Congressional Operations Division

Col. Bob McAleer
Col. Bob McAleer
Division POC: 703-697-7675

Provides operational support to the Office, Chief Legislative Liaison (OCLL) to facilitate its mission in building a strong partnership with Congress and ensuring Congressional support for the U.S. Army: develops and supports the Army's Congressional strategy; serves as the operations center for Army Congressional actions; develops and executes a collaborative Army Congressional engagement strategy and provides strategic communications support; provides direct legislative assistance to Army Senior Leaders; coordinates travel for Congressional delegations; provides administrative support to OCLL.

Current Operations Branch: Prescribes and executes internal mechanics and information flow for OCLL to facilitate situational awareness, organizational effectiveness, and decision making. Produces plans and orders to execute Army Congressional activities. Gathers information for reports on Army-related Congressional activities, including engagements, hearings, travel, and emerging issues.

Plans and Strategy Branch: Develops and executes strategic plans to facilitate Army objectives and Congressional understanding of Army programs. Develops specific engagement strategies in order to prepare selected Army leaders for Congressional hearings and engagements.

Strategic Communications Branch: Formulates strategic communications strategy and products to facilitate interactions with Members of Congress and Congressional staff. Coordinates with the Army staff to ensure the Army speaks with one voice when communicating with Congress. Prepares speeches and outreach materials for the Chief, Legislative Liaison.

Army Senior Leader Branch: Provides special legislative assistance to the Secretary of the Army, Chief of Staff, Under Secretary, Vice Chief of Staff, and Sergeant Major of the Army. Assists Army senior leaders with Congressional interactions to include hearings, meetings, office calls, phone calls, and written correspondence.

Support Operations Branch:Provide support to all OCLL divisions in the areas of military & civilian HR; manpower, management, supplies, resources, logistics, casualty assistance officers, Dover missions, and other administrative programs. Supports OCLL & SAFM-BUL in the planning and execution of Official Representation Funds (ORF) events.