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Business FAQs

Business FAQs

What is needed for business travel to Samoa?

The State Department consular information sheet for Samoa can be found here

Samoa maintains stringent bio-security standards to protect its agricultural industries. Arriving international travelers should be careful to make an accurate declaration of any food or plant items in their baggage. Quarantine officials can impose immediate fines for infractions. For more information consult the website of Samoa Quarantine or the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF)

For longer stays, the Samoan Embassy in New York should be contacted for information pertaining to workers’ and permanent residency permits.  For more information on Samoa visas please contact:

Embassy of Samoa to the United States of America
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400J
New York, NY 10017
Tel (+1212) 599.6196
Fax (+1212) 599.0797

While in Samoa, consular and emergency services are undertaken at the US Embassy Apia, click here for more information.


What is needed for business travel to the United States?

Samoan businesspersons wishing to travel to the United States need to apply for a B-1 visitor visa.  Click here for more information


Is Samoa a member of the World Trade Organization?

Yes, on May 10, 2012, Samoa became the 155th member of the WTO.  Click here for more information on the accession of Samoa. 


Is there a free trade agreement between the United States and Samoa?

No, there is currently no free trade agreement between the United States and Samoa.  

For a list of other free trade agreements see the Samoa Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade website:


Does the United States and Samoa have a bilateral tax agreement?

No, there are no bilateral tax agreements between the U.S. and Samoa.


Are there tariffs on U.S. goods entering the Samoan market and where can I find the rates?

There are import tariffs on most all goods entering Samoa.  Click here for a list of tariffs for all products entering Samoa. 

More information can be found on the Samoa Ministry of Revenue website  Please contact the Ministry directly to get answers to specific questions.


Can I find financing for my exports to or projects in Samoa?

Export-Import Bank of the United States:

Country Limitation Schedule:


Trade and Development Agency:

SBA's Office of International Trade:


Where can I find more statistics about the Samoa economy?

Samoa Bureau of Statistics: