Interagency Programs

Industrial Energy Efficiency

This Executive Order facilitates investments in industrial energy efficiency that will strengthen American manufacturing and help to create jobs. These efforts can save U.S. manufacturers as much as $100 billion in energy costs over the next decade, improving their bottom lines and strengthening U.S. competitiveness.

In addition, the order directs the Departments of Energy, Commerce, and Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency to coordinate actions at the Federal level while providing policy and technical assistance to states to promote investments in industrial energy efficiency. Agencies also are directed to foster a national dialogue to encourage adoption of best practice policies and investment models that overcome barriers to investment, provide public information on the benefits of unlocking investment in industrial energy efficiency, and use existing Federal authorities that can support these investments.LEARN MORE

Sustainable Manufacturing Initiative (SMI)

In order to offer effective and continued support to U.S. companies in their sustainable manufacturing efforts, Commerce’s Manufacturing & Services unit has launched a Sustainable Manufacturing Initiative (SMI) and Public-Private Dialogue that aims to a) identify U.S. industry’s most pressing sustainable manufacturing challenges and b) coordinate public and private sector efforts to address these challenges. LEARN MORE

Advanced Manufacturing Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge

This interagency initiative will assist the development and implementation of regionally-driven economic development strategies that support advanced manufacturing and cluster development. LEARN MORE

Skills for America's Future Partners


Right Skills Now


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