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Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany

"Committed to having the Courage to practice Honor"

Department of Defense Humanitarian Assistance-Excess Property Program (HAP-EP)
The HAP-EP at Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Ga., permits DoD to make available, prepare and transport non-lethal excess property to foreign countries when requested by the Department of State. Through the excess property program, DoD donates and distributes property excess to its needs to contribute to U.S. government efforts to avert humanitarian crises, promote democratic development and regional stability and enable countries to recover from conflict. Examples of excess property typically provided include medical equipment and supplies, generators and other electrical equipment, school supplies, tools, furniture, tents, blankets, sleeping bags and clothing. Excess property made available for humanitarian relief purposes are transferred to the Department of State, which is responsible for the distribution to the intended recipient (normally a host nation government, a charitable-type organization, or a non-governmental organization). When a natural disaster occurs, the HAP-EP facilities can assist by providing disaster relief supplies such as medical supplies, tents, blankets and humanitarian daily rations. This way the program can also be used to stave off or mitigate the effects of acute crises and therefore minimize the need to deploy U.S. forces. The consolidated EP facility in Albany, Ga., prepares the property for shipment for U.S. Central Command and U.S. Southern Command recipients. The HAP warehouse located in Okinawa, Japan, provides EP storage, refurbishment, and shipment for U.S. Pacific Command. Additionally, the HAP-EP warehouse located in Livorno, Italy, provides storage and shipments for U.S. European and African Commands.
MCLB Albany