News & Events

Press Release
February 20, 2013 | U.S. Embassy Tanzania
He attended a round table discussion with 11 private sector representatives from international and local companies that signed letters of intent to invest in the agriculture sector as part of the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, which was a result of the G8 meetings held in the United States in May 2012.
Press Release
February 6, 2013 | USAID Mission Central Asian Republics
Representatives from the U.S. Agency for International Development participated in a ceremony to officially open Havaskor-1 Water User Association in the Qubodiyon district of Tajikistan.
Press Release
January 24, 2013 | U.S. Embassy Tajikistan
The USAID Land Reform Project hosted an event in Dushanbe to mark the completion of a three-year project to create a market in land use rights and celebrate the major achievements of the Tajik government in advancing Land Reform.
Press Release
January 23, 2013 | USAID
The U.S. Agency for International Development signed a Memorandum of Understanding today with Ethiopia and DuPont to boost maize harvests through increased use of hybrid maize seed, improved seed distribution, and post-harvest storage.
Press Release
December 14, 2012 | U.S. Embassy Ethiopia
At the December 14 ceremony, Peace Corps Ethiopia officially initiated its collaboration with the U.S. President’s Feed the Future food security initiative.
Press Release
December 10, 2012 | U.S. Embassy Tajikistan
To further this goal, USAID helps Tajik farmers to improve irrigation water management practices, which is critical to increasing and improving agricultural production.
Press Release
December 7, 2012 | USDA
"This new research will help us solve critical production and disease constraints in common bean, the most important grain legume in human diets," said Julie Howard, Chief Scientist with USAID's Bureau for Food Security.