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The next US Visa Interview Week for Apia Samoa.

Visa Interview Week from February 4 - 8, 2013

View the Samoa Translation.

The United States Embassy in Apia will hold its next Visa Interview Week from February 4 - 8, 2013.

  • The online calendar for scheduling appointments will open Tuesday January 22nd from 2:30pm Apia date and time until all available slots have been filled. Please do not call or email the Embassy for an appointment, any slots that become available via cancellation will be released automatically into the online calendar. 

All interested applicants must secure an online appointment. Those who have successfully secured an appointment MUST submit the following to the Embassy no later than Wednesday 30th January by 12pm:

i) DS-160 confirmation page that is printed with a barcode sign

ii)  a passport photo

iii) a clear COPY of their passport data page

Please note that if the Embassy does not receive all three documents listed above by the cut-off date your appointment may be cancelled without further notice.    

All applicants wishing to secure an appointment should complete their DS-160 prior to booking an appointment. Students wishing to apply for student visas must also book appointments online and contact their appropriate school to make sure they receive the original I-20 form in time to have it with them during their interview. Those students who are unable to secure an appointment online will have to wait until the next interviews to secure an appointment. Because of the limited appointment slots, applicants must cancel their appointment or contact the Embassy should they be unable to keep their appointment. This way, the slots can be released to other applicants who wish to secure an appointment. Your failure to show up for your appointment without Embassy notification will be noted and may result in your name being removed from future appointment listings.

All visas approved during visa week will be processed by the U.S. Consulate General in Auckland, New Zealand. Applicants must allow 2 – 3 weeks after their interview for visa processing. Applicants who cannot allow for the 2 – 3 weeks processing time are encouraged to make arrangements for applying for a visa in New Zealand.

which will take you directly to the “How to Apply” page.

For frequently asked questions regarding the DS-160 form please click on



O le Ofisa o le Amepasa o Amerika i Apia o le a faia lana faatalanoaga mo Visa mai le Aso 4 – 8 Fepuari, 2013

  • O le a tatalaina le kalena mo avanoa o faatalanoaga i le aso Aso Lua, 22 Ianuari 2013 i le itula e 2:30 i le aoauli se ia maea uma avanoa. Faamanatu atu, e tuu asiasi pea i le matou upega tafailagi. O ni avanoa o le a toe faaleaogaina mai, o le a tatala atu lava mo i latou o loo fia talosaga pea.

E fautua atu ia i latou uma o le a maua avanoa, e tatau ona e tauaaoina mai mea nei ia le silia le itula e 12:00 i le aoauli o le Aso Lulu, 30 Ianuari 2013. E ono le faaaogaina lou avanoa pe a le tauaaoina mai mea o loo taua i luga.

i)                    itulau faamaonia o le DS-160

ii)                  lou ata e tasi

iii)                kopi o lou tusi folau

Mo e fia talosaga mo visa aoga e tatau ona faamautu sou avanoa i le taimi e tatalaina atu ai le kalena. Ia mautinoa ua e fesootai ma lau aoga ina ia faamautu ai ua e maua lau  I-20 e tauaaoina mai i le taimi o faatalanoaga. E fautuaina i latou uma e fia talosaga mo se visa ina ia e faamaoti se avanoa mo faatalatalanoaga i aso ma taimi ua taua i luga. Talu ai ona o le utiuti o avanoa o faatalatalanoaga, oi latou uma e silafia e ono le auai mai, po o i latou e finagalo e toe faaleaogaina o latou avanoa, e tatau ona logo mai le ofisa ina ia mafai ai ona toe tatala le avanoa mo isi tagata. O lou le utagia mai o lenei faaaliga ma lou le auai mai i lau faatalatalanoaga e aunoa ma le faailoa mai i le ofisa, o le a faamauina i lalo ma ono faaleaogaina ai sou avanoa mo le lumanai.

O talosaga uma mo visa o le a talia i le vaiaso o le faatalatalanoaga, e tatau ona ave i le Ofisa o le Konesula a Amerika i Aukilani, Niu Sila e lolomi mai ai. Ona o lea tulaga, e tatau i le tagata talosaga ona faatali i le 2 – 3 vaiaso a’o faia lea gaioiga. Mo i latou e le mafai ona faatali e tatau ona tapena le talosaga ona malaga lea i le Konesula a Amerika i Niu Sila e talosaga ai mo le visa.

  • Mo le faatumuina o le pepa talosaga mo se visa ma faia se avanoa mo se faatalanoaga, faamolemole asiasi ane i le website oomi Visas to the U.S., sosoo le Non Immigrant Visas, mulimuli i le “How to Apply” po o le faaaoga le e taitai atu ai oe i le itulau “How to Apply”.


Mo nisi faamalamalamaga e uiga i lau pepa talosaga DS-160, faamolemole  oomi le