choe, USAID Office of General Development Director, at the Consultative Workshop on Disability-related provisions of the Penalty Decree on Social Protection, Children, PWD and the Elders

USAID Office of General Development Director Kyung "KC" Choe delivers remarks

HANOI, December 26, 2012 -- It is an honor for me to represent the U.S. Agency for International Development in this important consultative workshop for the Penalty Decree on Social Protection, with a focus on provisions related to people with disabilities.

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