Survey Forms

All survey forms used by EIA to collect energy data are listed below. The forms include descriptions and links to survey instructions and additional information.

All survey forms by form number (and title)
EIA-1, Weekly Coal Monitoring Report--General Industries and Blast Furnaces (Standby Form)
EIA-3, Quarterly Coal Consumption and Quality Report, Manufacturing and Transformation/Processing Coal Plants and Commercial and Institutional Coal Users
EIA-4, Weekly Coal Monitoring Report--Coke Plants (Standby Form)
EIA-5, Quarterly Coal Consumption and Quality Report, Coke Plants
EIA-6Q, Quarterly Coal Report (Standby)
EIA-7A, Coal Production and Preparation Report
EIA-8A, Coal Stocks Report - Annual
EIA-14, Refiners' Monthly Cost Report
EIA-20, Weekly Coal Monitoring Report, Coal Burning Utilities and Independent Power Producers (Standby Form)
EIA-22M, Monthly Biodiesel Production Survey
EIA-23L, Annual Survey of Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves (Field Version)
EIA-23S, Annual Survey of Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves (Summary Version)
EIA-28, Financial Reporting System
EIA-63A, Annual Solar Thermal Collector/Reflector Shipments Report (Suspended)
EIA-63B, Annual Photovoltaic Cell/Module Shipments Report
EIA-64A, Annual Report of the Origin of Natural Gas Liquids Production
EIA-176, Annual Report of Natural and Supplemental Gas Supply and Disposition
EIA-182, Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Report
EIA-191, Monthly Underground Gas Storage Report
EIA-411, Coordinated Bulk Power Supply Program Report
EIA-457A-N, Residential Energy Consumption Survey
EIA-757, Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey
EIA-782A, Refiners'/Gas Plant Operators' Monthly Petroleum Product Sales Report
EIA-782B, Resellers'/Retailers' Monthly Petroleum Product Sales Report (Suspended)
EIA-782C, Monthly Report of Prime Supplier Sales of Petroleum Products Sold for Local Consumption
EIA-800, Weekly Refinery and Fractionator Report
EIA-801, Weekly Bulk Terminal Report
EIA-802, Weekly Product Pipeline Report
EIA-803, Weekly Crude Oil Stocks Report
EIA-804, Weekly Imports Report
EIA-805, Weekly Bulk Terminal and Blender Report
EIA-809, Weekly Oxygenate Report
EIA-810, Monthly Refinery Report
EIA-812, Monthly Product Pipeline Report
EIA-813, Monthly Crude Oil Report
EIA-814, Monthly Imports Report
EIA-815, Monthly Bulk Terminal and Blender Report
EIA-816, Monthly Natural Gas Liquids Report
EIA-817, Monthly Tanker and Barge Movement Report
EIA-819, Monthly Oxygenate Report
EIA-820, Annual Refinery Report
EIA-821, Annual Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report
EIA-826, Monthly Electric Utility Sales and Revenue Report with State Distributions
EIA-846(A,B,C), Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey
EIA-851A, Domestic Uranium Production Report (Annual)
EIA-851Q, Domestic Uranium Production Report (Quarterly)
EIA-856, Monthly Foreign Crude Oil Acquisition Report
EIA-857, Monthly Report of Natural Gas Purchases and Deliveries to Consumers
EIA-858, Uranium Marketing Annual Survey
EIA-860, Annual Electric Generator Report
EIA-860M, Monthly Update to the Annual Electric Generator Report
EIA-861, Annual Electric Power Industry Report
EIA-861S, Annual Electric Power Industry Report (Short Form)
EIA-863, Petroleum Product Sales Identification Survey (Suspended)
EIA-871A/I, Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey
EIA-877, Winter Heating Fuels Telephone Survey
EIA-878, Motor Gasoline Price Survey
EIA-882T, Generic Clearance for Questionnaire Testing, Evaluation, and Research
EIA-886, Annual Survey of Alternative Fueled Vehicles
EIA-888, On-Highway Diesel Fuel Price Survey
EIA-902, Annual Geothermal Heat Pump Shipments Report (Suspended)
EIA-910, Monthly Natural Gas Marketers Survey
EIA-912, Weekly Underground Natural Gas Storage Report
EIA-914, Monthly Natural Gas Production Report
EIA-915, Monthly Gas Processing and Liquids Report (Proposed)
EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report
EIA-1605, Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases (Suspended)
FE-746R, Import and Export of Natural Gas
GC-859, Nuclear Fuel Data Survey (Proposed)
NWPA-830G, Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste - Appendix G and Annex A to Appendix G
OE-417, Electric Emergency Incident and Disturbance Report
OE-781R, Monthly Electricity Imports and Exports Report (Suspended)
DOE-887, DOE Customer Surveys
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Various Collections of Information on Electricity, Natural Gas, Hydroelectric Power, and Oil
Alternative fuel









On Occassion:

Natural gas




Standby :








Uranium (including nuclear)




Energy consuming end-use sector




On Occasion:


Individual Form Descriptions

Form Number
Survey Manager
email and phone

Weekly Coal Monitoring Report - General Industries and Blast Furnaces (Standby Form)
Will collect information to track coal and coke stocks, receipts and consumption in the manufacturing sector during coal supply disruptions.


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In conjunction with data on Forms EIA-4 and EIA-20, EIA-1 data would be used for supply forecasts and to inform the public, the industry, and the Government of aggregated coal consumption and inventories. Respondents would be a selected sample of manufacturing plants that consume coal for all uses other than coke production.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly when implemented
Number of Respondents: Standby form, number will be determined at time of use
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

PDF Nick Paduano
(202) 586-6326

Quarterly Coal Consumption and Quality Report, Manufacturing and Transformation/Processing Coal Plants and Commercial and Institutional Coal Users
Utilized to collect coal consumption data from U.S. manufacturers, transformation and processing plants, and commercial and institutional users. Information collected includes coal consumption, stocks, and receipts.

Instructions   |   EIA-3 IDC Users Guide   |   Frequently Asked Questions

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For coal received during the quarter, information is collected on origin, quantity, transportation mode, quality (i.e., Btu, sulfur, and ash contents), and cost. For coal transformed during the quarter, information is collected on Schedules G (gasification), L (liquefaction), R (coal refining) and Schedule S (synfuel). Respondents consume an excess of 1,000 short tons of anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous coal or lignite for uses other than coke production during the year. Data from the Form EIA-3 appear in the EIA publications, Quarterly Coal Report, Monthly Energy Review, Annual Energy Review, and the Annual Coal Report. In addition, the EIA uses the data for coal supply analyses and short-term modeling. For help in determining coal origins (counties) for the EIA-3 form in east Kentucky, west Kentucky, north West Virginia, and south West Virginia for the EIA-3 forms, see the following maps. (East and West Kentucky map) (North and South West Virginia map).

For help with on-line form submission, see the Users Guide or contact the IDC registration help email,

Frequency of Collection: Quarterly
Number of Respondents: 493
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Tejasvi Raghuveer
(202) 586-8926

Weekly Coal Monitoring Report - Coke Plants (Standby Form)
Standby Form EIA-4 will collect information used to track coal stocks, receipts and consumption, and coke stocks during a coal supply disruption.


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In conjunction with Forms EIA-1 and EIA-20 data, EIA-4 data would be used for supply forecasts and to inform the public, the industry, and the Government of aggregated coal consumption and inventories. Respondents will be producers of coke.

PDF Nick Paduano
(202) 586-6326
EIA-5 Quarterly Coal Consumption and Quality Report, Coke Plants

Collects data on coal receipts, costs, carbonization, and stocks, as well as coke and breeze production, distribution, stocks, and total revenues from commercial sales at all U.S. coke plants.

Instructions   |   EIA-5 IDC Users Guide   |   Frequently Asked Questions

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For coal received during the quarter, information is collected on origin, quantity, transportation mode, quality (i.e., volatility, sulfur, and ash contents), and cost. The data are collected to provide basic statistics used by public and private analysts. Respondents are all U.S. coke plants. Data from the EIA-5 form appear in the EIA publications, Quarterly Coal Report, Monthly Energy Review, Annual Energy Review, and the Annual Coal Report. In addition, EIA uses the data for coal supply analyses and in short-term modeling efforts requested by Congress that forecast coal supply, prices, and environmental quality. For help in determining coal origins (counties) for the EIA-5 form in east Kentucky, west Kentucky, north West Virginia, and south West Virginia for the EIA-5 forms, see the following maps. (East and West Kentucky map) (North and South West Virginia map)

For help with on-line form submission, see the Users Guide or contact the IDC registration help email,

Frequency of Collection: Quarterly
Number of Respondents: 19
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Tejasvi Raghuveer
(202) 586-8926
EIA-6Q Quarterly Coal Report (Standby)

Provides coal production and stocks data from U.S. coal mining companies and stocks data from distributors that do not produce coal.


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The information is currently available from the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and EIA is using the MSHA data. If at some point in the future the MSHA data are no longer available, EIA would reinstate use of Form EIA-6Q. The information would be used for publications, analyses, and statistical reports. Data collected would include production and end-of-quarter stocks by state of origin. Respondents would be all companies that produced in excess of 30,000 short tons of coal during the year defined by the current reporting quarter and the previous three reporting quarters. In addition, respondents would include all non-producing coal companies (distributors) that average 10,000 or more short tons of coal stocks per quarter.

Number of Respondents: Standby form, number will be determined at time of use
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Sundar Thapa
(202) 586-3836
EIA-7A Coal Production and Preparation Report

Collects data on coal production operations, locations, productive capacities, coal beds mined, reserves, and disposition (volumes and revenues received). For coal preparation, information collected includes operations, locations, productive capacity, disposition, and coal prepared. The information is disseminated in EIA reports and analyses used by public and private analysts.

General Instructions    |   Special Instructions for Location Datum (PDF)    |   EIA-7A SSO Registration Guide    |   EIA-7A Users Guide   |   Frequently Asked Questions

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Respondents are all U.S. coal mining companies that owned a mining operation which produced and/or processed 10,000 or more short tons of coal. Stand-alone facilities (i.e., coal preparation plants, tipples, loading docks, and train loadout facilities) that recorded at least 5,000 person-hours of labor must also report.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 1,279
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(b), 5(a), 52

Mine only form
Co-located mine and preparation plant/tipple form
Preparation plant/other facilities form

Paulette Young
(202) 586-1719
EIA-8A Coal Stocks Report - Annual

Collects coal stocks data for publications, analyses, and statistical reports used by public and private analysts. Data collected include coal stocks by state location.

Instructions   |   Frequently Asked Questions

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Respondents are U.S. coal brokers, coal traders and coal terminals that owned stocks of 10,000 or more tons of coal at the end of the reporting year. Companies that take custody (physical possession) of the coal and transport but never own the coal need not report.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 94
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52


Paulette Young
(202) 586-1719
EIA-14 Refiners' Monthly Cost Report

Collects data on the weighted cost of crude oil at the regional Petroleum for Administration Defense District (PADD) level at which the crude oil is booked into a refinery.


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The resulting statistics are disseminated for use by public and private analysts. Respondents are petroleum refiners.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 70
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52; Public Law 94-163 (Energy Policy and Conservation Act), Sec. 507

Elizabeth Scott
(202) 586-1258
EIA-20 Weekly Coal Monitoring Report, Coal Burning Utilities and Independent Power Producers (Standby Form)

Would be used to collect information to track coal stocks, receipts, and consumption at electric utilities during coal supply disruptions.


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In conjunction with Forms EIA-1 and EIA-4 data, EIA-20 data would be used to inform the public, the industry, and the Government of aggregate coal data. Respondents would be coal-consuming electric utilities.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly when implemented
Number of Respondents: Standby form, number will be determined at time of use
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Nick Paduano
(202) 586-6326
EIA-22M Monthly Biodiesel Production Survey

Form EIA-22M collects information on biodiesel production at U.S. plants.


Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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Information canvassed includes monthly B100 and co-product production, inputs to B100 production, B100 stocks, sales of B100 and blended biodiesel to end users and for resale, and end-use sales of biodiesel for on- and off-road transportation, heating, and other uses and annual plant production capacity. These data contribute to EIA's total energy accounting system and are used to track domestic biodiesel production as well as provide insight into industry production activities and trends. Data are published on a national, regional, and state level for Government and non-Government use. Respondents are producers of biodiesel that meets ASTM D 6751-07B specifications and used for commercial purposes.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 135
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b); Public Law 109-58 (Energy Policy Act of 2005)

Chris Buckner
(202) 586-6670
EIA-23L Annual Survey of Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves (Field Version)

Collects data on reserves of crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids. These data are used to develop national and regional estimates of proved reserves of domestic crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids, and to facilitate national energy policy decisions.


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Data are provided on proved reserves and production of crude oil, natural gas (associated-dissolved and nonassociated), and lease condensate. Respondents are all well operators who produce annually at least 400,000 barrels of crude oil and/or 2 billion cubic feet of gas. These large and mid-size operators report on a field-level basis.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 696
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 15, 5(a), 5(b), 52

Steven G. Grape
(202) 586-1868
(For general form questions or to request a copy, call 1-800-879-1470)
EIA-23S Annual Survey of Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves (Summary Version)

Collects data from a sample of small operators on reserves of crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids. These data are summary reports at a State or geographic subdivision level.


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Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 645
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 15, 5(a), 5(b), 52

Steven G. Grape
(202) 586-1868
(For general form questions or to request a copy, call 1-800-879-1470)
EIA-28 Financial Reporting System (Suspended)

The Energy Information Administration has suspended Form EIA-28, "Financial Reporting System," and will not be collecting 2011 data on the currently approved form. Historically, The Financial Reporting System (FRS) was designed to permit review of the functional performance of the major U.S. energy-producing companies in total, as well as by specific functions and geographic areas of operation.


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Redesign of the form has begun and is expected to conclude in late 2012. Data collection is expected to resume in 2013 with the collection of 2012 data, following approval by the Office of Management and Budget. Please watch the Federal Register for an announcement of the comment period prior to the redesigned form's approval.

Form EIA-28EA
Neal Davis
(202) 586-6581
EIA-63A Annual Solar Thermal Collector/Reflector Shipments Report (Suspended)

Collects information on shipments of solar thermal collectors.


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Data are collected by end use and market sector. Collector types include low-temperature, medium-temperature air, medium-temperature liquid, high temperature, and other. The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts. Respondents are manufacturers, importers, and exporters of solar thermal collectors.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 111
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(b), 5(a), 52

Peter Wong
(202) 586-7574
EIA-63B Annual Photovoltaic Cell/Module Shipments Report

Collects information on shipments of photovoltaic modules/cells.


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Data are collected by end use and market sector. Module/cell types include crystalline silicon, thin film, concentrator, and other. The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts. Respondents are manufacturers, importers, and exporters of photovoltaic modules/cells.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 149
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(b), 5(a), 52

Peter Wong
(202) 586-7574
EIA-64A Annual Report of the Origin of Natural Gas Liquids Production

Form EIA-64A collects data that are used to estimate natural gas plant liquids production and reserves by State and region.


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Data collected are plant and respondent identification, origin of natural gas received, natural gas plant liquids produced, and gas shrinkage resulting from natural gas plant liquids extraction. The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts. Respondents are natural gas processing plant operators.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 527
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Steven Grape
(202) 586-1868
EIA-176 Annual Report of Natural and Supplemental Gas Supply and Disposition

Data collected include the origin of natural gas supplies and the disposition of natural gas on a State basis. Respondents include natural and synthetic gas producers, processors, distributors, storage.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions

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Data collected are plant and respondent identification, origin of natural gas received, natural gas plant liquids produced, and gas shrinkage resulting from natural gas plant liquids extraction. The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts. Respondents are natural gas processing plant operators.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 1,300
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Amy Sweeney
(202) 586-2627
EIA-182 Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Report

Collects data on the first marketed price of domestic crude oil streams after production (i.e., wellhead price).


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Federal agencies and market analysts incorporate the data in diverse time-series, models, and cost indices. State-level data are useful for estimating current and proposed tax revenues and crude oil production volumes. Corporate planners and industry consultants use the data to forecast market respons. Data are supplied by all firms that acquire domestic crude oil through a first purchase and assume (or retain) ownership of domestic crude oil as it leaves the lease on which it was produced.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 87
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52; Public Law 94-163 (Energy Policy and Conservation Act), Sec. 507

David Gatton
(202) 586-5995
EIA-191 Monthly Underground Gas Storage Report

Working and base gas in reservoirs, injections, withdrawals, and location of reservoirs are reported by operators of all underground natural gas storage fields on a monthly basis.


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Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 122
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Sharon Belcher
(202) 586-6119
EIA-411 Coordinated Bulk Power Supply Program Report

Collects information about regional electricity supply and demand projections for a 10-year advance period and information on the bulk power transmission system and supporting facilities.

Instructions  |   Instructions

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The data collected are used to monitor the current status and trends of the electric power industry and to evaluate the future of the industry. Each of the Regional Entities of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) is asked to submit Form EIA-411, compiled from data furnished by utilities and other electricity suppliers within their regional areas.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 8 North American Electric Reliability Corporation Regional Entities report for members participating in electrical system operations and high-voltage bulk power transmission
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory for all schedules. Where subregions exist, a subregional submittal is required.
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b).

Orhan Yildiz
(202) 586-5410
EIA-412 Annual Electric Industry Financial Report (Terminated)

Collected income statements, balance sheets, sales and purchases, and transmission line data from various electric industry entities in the United States.

Instructions  |   Instructions

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This form was terminated in 2005 due to budget limitations. The latest data collected were for 2003.


EIA-423 Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report (Terminated)
merged into EIA-923

Collected cost and quality data for fossil fuels delivered to nonutility plants to produce electricity. These plants include independent power producers and combined heat and power (CHP) plants.

Instructions  |   Instructions

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In 2008, EIA consolidated six data collection forms into two forms — the EIA-860 and EIA-923. This benefitted electricity generators because it reduced the number of forms they were required to submit. It benefitted EIA and taxpayers because it streamlined the collection process for better efficiency.


EIA-457 A-N Residential Energy Consumption Survey

Collects comprehensive national and regional data on both the consumption of and expenditures for energy in the residential sector of the economy.

[+] See more including additional cycle years

Data are used for analyzing and forecasting residential energy consumption. Housing, appliance, and demographic characteristics data are collected via personal interviews with households, and consumption and expenditure billing data are collected from the energy suppliers. End-use intensities are produced for space heating, water heating, air conditioning, refrigerators, and appliances. Rental agents are contacted by telephone to check on fuels used in rented units. Surveys were conducted in 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1997, 2001, and 2005. The next survey is scheduled for 2009.

Previous cycles

Frequency of Collection: Quadrennially
Number of Respondents: 15,400
Reporting Requirement: Voluntary (for households and their rental agents, landlords, and apartment managers) and Mandatory (for energy suppliers)
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

James Berry
(202) 586-5543
EIA-757 Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey

Detailed plant-level information is collected on the capacity, status, and operations of natural gas processing plants to monitor supply constraints during periods of disruption due to a natural disaster, such as a hurricane.


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Schedule A:Detailed plant level information is collected on capacity, status, and operations of all natural gas processing plants in the United States at most every 3 years.

Schedule B: In the instance of a hurricane or acute natural disaster, information is collected on the operational status of natural gas processing plants located in the area of supply disruption. The survey sample is selected based on plant capacity and proximity to the disaster.

Frequency of Collection: Schedule A: Every 3 years; Schedule B: During an emergency situation
Number of Respondents: Schedule A: 500; Schedule B: To be determined
Reporting Requirement: Schedule A and B: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b)

Schedule A:

Schedule B:

Michael Kopalek
(202) 586-4001
EIA-767 Steam-Electric Plant Operation and Design Report (Terminated)
merged into EIA-923 and EIA-860

Collected plant configuration, byproduct disposition, financial information, fuel consumption and quality, and air emission standards and controls from all U.S. plants with a total existing or planned organic-fueled or combustible renewable steam electric unit that has a generator nameplate rating of 10 megawatts or larger

Instructions  |   Instructions

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In 2008, EIA consolidated six data collection forms into two forms — the EIA-860 and EIA-923. This benefitted electricity generators because it reduced the number of forms they were required to submit. It benefitted EIA and taxpayers because it streamlined the collection process for better efficiency.


EIA-782A Refiners'/Gas Plant Operators' Monthly Petroleum Product Sales Report

Price and volume data at the State level for 14 petroleum products for various retail and wholesale marketing categories are reported by the universe of refiners and gas plant operators.

Instructions  |   Reference Guide (PDF)  |   EIA-782A Exclusionary List

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This information is published at various aggregation levels and is used by EIA to perform analyses and make projections related to energy supplies, demand, and prices.Form EIA-782A respondents include all refiners and gas plant operators.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 100
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52; Public Law 94-163 (Energy Policy and Conservation Act), Sec. 507; Public Law 102-486 (Energy Policy Act of 1992), Sec. 407(a)(3)

Maureen Klein
(202) 586-8013
EIA-782B Resellers'/Retailers' Monthly Petroleum Product Sales Report (Suspended)

Price and volume data at the State level for gasoline, No. 2 distillate, propane, and residual fuel are reported by a sample of distillate fuel oil resellers and retailers, motor gasoline wholesalers, and residual fuel oil resellers and retailers.

Instructions  |   Reference Guide (PDF)  |   EIA-782B Exclusionary List

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This information is published at various aggregate levels and is used by EIA to perform analyses and make projections related to energy supplies, demand, and prices. Form EIA-782B is collected from a sample of distillate fuel oil resellers and retailers, motor gasoline wholesalers, and residual fuel oil resellers and retailers.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 2,000
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52; Public Law 94-163 (Energy Policy and Conservation Act), Sec. 507; Public Law 102-486 (Energy Policy Act of 1992), Sec. 407(a)(3)

Maureen Klein
(202) 586-8013
EIA-782C Monthly Report of Prime Supplier Sales of Petroleum Products Sold for Local Consumption

Prime supplier sales of selected petroleum products into the local markets of ultimate consumption are reported by refiners, gas plant operators, importers, petroleum product resellers, and petroleum product retailers that produce, import, or transport product across State boundaries and local marketing areas and sell the product to local distributors, local retailers, or end users.

Instructions  |   EIA-782C Exclusionary List

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This information is used by EIA to perform analyses and make projections related to energy supplies and demand.A firm that produces, imports, or transports product across State boundaries and local marketing areas and sells the product to local distributors, local retailers, or end users must complete Form EIA-782C.Respondents include refiners, gas plant operators, importers, petroleum product resellers, and petroleum product retailers.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 195
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52; Public Law 94-163 (Energy Policy and Conservation Act), Sec. 507

Maureen Klein
(202) 586-8013
EIA-800 Weekly Refinery and Fractionator Report

Input and stocks of refinery feedstocks as well as inputs, production, and stocks of selected finished petroleum products are collected from a sample of operators of petroleum refineries and fractionators.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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Collects data on the operations of petroleum refineries and fractionators.Data include input and stocks of refinery feedstocks and net production and stocks of selected finished petroleum products. The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts.Data are collected from a sample of operators of petroleum refineries and fractionators.

Frequency of Collection:Weekly
Number of Respondents: 136
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation:Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

James Beck
(202) 586-3307
EIA-801 Weekly Bulk Terminal Report

End-of-week stocks levels of selected finished petroleum products which include NGPLs and LRGs (including propane/propylene), fuel ethanol, finished motor gasoline, motor gasoline blending components, kerosene-type jet fuel, kerosene, distillate fuel oil by sulphur content, residual fuel oil, and asphalt and road oil are collected from a sample of bulk terminal operators on a Petroleum Administration for Defense (PAD) District and sub-PAD District basis.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice

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The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts.Data are collected from a sample of bulk terminal operators on a Petroleum Administration for Defense (PAD) District and sub-PAD District basis.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly
Number of Respondents: 115
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

James Beck
(202) 586-3307
EIA-802 Weekly Product Pipeline Report

End-of-week stock levels of selected petroleum products which include stocks of NGPLs and LRGs (including propane/propylene), fuel ethanol, finished motor gasoline, motor gasoline blending components, kerosene-type jet fuel, kerosene, and distillate fuel oil by sulphur content are collected from a sample of petroleum product pipeline companies on a PAD and sub-PAD District basis.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

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Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts.Data are collected from a sample of petroleum product pipeline companies on a PAD and sub-PAD District basis.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly
Number of Respondents: 48
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52
James Beck
(202) 586-3307
EIA-803 Weekly Crude Oil Stocks Report

End-of-week crude oil stocks by PAD District, stocks of Alaskan crude oil in transit by water and stocks at Cushing, Oklahoma; are reported by a sample of gathering and trunk pipeline companies (interstate, intrastate, and intracompany pipelines), crude oil producers, terminal operators, storers of crude oil (except refineries), and transporters of Alaskan crude oil by water.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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Data are reported on a custody basis.The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts.Respondents are gathering and trunk pipeline companies (interstate, intrastate, and intracompany pipelines), crude oil producers, terminal operators, storers of crude oil (except refineries), and transporters of Alaskan crude oil by water. Data are reported by a sample of companies that carry or store 1,000 barrels or more of crude oil.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly
Number of Respondents: 59
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

James Beck
(202) 586-3307
EIA-804 Weekly Imports Report

Imports of crude oil, (including imports for delivery to the SPR), NGPLs and LRGs (including propane/propylene), fuel ethanol, finished motor gasoline, motor gasoline blending components, kerosene-type jet fuel, kerosene, distillated fuel oil by sulphur content, residual fuel oil, and other petroleum products are provided by a sample of importers on a PAD and sub-PAD district.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts.These data are provided by a sample of importers of record who import petroleum into the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly
Number of Respondents: 115
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

James Beck
(202) 586-3307
EIA-805 Weekly Bulk Terminal and Blender Report

Input and production of oxygenates, renewable fuels (including fuel ethanol), NGPLs and LRGs, finished motor gasoline, motor gasoline blending components, kerosene-type jet fuel, kerosene, and distillate fuel oil by sulfur content, are collected from a sample of terminal blenders.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts to monitor the supply of finished motor gasoline and motor gasoline blending components. Respondents are a sample of operators of motor gasoline blending plants.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly
Number of Respondents: 335
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

James Beck
(202) 586-3307
EIA-809 Weekly Oxygenate Report

Denatured and undenatured fuel ethanol production and end-of-week stocks are reported by a sample of all facilities that produce fuel ethanol.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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Respondents are all operators of facilities that produce fuel ethanol located in the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly
Number of Respondents: 125
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

James Beck
(202) 586-3307
EIA-810 Monthly Refinery Report

Collects information regarding the balance between the supply (beginning stocks, receipts, and production) and disposition (inputs, shipments, fuel use and losses, and ending stocks) of crude oil and refined products located at refineries.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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In addition, storage capacity is collected for working, shell in operation, and shell idle for several major product groupings. The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts. Data are provided by all operating and idle refineries, as well as blending terminals located in the 50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and other U.S. possessions.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 203
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Julie Harris
(202) 586-6281
EIA-812 Monthly Product Pipeline Report

End-of-month stock levels and movements of petroleum products transported by pipeline are reported on a custody basis by all product pipeline companies.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions  |   Tutorial

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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Data include stocks of products in pipelines and working tanks, as well as movements of products between PAD Districts. The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts.Data are reported on a custody basis by all product pipeline companies.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 76
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

John Duff
(202) 586-9612
EIA-813 Monthly Crude Oil Report

Collects information on end-of-month stocks of crude oil, by PAD District, at pipeline/tank farms, on leases, in Cushing Oklahoma and Alaskan crude oil in transit by water. In addition, receipts of domestic crude oil by the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, movements of crude oil by pipeline between PAD Districts and storage capacity are collected for working, shell in operation, and shell idle.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts. Data are collected from all companies which carry or store 1,000 barrels or more of crude oil. Respondents are gathering and trunk pipeline companies (including interstate, intrastate, and intracompany pipelines), crude oil producers, terminal operators, storers of crude oil (except refineries), and companies transporting crude oil by water in the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 137
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Mark Mayo
(202) 586-3536
EIA-814 Monthly Imports Report

Collects data on imports of crude oil and/or petroleum products. The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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Data are filed by each importer of record who imports crude oil or petroleum products into the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands other U.S. possessions, and Foreign Trade Zones located in the 50 States and DC; and from Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and U.S. possessions into the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 372
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Sylvia Norris
(202) 586-6106
EIA-815 Monthly Bulk Terminal and Blender Report

Collects information on the balance between the supply (beginning stocks, receipts, and production), and disposition (inputs, shipments, fuel use and losses, and ending stocks) of refined products and renewable fuels from bulk terminals. In addition, storage capacity is collected for working, shell in operation, and shell idle for several major product groupings.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts. Respondents are operators of bulk terminals located in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and other U.S. possessions. Bulk terminals are defined as primarily used for storage, marketing, and often blending of petroleum products and renewable fuels with a total bulk shell storage capacity of 50,000 barrels or more, and/or receives petroleum products by tanker, barge, or pipeline.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 1504
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Mark Mayo
(202) 586-3536
EIA-816 Monthly Natural Gas Liquids Report

Collects information regarding the balance between the supply (beginning stocks, receipts, and production) and disposition (input, shipments, fuel use and losses, and ending stocks) of natural gas liquids.

Instructions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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In addition, conversion of normal butane to isobutane at isomerization plants is also reported. The data are used to report aggregate statistics on, and conduct analyses of, the operation of U.S. natural gas processing plants and fractionators. Data are reported by operators of all facilities designed to extract liquid hydrocarbons from a natural gas stream (natural gas processing plants) and/or to separate a liquid hydrocarbon stream into its component products (fractionators).

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 426
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Susan Lord
(202) 586-7484
EIA-817 Monthly Tanker and Barge Movement Report

Shipments of crude oil and petroleum products between PAD Districts are reported by all companies that have custody of crude oil or petroleum products transported by tanker or barge.

Instructions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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Also, companies that have custody of crude oil or petroleum products originating from a PAD District and transported to the Panama Canal with the intent that the crude oil or petroleum products be further transported to another PAD District must report. The information is used in computing domestic demand for petroleum products by PAD Districts and to forecast short-term petroleum demand. Respondents are all companies that have custody of crude oil or petroleum products transported by tanker or barge between PAD Districts.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 35
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Susan Lord
(202) 586-7484
EIA-819 Monthly Oxygenate Report

Collects information on fuel ethanol production capacity (Nameplate), fuel ethanol production, ending stocks, gasoline blending at fuel ethanol plants and production and ending stocks of other oxygenates and storage capacity of fuel ethanol.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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The resulting statistics are used by public and private analysts. Respondents are all facilities that produce (manufacture or distill) oxygenates, including ethanol plants, MTBE plants, petrochemical plants, and refineries that produce oxygenates as part of their operations located in the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 197
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

John Duff
(202) 586-9612
EIA-820 Annual Refinery Report

Collects data on: fuel, electricity, and steam purchased for consumption at the refinery; refinery receipts of crude oil by method of transportation; current and projected capacities for atmospheric crude oil distillation, downstream charge, and production capacities.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions  |   Definitions

Comment on proposed survey form revisions:
Federal Register Notice   |   Instructions   |   Form

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Data are used to conduct analyses of the operation of U.S. petroleum refineries. Respondents are operators of all operating and idle petroleum refineries (including new refineries under construction) and refineries shut down during the previous year, located in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and other U.S. possessions.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 151
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Julie Harris
(202) 586-6281
EIA-821 Annual Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report

Sales of distillate and residual fuel oils and kerosene by end use and State of destination are reported by a sample of fuel oil dealers in the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Data on the sales of motor gasoline and propane are collected on the same cycle as the EIA-863.

Instructions  |   Reference Guide

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The data, which are published by EIA, are used to determine current and projected fuel oil needs on national, regional, and State levels.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 4,334
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Daniel Walzer
(202) 586-3511
EIA-826 Monthly Electric Utility Sales and Revenue Report with State Distributions

Collects information from utilities and nonutility companies that sell or deliver electric power to end users, including electric utilities, energy service providers, and distribution companies. Data collected include retail sales and revenue for all end-use sectors (residential, commercial, industrial and transportation).

Instructions  |   Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions

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The data from this form appear in the various EIA information products and are used by public and private analysts to monitor the current status and trends of the electric power industry and to evaluate the future of the industry. The Form EIA-826 is completed by a sample of electric utilities, energy service providers, and distribution companies that sell or distribute electric power to end users chosen from the respondent frame of the Form EIA-861, Annual Electric Power Industry Report. Form EIA-861 collects retail sales of electricity and associated revenue from all electric utilities, energy service providers and distribution companies in the United States on an annual basis.

Survey respondents should submit data electronically using EIA’s secure Internet data collection system.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 500
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b).

Charlene Harris-Russell
(202) 586-2661
EIA-846(A,B) Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey

Collect information on energy consumption and, energy usage patternsof the manufacturing sector of the U.S. economy. The information from this survey is used to publish aggregate statistics on the consumption of energy for fuel and nonfuel purposes, as well as certain energy-related issues such as energy prices, on-site electricity generation, purchases of electricity from utilities and nonutilities, and, occasionally, the capability to switch fuels.

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Since 1991, the survey has also collected information on end users of energy, participation in energy management programs, and penetration of new technologies. Respondents are a sample of manufacturing establishments.

Previous editions:

Frequency of Collection: Quadrennially
Number of Respondents: 15,500
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(b), 5(a), and 52; Public Law 95-91 (Department of Energy Organization Act, Sec. 205(i)


Robert Adler
(202) 586-1134

Tom Lorenz
(202) 586-3442

EIA-851A Domestic Uranium Production Report (Annual)

Collects data on uranium milling and processing, uranium feed sources, employment, drilling, expenditures (for drilling, production ,and land/other), and uranium mining. The data are used by public and private analysts to monitor the domestic uranium mining and milling industry.


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Form EIA-851A is completed by uranium producers and firms with uranium exploration, drilling, mining, and reclamation activities in the U.S. (that is, within the 50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and other U.S. possessions) during the survey year.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 76
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Douglas Bonnar
(202) 586-1085
EIA-851Q Domestic Uranium Production Report (Quarterly)

Collects data on monthly uranium production and sources (mines and other). The data are used by public and private analysts to monitor the domestic uranium in-situ-leach and milling industry. U.S. uranium producers report on the EIA-851Q.


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Frequency of Collection: Quarterly
Number of Respondents: 15
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Douglas Bonnar
(202) 586-1085
EIA-856 Monthly Foreign Crude Oil Acquisition Report

Costs of foreign crude oil acquired for importation into the United States, its territories and possessions are reported by all firms reporting previously on Form ERA-51, "Transfer Pricing Report," as of June 1982, and all other firms importing 500,000 barrels of foreign crude oil during the report month.

Instructions  |  Appendix A Crude Stream Codes  |  Appendix B U.S. Port Codes

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These data are used as follows: to calculate price indices by the Bureau of Labor Statistics; in analyses of consumption, production, and prices of fuels worldwide; and in modeling and forecasting. Data collected include crude oil transactions, country crude code, crude type, gravity, date of loading/landing, port of destination, vessel, volume purchased, purchase price, other costs, landed cost, number of days credit (reporting is optional), and name of vendor.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 43
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52; Public Law 94-163 (Energy Policy and Conservation Act), Sec. 252, 253, 254 and 507

Elizabeth Scott
(202) 586-1258
EIA-857 Monthly Report of Natural Gas Purchases and Deliveries to Consumers

Volume and cost data on natural gas delivered to residential, commercial, and industrial consumers are reported by a sample of natural gas companies that deliver to consumers in the United States.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions

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The data, which are published by EIA, are used to determine current and projected fuel oil needs on national, regional, and State levels.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 395
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Jennifer Wade
(202) 586-4749
EIA-858 Uranium Marketing Annual Survey

Collects data on contracts, deliveries (during the report year and projected for the next ten years), enrichment services purchased, inventories, use in fuel assemblies, feed deliveries to enrichers (during the report year and projected for the next ten years), and unfilled market requirements for the next ten years.


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The data are used by public and private analysts to monitor the domestic uranium market. Form EIA-858 is completed by uranium suppliers and owners and operators of U.S. civilian nuclear power reactors firms and individuals that were involved in the U.S. uranium industry (that is, within the 50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and other U.S. possessions) during the survey year.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 69
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52; Public Law 102-486 (Energy Policy Act of 1992), Sec. 1015

Douglas Bonnar
(202) 586-1085
EIA-860 Annual Electric Generator Report

Collects data on the status of existing electric generating plants and associated equipment in the United States, and those scheduled for initial commercial operation within 10 years of the filing of this report.

Instructions  |   Instructions

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The data are disseminated in various EIA information products. The data are used by public and private analysts to monitor the current status and trends in the electric power industry and to evaluate the future of the industry. Form EIA-860 is completed by all existing plants and proposed (10-year plans) plants that: 1) have a total generator nameplate capacity (sum for generators at a single site) of 1 megawatt (1,000 kW) or greater; and 2) where the generator(s), or the facility in which the generator(s) resides, is connected to the local or regional electric power grid and has the ability to draw power from the grid or deliver power to the grid.

Survey respondents should submit data electronically using EIA’s secure Internet data collection system.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 1,953
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52; Public Law 102-486 (Energy Policy Act of 1992), Sec. 1015

Vlad Dorjets
EIA-860M Monthly Update to the Annual Electric Generator Report

Collects data on the status of proposed new generators within 12 months of the generator beginning commercial and proposed changes to existing generators, within 12 months of the proposed change being effective previously reported to EIA on the annual EIA-860.

Instructions  |   Instructions

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The data are used by public and private analysts to monitor the current status and trends in the electric power industry and to evaluate the future of the industry.

Survey respondents should submit data electronically using EIA’s secure Internet data collection system.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly, as necessary
Number of Respondents: 124
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation:Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Vlad Dorjets
EIA-861 Annual Electric Power Industry Report

Collects information on the status of a sample of electric power industry participants involved in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electric energy in the United States, and its territories.

Instructions  |   Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions

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The data from this form appear in the various EIA information products and are used by public and private analysts to monitor the current status and trends of the electric power industry and to evaluate the future of the industry. The Form EIA-861 is used to collect retail sales of electricity and associated revenue from a sample of electric utilities, energy service providers and distribution companies in the United States on an annual basis.

Survey respondents should submit data electronically using EIA’s secure Internet data collection system.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: Approximately 3,300
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b) and Public Law 102-486 (Energy Policy Act of 1992), Sec. 1015


Jorge Luna-Camara

Stephen Scott

EIA-861S Annual Electric Power Industry Report (Short Form)

Collects data from approximately 1,100 respondents that will no longer report on the Form EIA-861. The Form EIA-861S will collect a limited amount of sales, revenue, and customer count data and, for certain respondents, data on time-based rate customers and advanced meter reading.

Instructions  |   Instructions

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The data from this form will appear in the various EIA information products and are used by public and private analysts to monitor the current status and trends of the electric power industry and to evaluate the future of the industry. Once every 5 years, the Form EIA-861S respondents will be asked to complete the Form EIA-861 in lieu of Form EIA-861S for sampling methodology purposes.

Survey respondents should submit data electronically using EIA’s secure Internet data collection system.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: Approximately 1,100
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b) and Public Law 102-486 (Energy Policy Act of 1992), Sec. 1015


Jorge Luna-Camara

Stephen Scott

EIA-863 Petroleum Product Sales Identification Survey (Suspended)

Information is collected on size, type, and geographic location of No. 2 distillate and residual fuel oil dealers, motor gasoline resellers, and propane resellers.


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The firms surveyed, along with their associated volumetric data and tracking information, serve as the sampling frame for Forms EIA-821 (Annual Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales Report), EIA-782B (Resellers'/Retailers' Monthly Petroleum Products Sales Report), EIA-877 (Winter Heating Fuels Telephone Survey), EIA-878 (Daily Motor Gasoline Price Survey), and other ad hoc surveys, such as the National Petroleum Council Surveys.

Frequency of Collection: Quadrennially
Number of Respondents: 24,400
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52; Public Law 94-163 (Energy Policy and Conservation Act), Sec. 507

Amerine Woodyard
(202) 586-1256
EIA-871A/I Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey

The survey provides comprehensive national and regional information on the consumption of, and expenditures for, energy in the commercial buildings sector of the economy as well as the number and square footage of U.S. commercial buildings by various energy-related building characteristics.

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Data are used in EIA forecasting and energy end use intensity models and are published in statistical and analytical reports. The physical characteristics information for commercial buildings is collected using Form EIA-871A in interviews with owners, managers, or tenants of buildings. The building respondents are also asked to provide energy consumption and expenditures information, if available. The building respondents complete Worksheets EIA-871G and H prior to the interviews. Respondents at hospitals and university/college complexes also complete Form EIA-871I to summarize their operations. In cases where the building respondent is unable to provide energy consumption and expenditure data, the information is collected by mail from individual energy suppliers by using Forms EIA-871C through F (depending upon the energy source). The survey was renamed CBECS in 1989. Previously it was conducted under the name of Nonresidential Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.

Frequency of Collection: Quadrennially
Number of Respondents: 9,700
Reporting Requirement: Voluntary (commercial buildings) and Mandatory (energy suppliers)
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Previous Cycles

EIA-871A Joelle Michaels
(202) 586-8952
EIA-877 Winter Heating Fuels Telephone Survey

Residential prices of No. 2 heating oil and propane are reported by selected retailers of heating oil and propane in PAD Districts I and II.

Instructions   |   Frequently Asked Questions

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These data are used to monitor No. 2 heating oil and propane during the heating season (October 1 through mid-March) and to report to the Congress and others. Respondents are selected retailers of heating oil and propane in PAD Districts I and II.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly from October through mid-March Number of Respondents: 925 Reporting Requirement: Mandatory Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(b), 5(a), 52; Public Law 94-163 (Energy Policy and Conservation Act), Sec. 507

Marcela Rourk
(202) 586-4412
EIA-878 Motor Gasoline Price Survey

The retail cash price of self-serve, unleaded gasoline by regular, midgrade, and premium grades are reported by a sample of retail motor gasoline stations.

Instructions | Frequently Asked Questions

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Data are used by EIA to monitor trends in gasoline markets and to analyze price impacts of new legislative requirements. Respondents are a scientifically selected sample of retail motor gasoline stations.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly
Number of Respondents: 800
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(b), 5(a), 52; Public Law 94-163 (Energy Policy and Conservation Act), Sec. 507

Amerine Woodyard
(202) 586-1256

Generic Clearance for Questionnaire Testing, Evaluation, and Research
Used to conduct various projects including pretest/pilot surveys (in-person interviews, telephone interviews, mail questionnaires, and electronic reporting options), focus groups, and cognitive interviews.

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Results are used to modify survey forms and instructions to improve the quality of EIA's data. The number and type of respondents varies depending on the activities being conducted.

Frequency of Collection: On occasion
Number of Respondents: 4,000 (Number of respondents for projects varies)
Reporting Requirement: Voluntary
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), 13(a), 5(b), 5(a), 52

  Jason Worrall
(202) 586-6075
EIA-886 Annual Survey of Alternative Fueled Vehicles

Collecting information on the number of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) made available, the distribution of AFVs in use, and alternative transportation fuels (ATFs) consumed.

Instructions  |   Codes

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The data are used to track the AFV/ATF supply situation for Federal agencies, state governments, electricity fuel providers, propane fuel providers, natural gas fuel providers, and transit agencies.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 2,491
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(b), 5(a); Public Law 102-486 (Energy Policy Act of 1992), Sec. 503(b)(2)

PDF Cynthia Amezcua
EIA-888 On-Highway Diesel Fuel Price Survey

The retail cash price of self-serve, No. 2 ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel and low sulfur diesel fuel sold for on-highway use are reported by a sample of companies which sell diesel fuel through truck stops and service stations.

Instructions | Frequently Asked Questions

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The data are used to monitor changes in motor vehicle diesel fuel prices and to report to the Congress and others when requested. Respondents are a scientifically selected sample of companies owning retail outlets which sell motor vehicle diesel fuel.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly
Number of Respondents: 403
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52; Public Law 94-163 (Energy Policy and Conservation Act), Sec. 507

Amerine Woodyard
(202) 586-1256
EIA-902 Annual Geothermal Heat Pump Shipments Report (Suspended)

Collects information on the emerging geothermal heat pump industry. Data collected include pumps by type, by destination, by consumer type, and by economic sector.


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Data are published for use by public and private analysts. Respondents are all U.S. geothermal heat pump manufacturers.

Survey respondents should submit data electronically using EIA’s secure Internet data collection system.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 28
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52
Peter Wong
(202) 586-7574
EIA-906 Power Plant Report (Terminated)
merged into EIA-923

Collected electric power generation, fuel consumption, fuel heat content, and fossil fuel stocks from all electric power plants in the United States except combined heat and power (CHP) plants.

Instructions  |   Instructions

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In 2008, EIA consolidated six data collection forms into two forms — the EIA-860 and EIA-923. This benefitted electricity generators because it reduced the number of forms they were required to submit. It benefitted EIA and taxpayers because it streamlined the collection process for better efficiency.


EIA-910 Monthly Natural Gas Marketers Survey

Collects information on natural gas sales from marketers in selected States that have active customer choice programs. Information on the volume and revenue for natural gas commodity sales, and any receipts for distribution charges and taxes associated with the sale of natural gas is requested.


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The data are used in EIA information products, analyses, and modeling. Respondents are all natural gas marketers selling to residential and/or commercial customers in selected States.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 210
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52

Vicki Spangler
(202) 586-8555
EIA-912 Weekly Underground Natural Gas Storage Report

Collects information on natural gas inventories held in U.S. underground storage facilities. Storage estimates will be collected for three multi-state regions comprising the lower 48 States.


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The information is disseminated for use by public and private analysts. Respondents are a sample of U.S. underground natural gas storage operators.

Frequency of Collection: Weekly
Number of Respondents: 70
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52
Jose Villar
(202) 586-9613
EIA-914 Monthly Natural Gas Production Report

A sample survey to collect State-level natural gas production information from well operators on a monthly basis.

Instructions  |   Frequently Asked Questions

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Primary quantities to be measured are "gross withdrawals (wet)," which is full-bore wellstream gas minus lease condensate, oil and water; and "natural gas lease production," (sometimes referred to as "sales production" or "gas available for sales"), which indicates the net amount of produced gas that leaves the lease to go to natural gas processing plants or directly to end-users.

Respondents will be a sample of well operators. The gross gas estimates resulting from the survey are the basis for marketed natural gas production reported on the EIA website in the Natural Gas Monthly and the Natural Gas Navigator.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 220
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52
Jeffrey Little
(202) 586-6284
EIA-915 Monthly Gas Processing and Liquids Report (Proposed)

Collects data from natural gas processing plants on monthly inlet volumes and the disposition of their final product. Data are used to estimate production of marketed natural gas, dry natural gas, and gas plant liquids.

Comment on proposed survey form:
Federal Register Notice |   Form

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Collects inlet data of natural gas volumes, the final disposition of all plant products including fuel and nonhydrocarbons, and end-of-month plant liquid stocks from natural gas processing plants and fractionators. The data collected are used to estimate production of marketed natural gas, dry natural gas, and natural gas plant liquids by geographic region.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly
Number of Respondents: 550
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Section 13(b) of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, P.L. 93-275, codified at 15 U.S.C. 772(b)
Jeffrey Little
(202) 586-6284
EIA-920 Combined Heat and Power Plant Report (Terminated)
merged into EIA-923

Collected electric power generation, fuel consumption, fuel heat content, and fossil fuel stocks for combined heat and power (CHP) plants in the United States.

Instructions  |   Instructions

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In 2008, EIA consolidated six data collection forms into two forms — the EIA-860 and EIA-923. This benefitted electricity generators because it reduced the number of forms they were required to submit. It benefitted EIA and taxpayers because it streamlined the collection process for better efficiency.


EIA-923 Power Plant Operations Report

Collects information from regulated and unregulated electric power plants in the United States. Data collected include electric power generation, energy source consumption, end of reporting period fossil fuel stocks, as well as the quality and cost of fossil fuel receipts. Data are published for use by public and private analysts.

Instructions  |   Instructions

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Survey respondents should submit data electronically using EIA’s secure Internet data collection system.

Frequency of Collection: Monthly and Annually
Number of Respondents: Monthly - 1,907; Annually 4,044
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b).


EIA-1605 Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases (Suspended)

Provides the means by which an "entity" may participate in the EIA Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Program.


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An entity can report (on a purely voluntary basis) if they initiate, control, or in some other way, participate in a domestic or foreign activity that results in the emissions of greenhouse gases, reductions (or expected reductions) in emissions of greenhouse gases, or increases in carbon sequestration. A reporter must also be a legal U.S. person; i.e., a U.S. citizen or resident alien; a company; organization; or group recognized by U.S. law; or a Federal, State, or local government agency. The Form EIA-1605 can be used by reporters who wish to:

1. Create an in-depth public record of their emission reduction efforts that will be more useful for
information exchange purposes;
2. Report emissions, reductions, or sequestration for their entire organization;
3. Report information for years prior to the current reporting cycle year;
4. Include information on activities conducted outside the United States; and
5. Report on commitments to reduce future greenhouse gas emissions.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 150
Reporting Requirement: Voluntary
Legal Citation: Public Law 102-486 (Energy Policy Act of 1992), Sec. 1605(b)
Paul McArdle
(202) 586-4445
FE-746R Import and Export of Natural Gas

Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act of 1938, as amended, requires anyone who wants to import or export natural gas from or to a foreign country must first obtain an authorization from the Department of Energy.

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There are two types of authorizations, blanket and long-term authorizations. The blanket authorization enables importing or exporting on a short-term or spot market basis for a period of two years. Under this type of authorization, an entity is authorized to import and/or export natural gas for itself or act as a marketing agent for a third party. The entity is not obligated to import or export natural gas when it gets a blanket authorization and contracts are not required to be filed with the application. The long-term authorization is used when an entity has, or intends to have, a signed gas purchase or sales agreement/contract for a period of time longer than two years. Within 30 days following the end of each month, basic information on the monthly imports/exports must be reported to DOE. Within 30 days following the end of each calendar quarter, importers and exporters must file more detailed reports describing import/export activity for the quarter. Data are made available by DOE's Office of Fossil Energy and are also used by EIA for publications.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 150
Reporting Requirement: Voluntary
Legal Citation: Public Law 102-486 (Energy Policy Act of 1992), Sec. 1605(b)
HTML Yvonne Caudillo
(202) 586-4587
GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data Survey (Proposed)

The Nuclear Fuel Data Survey collects data on spent nuclear fuel from all utilities that operate commercial nuclear reactors and from all others that possess irradiated fuel from commercial nuclear reactors. Data are collected on all discharged nuclear fuel assemblies, projected assembly discharges, nuclear fuel storage capacities and inventories, reactor operating history, other fuel and nonfuel radioactive waste, and low-level waste resulting from decommissioning operations.

Comment on proposed survey form:
Federal Register Notice |   Form   |  Background information

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Information from the Nuclear Fuel Data Survey is not published. The data collection provides public and private analysts with detailed information concerning the spent nuclear fuel generated by commercial reactors in the United States. The data are primarily used by various offices within the DOE and the national laboratories, other Federal agencies, nuclear industry associations, and the general public.

Frequency of Collection: To be determined, probably once every five years
Number of Respondents: 120 commercial nuclear reactors, plus approximately 20 other owners of spent nuclear fuel
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citations: Public Law 93-275, Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, Section 13(b); Public Law 97-425, Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended, Section 302

  Marta Gospodarczyk
(202) 586-0527
NWPA-830G Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste - Appendix G and Annex A to Appendix G

Form NWPA-830G, Appendix G - Standard Remittance Advice for Payment of Fees and Annex A to Appendix G - Standard Remittance Advice for Payment of Fees, are part of the Standard Contract signed by commercial nuclear utilities and other owners of spent nuclear fuel. These forms are designed to transmit data to DOE concerning quarterly payments into the Nuclear Waste Fund of ongoing fees for spent nuclear fuel disposal.

Annex A to Appendix G Instructions  |   Appendix G Instructions

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Appendix G serves as the transmittal document for quarterly ongoing fee payments. Annex A contains supporting data on net electricity generated and on a number of adjustment factors used to calculate the amount of net electricity that is actually sold to ultimate consumers or for resale. Ongoing fee payments are based on net electricity generated and sold.

Frequency of Collection: Quarterly
Number of Respondents: 104
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(a), 5(b), 52; Public Law 97-425, (Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended), Sec 302(a), 302(c)
Annex A to Appendix G
Appendix G
Marta Gospodarczyk
(202) 586-0527
OE-417 Electric Emergency Incident and Disturbance Report

Sponsored and collected by DOE's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. The form collects information on electric emergency incidents and disturbances for DOE's use in fulfilling its overall national security and other energy management responsibilities.

Instructions  |   Instructions

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The information is also used by DOE for analytical purposes. Electric utilities that operate as Control Area Operators and/or Reliability Authorities as well as other electric utilities, as appropriate, file the form. The form is a mandatory filing whenever an electrical incident or disturbance is sufficiently large enough to cross the reporting thresholds. The information reported includes: (1) Uncontrolled loss of 300 MW or more of firm system load for more than 15 minutes; (2) Load shedding of 100 MW or more; (3) System-wide voltage reductions of 3 percent or more affecting more than 50,000 customers; (4) Public appeal to reduce the use of electricity for purposes of maintaining the continuity of the electric power system; (4) Actual or suspected physical attacks that could impact electric power system adequacy or reliability, or vandalism which target components of any security systems; (5) Actual or suspected cyber or communications attacks that could impact electric power system adequacy or vulnerability; (6) Fuel supply emergencies that could impact electric power system adequacy or reliability; (7) Loss of electric service to more than 50,000 customers for 1 hour or more; and (8) Complete operational failure or shut-down of the transmission and/or distribution electrical system.

Frequency of Collection: On occasion
Number of Respondents: 175
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(b), 5(a), 52; Public Law 95-317 (Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978); Federal Power Act

Brian Copeland
(202) 586-1178

OE-781R Monthly Electricity Imports and Exports Report (Suspended)

The OE-781R, Monthly Electricity Imports and Exports Report has been suspended and will be terminated upon the implementation of the proposed EIA-111, Quarterly Electricity Imports and Exports Report. 

Collects electrical import/export data from entities authorized to export electric energy, and to construct, connect, operate or maintain facilities for the transmission of electric energy at an international boundary as required by 10 CFR 205.308 and 205.325.

EIA has proposed form EIA-111, Quarterly Electricity Imports and Exports Report to replace this form upon OMB approval.
  -   Federal Register Notice for public comment
  -   Proposed Form EIA-111
  -   Background

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Actual imports and exports of electricity are reported in detail by month. Export authorization holders report quarterly while Presidential Permit holders report annually. These data are used by the Department to track electricity being imported into and exported from the United States, and to furnish decisionmakers with accurate information on which to base trade policy. These data are also used for verifying that Presidential Permit holders have complied with the terms and conditions of the Permits. Data are used by EIA for publications.

Frequency of Collection: Annually
Number of Respondents: 65
Reporting Requirement: Mandatory
Legal Citation: Federal Power Act, Sec. 202(C), 311; Public Law 93-275 (Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974), Sec. 13(b), 5(b), 5(a); Regulations, 10 CFR 205.302, .303, .304, .308, .322, .325, .327
Michelle Bowles
(202) 586-2430

DOE Customer Surveys
Used to conduct various surveys contacting users and beneficiaries of DOE products or other services to determine how DOE can better improve its services to meet customers' needs.

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Information is needed to make DOE products more effective, efficient, and responsive, and at a lesser cost. Respondents will be users and beneficiaries of DOE products and services (including Federal, state, and local government representatives, industry, trade associations, consultants, libraries, and individuals).

Frequency of Collection: On occasion
Number of Respondents: 25,000 (Number of respondents for individual customer surveys varies)
Reporting Requirement: Voluntary
Legal Citation: Executive Order 12862

  Jason Worrall
(202) 586-6075
FERC Various Collections of Information on Electricity, Natural Gas, Hydroelectric Power, and Oil

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency within the Department of Energy that: (1) regulates the transmission and sale for resale of natural gas in interstate commerce; (2) regulates the transmission of oil by pipeline in interstate commerce; (3) regulates the transmission and wholesale sales of electricity in interstate commerce; (4) licenses and inspects private, municipal and state hydroelectric projects; (5) oversees related environmental matters; and (6) administers accounting and financial reporting regulations and the conduct of jurisdictional companies. FERC collects information necessary for it to fulfill these duties. EIA uses some information collected by FERC for EIA's analyses and publications. More information about FERC is available at FERC's Home Page.


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