If you have orders to the staff of Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, congratulations and welcome aboard! Your tour with the U.S. Pacific Fleet will prove to be one of the most challenging - and rewarding - tours in your military career.

We value our military service members, Navy civilians and family members. Our sponsorship program is robust and proactive, but if for some reason you have not already received sponsorship notification - e-mail, personal letter or phone call - or a command welcome aboard package in the mail, please call our sponsorship coordinator at (808) 474-6616 or DSN 474-6616. You may also e-mail the Pass Liaison Representative (PLR) for check-in and administrative related issues.

Base Access

CAC cards are issued by PSD at the Moanalua Navy Service Center. Appointments are strongly recommended, because the waiting time for walk-ins can be up to two hours. Call (808) 471-2405 for more information.

In addition to your CAC card, many COMPACFLT facilities require a base-issued security badge. Please ask your sponsor whether you will need a badge. For more information about access to restricted areas, call (808) 471-4801.

Administrative Information

Upon arrival, your first stop in the check-in process should be with the staff's PLR, located in Building 16 on the COMPACFLT Makalapa Compound (enter through Borcher's Gate, directly across from NAVSTA Halawa Gate). Building 16 is located on top of the hill to your left (behind U.S. Pacific Fleet headquarters, Building 250). Bring your original orders, detaching endorsement, Page 2 and SGLI form, service record (for enlisted), and any receipts/documents required for your travel claim (lodging, flight itinerary, taxi, etc). This will greatly expedite the check-in process. PLR office hours are Monday through Friday from 0730 to 1630. If you arrive on the weekend or holiday you may check in with the command duty officer (CDO) in Building 352 to have your orders endorsed; however, you will require an escort. Your sponsor should be able to assist you. The CDO number is (808) 471-3201.


For information on housing, see Applying for Housing on the Navy Region Hawaii website. The Housing office and Joint Personal Property Shipping Office (JPPSO) are located in Navy Aloha Center, Building 2652, Bougainville Drive. Here is updated information on Bachelor Housing Assignment Policy for single E-3 and below. To request the entire letter, please send an e-mail to a PLR.

PSD Check-In

Personnel Support Detachment Pearl Harbor (now Navy Pay and Personnel Support Center) is located in the new Moanalua Service Center at 4827 Bougainville Drive, next door to the Navy Aloha Center (Housing Office) adjacent to the Moanalua Shopping Center. Individual, by-appointment check-ins are available with the receipts section (right side, 1st deck ) at PSD on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 0830 to 1430 and Wednesdays from 1030 to 1430. Checking in with PSD Pearl Harbor requires a reservation, which must be made at least 48 hours in advance. Staff PLR will make the reservation for you. You must check in with PLR first! If there are certain dates and/or hours you will be unavailable to check-in with PSD, please let PLR know. We cannot overstress the importance of checking in properly with PLR and PSD, as this can significantly speed up, or delay, the process of starting your station allowances and liquidating travel claims.

For check-in requirements with PSD, visit http://www.cnic.navy.mil/PearlHarbor-Hickam/InstallationGuide/PersonnelSupportDetachment/Check-InProcessing/

Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)

Personnel authorized to reside off-base will receive COLA Single or COLA with family members. Single personnel residing on-base will receive COLA Barracks, which is substantially less.

COLA varies by pay grade, years in service, number of family members and number of days in a month. It is not a flat amount like BAH. COLA will start from the date you report or the day after your temporary lodging allowance (TLA) terminates (if authorized TLA).

For specific COLA amount information:

Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)

For Sailors with family members, BAH is automatic from the date you report. If you do not report on board immediately (remain in a leave status), you will still receive BAH at the rate from your last duty station and cannot receive TLA, so it is recommended for pay purposes that you check on board and then route a leave chit or request house-hunting TAD via your directorate/chain of command. House-hunting TAD can be a maximum of five working days, but no more than 10 calendar days, including weekends and holidays, and it is non-chargeable.

Although you will check-in with the Housing office, all government Housing on Oahu is now privatized and managed by Forest City. "Privatized" means you will receive your BAH with family members at the standard rate, but you will be required to submit an allotment to Forest City for 100 percent of your authorized BAH rate. If you advance in rank/rate, you will be required to increase your allotment to match your new BAH rate

Single E-7 and above will require a Page 13, stating off-base quarters are occupied and must present a valid rental agreement. A Page 13 will be completed during the check-in process at PSD. Single E-4 thru E-6 are authorized to reside off-base and collect BAH, with valid rental agreement, Page 13 and a non-availability letter from the BEQ. Single E-3 and below must reside in the BEQ - no BAH, no exceptions.

For BAH information

Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA)

This reminder is very important. All personnel with family members must report to Family Housing Office within 72 hours (three days) after reporting for duty for determination of entitlement to Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) and availability of quarters. You cannot receive TLA unless you have checked on board COMPACFLT and terminated your leave status. Failure to comply will result in non-reimbursement of temporary lodging expenses incurred in Hawaii. Once housing has been offered and subsequently declined, TLA entitlement is terminated. Too many times, personnel are under the assumption that TLA is guaranteed for 60 days. This is incorrect and it only occurs in rare cases when military housing will be unavailable for a long period of time. TLA is paid in increments of up to 10 days each, and each extension period past 10 days requires another TLA authorization letter from Housing. Again, if you decline housing your TLA will be terminated, so most personnel receive no more than 5 or 6 days of TLA. For TLA payment, you must present your receipt clerk at PSD, or PLR, with your TLA authorization letter from Housing and your lodging receipts for the period covered.

If you are single (officer or enlisted), TLA may also be authorized, but requires a BOQ/BEQ non-availability certificate and a TLA authorization letter from Central Billeting at Gabrunas Hall, Building 1323, located on Naval Submarine Base, Pearl Harbor (enter Makalapa Gate, take first right onto North Ave, then first right up the hill. Gabrunas Hall is in the new BEQ on the hill/mountainside between Makalapa Medical Clinic and the blue ASW Training Center). TLA is substantially less for single personnel due to the requirement to berth and mess on base. TLA single is not automatic and will not be authorized for any personnel not authorized to reside off-base (all single E-3 and below).

For Sailors with family members, report in person to Navy Aloha Center (Housing Office), Building 2652, Bougainville Drive (right next door to PSD). Take a copy of your Page 2, PCS orders, and detaching endorsement from your last command. TLA with family members is substantially higher than the single rate and includes per diem and lodging expenses. Due to a recent change, you may receive BAH with family members and TLA at the same time; however, your COLA with family members cannot start until TLA is completed. To contact Housing, call (808) 474-1800/1903/1904. For a list of TLA authorized hotels/locations, visit http://www.cnic.navy.mil/HAWAII/AboutUs/VisitingHawaii/CNICD_A072828

For Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) information:

Basic Subsistence Allowance (BAS/COMRATS)

BAS will be paid to all personnel authorized to reside off-base; however, all single E-6 and below personnel must receive approval from the Naval Station galley office (next to Silver Dolphin Bistro/Galley on SUBASE) in addition to the separate BAH approval from Gabrunas Hall. Approval is not automatic and will not be granted for single personnel residing in the BEQ (as government messing is mandatory).

Dislocation Allowance (DLA)

If you're moving from anywhere other than Oahu, you should be entitled to DLA. DLA is a one-time, flat-rate payment. You may elect to accept DLA in advance before you transfer to COMPACFLT at your current duty station, or you may request payment on your travel claim after arrival.

If you have family members, but they will be arriving late (more than a month after you report), it is recommended to either: 1) Do not accept advance DLA or 2) request the single vice with dependent rate and claim the difference later. Reasoning: PSD may try to recoup DLA with family members when your travel claim is submitted, since your family members have not relocated, but DLA was paid specifically for that purpose. DLA rates may be found on the same Web site as BAH and COLA listed above. Single members who are not authorized household goods shipment may be denied DLA (i.e. single E-3 and below). If your family members arrive after you, you must submit a separate dependent travel claim for dependent per diem, travel expenses, and/or DLA (if not paid in advance).

Other Information

For information on each of the following, please visit the respective links:

Registering Your Car

  • Obtain no-fault Hawaii State insurance
  • Have your vehicle undergo a safety inspection by agencies authorized by the Hawaii Motor Vehicle Department. Military auto hobby shops and repair facilities offer the best rates, but there are dozens of authorized locations on the island.
  • Obtain a CS-L (MVR) 50 (non-resident) form from PLR if your state of residence is not Hawaii. Don't register your vehicles without this form; it will save you money.
  • Bring car title, safety inspection certificate, CS-L (MVR) 50 form, and no-fault insurance certificate to the City and County of Honolulu Motor Vehicle Division. Only cash and checks are accepted; they do not accept credit cards.
  • Visit http://www.honolulu.gov/csd/satellite/ for a list of DMV locations.

Specifics for vehicle registration, driver's licenses and locations for city services may be found at http://www.honolulu.gov/csd/.

For more information on other City and County of Honolulu organizations: http://www.honolulu.gov

Page updated: May 15, 2012