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1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry 630th MP Company 172nd Support Battalion 18th Engineer Brigade 12th Chemical Company 9th Engineer Battalion 1st Battalion, 77th Field Artillery 15th Engineer Battalion 72nd Expeditionary Signal Battalion 7th Theatre Tactical Signal Brigade

Directorate of Emergency Services  »

Administrative Services

POC: Mr. Wollny
DSN 354-1380
CIV 09721-96-1380

Tuesday: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. / 1- 4 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. / 1 - 4 p.m.
Closed: German and American holidays

Paperwork for Administration can be dropped off at anytime at the military police desk. Walk-ins and paperwork pickup must be in accordance with times listed above or prior coordinated with Administration

Appointed battalion (field grade) S-2 personnel and investigation officers are authorized to pick up finalized MP reports and DA 4833 forms. The company/troop commanders or first sergeant can also pick up MP reports and DA 4833 forms in special or exceptional circumstances. NOTE: No MP reports are to be picked up until the case is completed, which can take up to 14 working days after the incident if no further investigation is required.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request

You can request public records and documents through the Freedom of Information Act. To learn more about FOIA and what information is subject to FOIA requests, visit:

Release of federal government records such as military police reports to Soldiers, family members, civilians (victim or subject), and insurance companies or attorneys must be requested through the Freedom of Information Act Officer.

Simply fill out the USAG Schweinfurt FOIA form and either submit it by e-mail to the FOIA Officer or forward your written request to the following address:

USAG Schweinfurt
Unit 25850 Box 11
APO, AE 09033

Upon receipt, the FOIA Office will notify the requester or send out the MP report. Information or instruction letters are also available at the MP desk.

Request Background Check

The purpose of the “ form is to conduct a background check specifically for new, active duty, personnel being assigned to USAG Schweinfurt so that the chain of command can identify personnel who are at risk for UCMJ action or non-deployability. This form is not intended for use in counseling or other decision that would affect a soldier’s career. The form needs to be filled out with the soldier’s personal information and block 10 need the following statement:

"IAW AR 341-21, para 3-1a, information is being requested to verify absence of DEROG information prior to granting local security clearance and to ensure personnel meet legal standards for deployability.

Once completed, please bring the document to the PMO admin office for processing. The process should take from 3 days to 1 week. Please be patient because this is a pilot program and we are not currently staffed for the added workload that this program will bring and we need to prioritize for the other unit considerations such as security clearances, employment, arms room and immigration and overseas separation.