
February 13, 2013Press Item
“Thank you very much Madam Leader. I am pleased to be here with all of you. 
February 13, 2013Press Item
“Mr. Speaker, the President spoke to us last night and he talked to us about avoiding the sequester.
February 13, 2013Press Item
Over the past several weeks Republicans have increasingly shown their support of the sequester, which is due to take effect in just over two weeks.
February 12, 2013Press Item
“In his State of the Union address, President Obama laid out a bold plan to invest in manufacturing and create well paying jobs.
February 12, 2013Press Item
This evening, House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) welcomed his State of the Union guests to the U.S. Capitol.
February 12, 2013Press Item
"Today, the Senate once again passed a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act with a strong bipartisan vote of 78-22, and it is now up to the House to follow suit. 
February 12, 2013Press Item
“I certainly think that we need to encourage business growth in our country, manufacturing in our country.
February 12, 2013Press Item
“Mr. Speaker, tonight the President will once again walk into this chamber and lay out a vision for how to strengthen America in the years ahead.
February 11, 2013Press Item
“Today’s announcement by the Department of Defense that certain benefits are being extended to same-sex partners of military personnel is an important step in the right direction.
February 8, 2013Press Item
I am pleased the Obama Administration is proposing to reestablish the principle of pay parity between military personnel and federal civilian employees, which is a recognition of the critical contributions that both groups make to the defense and well being of our nation. 
February 8, 2013Press Item
At this year’s issues conference, House Democrats discussed the challenges facing our economy, how to reduce gun violence, the need for comprehensive immigration reform, and ways to protect Americans’ voting rights.
February 7, 2013Press Item
"I was pleased to stand with my colleagues today in support of common-sense, comprehensive policy recommendations that will help reduce gun violence while respecting the Constitutional rights of responsible gun-owners.
February 7, 2013Press Item
The Postal Service’s announcement that it will end Saturday delivery of mail underscores the need for the House to get serious about comprehensive reform that puts the U.S. Postal Service on a long-term, fiscally sustainable path.
February 7, 2013Press Item
"Good morning, and thank you for this opportunity to kick off what promises to be an interesting and informative day of discussions about the future of manufacturing in our country.
February 6, 2013Press Item
“I am extremely disappointed that once again Republicans are proposing to delay sequestration by solely targeting middle-class federal employees, rather than working with Democrats on a comprehensive solution to reduce the deficit and replace the sequester. These hard working Americans have already contributed $103 billion towards deficit reduction, yet Republicans continue to single them out and place the burden of deficit reduction solely on their shoulders. From defending our nation to promoting the safety and well-being of Americans, federal workers provide countless services to our country. It is simply unfair and unwise to target America’s public servants after they have already accepted a two-year pay freeze, an increased pension contribution, and a reduction and delay of a cost-of-living-adjustment this year.
February 6, 2013Press Item
“I think it's unfortunate that now for two and a half years the only working people - the only working people - in America who have received a freeze or decrease or have contributed to solving the debt crisis which confronts us, with which the Gentleman and I agree, are federal workers. I’m not talking about Members of Congress. I'm not talking about the President or the Vice President. The President doesn't get a COLA adjustment, obviously. But it's a cost of living adjustment, and I will say to my friend that I have worked over the last 20 years with his counterparts, either in the majority or minority to ensure we made the distinction so people understood and didn't demagogue that issue. I regret that we are doing so here again.”