News & Events

December 14, 2012 | Feed the Future
The Feed the Future global hunger and food security initiative will make focused investments in agricultural research and technologies to accelerate progress against global hunger and poverty, announced Rajiv Shah, administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Press Release
February 20, 2013 | U.S. Embassy Tanzania
He attended a round table discussion with 11 private sector representatives from international and local companies that signed letters of intent to invest in the agriculture sector as part of the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, which was a result of the G8 meetings held in the United States in May 2012.
February 15, 2013 | Blog
In his State of the Union address this week, President Obama laid out a challenge for our generation to eradicate the scourge of extreme poverty. We are advancing this critical agenda through Feed the Future, the President’s signature global hunger and food security initiative. Here, we examine how.
February 15, 2013 | Office of Science & Technology Blog
In an exciting opportunity, the G-8 is inviting innovators to apply to present ideas that demonstrate how open data can be unleashed to increase food security at the G-8 International Conference on Open Data for Agriculture on April 29-30, 2013 in Washington, D.C.
February 14, 2013 | Blog
The flower bouquet you bought (or are planning to buy) for your significant other today is doing more than you think. Besides showing your special Valentine that you care, flowers are also an important commodity that is changing the lives of Kenyan farmers and improving their food security.
Field Story
February 13, 2013 | USAID FrontLines
In 2008, USAID began supporting new programs to insure East African pastoralists against the loss of livestock in case of serious drought, thereby building the resilience of these vulnerable communities. A new product—index-based livestock insurance (IBLI)—is being developed and tested in the Marsabit district of northern Kenya and the adjacent Borana region of southern Ethiopia. In these areas, pastoralists are raising over 18 million cows, goats and sheep.
Field Story
February 13, 2013 | USAID FrontLines
Hamidou Ly looked up at the sky and shook his head. For weeks, the year’s anticipated rain hadn’t arrived. Finally, one day he felt a drop, then several more, and raised his arms to the heavens. The rainy season had come, albeit late and ultimately infrequent, but Ly wasn’t worried.
Field Story
February 13, 2013 | USAID FrontLines
Better risk management requires interventions at the household, community and national levels. People, communities and governments need to be able to better assess the risk they face. They need to be able to access and use information that will allow them to better prepare for coming shocks.