Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer
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Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer

Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer
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  • Government Official
    Congressman Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland is a strong advocate of Democrats’ policies to strengthen America’s middle class, its economy, and its national security.
  1. Last night, I joined the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute with Rep. Joe Garcia and CHCI President and CEO Esther Aguilera to honor Hispanic American Members of the 113th Congress.
    Photo: Last night, I joined the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute with Rep. Joe Garcia and CHCI President and CEO Esther Aguilera to honor Hispanic American Members of  the 113th Congress.
  2. I am encouraged by the jobs numbers for December released today showing our economy added 168,000 private sector jobs last month. As the 113th Congress begins, I hope House Republicans will work with Democrats on jobs legislation to build on these gains and help put more Americans back to work.
  3. I spoke on the House Floor this afternoon in opposition to the rules package put forward by Republicans for the 113th Congress that ignores the previous budget agreement, and denies the representatives of our territories the right to vote on the House Floor.
  4. Today, I introduced legislation amending the House rules to allow the Delegates of the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands and the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico to vote in the While the delegates and Resident Commissioner were given these rights in the 110th and 111th Congress without legal controversy, the voices of 5 million Americans are being ignored under Republicans’ rules. More
  5. I am proud to join in welcoming the members of the 113th Congress, and I am hopeful that we can immediately get to work on the issues that matter to our constituents: creating middle-class jobs, reducing deficits, and keeping Americans safe. Our first order of business ought to be passing disaster relief for those affected by Superstorm Sandy.
  6. I was proud to speak this morning at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s ceremonial swearing-in for the 113th Congress.
    Photo: I was proud to speak this morning at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s ceremonial swearing-in for the 113th Congress.
  7. While I remain disappointed that the House Republican leadership did not allow a vote on the Hurricane Sandy supplemental legislation last night, I am relieved that Speaker Boehner has agreed to move forward with a vote on flood insurance t...his week. I look forward to working with my colleagues from both parties to quickly pass this disaster assistance so those affected can rebuild their lives and businesses. More
  8. The Institute for Supply Management report released today confirms that manufacturing remains a bright spot in our economic recovery. As the new Congress convenes tomorrow, I urge House Republican leaders to get serious about helping our manufacturers create jobs by working with Democrats to pass Make It In America legislation.
  9. At 3pm, I’ll be speaking with Don Lemon on CNN Newsroom about bipartisan opposition to the House Republicans' decision to adjourn the 112th Congress without passing aid to Hurricane Sandy victims.
  10. Now is the time to provide Hurricane Sandy relief. I am profoundly disappointed that House Republicans are planning to adjourn the 112th Congress without providing assistance to the storm’s victims.
  11. Tonight the House acted to stop our nation from going over the fiscal cliff by passing the American Taxpayer Relief Act, which will prevent millions of middle class Americans and small businesses from seeing a tax increase.
  12. I’m disappointed that the first vote House Republicans scheduled in 2013 would extend the civilian federal employee pay freeze for another year. I strongly oppose such a move since middle-class federal employees have already contributed nearly $90 billion toward deficit reduction at a time when other groups have not been asked to contribute.
  13. In a few minutes, I’ll be speaking with Christine Romans on CNN about the fiscal cliff.
  14. Today at 11:05am, I’ll be speaking with Thomas Roberts on MSNBC about the fiscal cliff.
  15. At a press conference today, I urged Speaker Boehner to call the House back into session to address the fiscal cliff, in addition to taking up a Farm Bill, the Violence Against Women Act, and other priorities. Democrats are ready to work and compromise, and I hope House Republicans will join us to reach agreement on our country’s most serious challenges.
  16. This afternoon, I joined the Democratic leadership at a press conference to call on Republicans to work with us on a balanced, bipartisan deal to avoid the fiscal cliff.
    Photo: This afternoon, I joined the Democratic leadership at a press conference to call on Republicans to work with us on a balanced, bipartisan deal to avoid the fiscal cliff.
  17. In a few minutes, I’ll be speaking with Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC about the fiscal cliff.
  18. If Congress does not extend the middle class tax cuts, a typical family of four will see a $2,200 rise in their taxes next year. Danita Meadows Parkinson shared that this tax increase could mean putting less food on the table for her children. Please click “like” below if you agree with Danita that we must ensure middle class families are protected from higher taxes as Congress negotiates a balanced solution to the fiscal cliff.
  19. This morning at 8:30am, I’ll be on CNBC’s Squawk Box to discuss the fiscal cliff.
  20. Today, my staff gave coffee and cookies to Capitol police officers as part of the “26 acts of kindness” movement inspired by Ann Curry. These gifts were to thank the officers for their work to keep the Capitol, its staff, and its visitors safe; and to honor the memory of the victims of Friday’s tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. You can do your part to honor the 20 students and 6 staff who were killed at Sandy Hook by creating your own 26 acts of kindness. Follow online at and join the movement:
    Photo: Today, my staff gave coffee and cookies to Capitol police officers as part of the “26 acts of kindness” movement inspired by Ann Curry. These gifts were to thank the officers for their work to keep the Capitol, its staff, and its visitors safe; and to honor the memory of the victims of Friday’s tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT.  You can do your part to honor the 20 students and 6 staff who were killed at Sandy Hook by creating your own 26 acts of kindness. Follow online at and join the movement:
  21. This morning, I spoke with Chuck Todd on MSNBC’s “The Daily Rundown” about how Republican’s “Plan B” is not the answer to the fiscal cliff. We need a balanced, bipartisan solution to put our country on a fiscally sound path.
  22. At around 9:10 am, I will be speaking with Chuck Todd on MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown about the fiscal cliff.
  23. As the longest-serving female Member of Congress, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski has always been a trailblazer and will now make history once more as the first woman to chair the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee. I join in congratulating her on this achievement.
  24. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of federal, state, and local partners, Prince George’s County has seen a historic reduction in crime rates over this past year. I’d like to thank Governor Martin O’Malley, Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, Prince... George’s County Executive Rushern Baker, Prince George’s County Police Department Chief Mark Magaw, State’s Attorney Angela Alsobrooks, and Sheriff Melvin High for their commitment to public safety, in addition to the brave men and women of the Prince George’s County Police Department for keeping our neighborhoods safe. More
  25. Today, the President announced the creation of an interagency gun violence task force that will be led by Vice President Joe Biden. I look forward to the recommendations they propose, and will work with my colleagues to move legislation forward, such as the McCarthy-DeGette Assault Magazine Ban bill, as we work to prevent gun violence.
  26. Thank you to all of you who shared with me how a middle class tax increase will impact your families. Harriet Edmondson wrote that a $2,200 rise take hike would make it harder for her children and grandchildren to make ends meet. Congress should extend the middle class tax cut so that we can end uncertainty for families while the fiscal cliff is negotiated.
  27. Today, I joined House Democrats to call for bipartisan, Congressional action to reduce gun violence, including passage of the McCarthy-DeGette Assault Magazine Ban Bill.
    Photo: Today, I joined House Democrats to call for bipartisan, Congressional action to reduce gun violence, including passage of the McCarthy-DeGette Assault Magazine Ban Bill.
  28. Last week, I asked how a $2,200 tax hike would impact you and your family next year if Congress doesn’t extend the middle class tax cuts. Among the more than 100 responses, I heard from Lori Guenther Wentworth, who said “If the tax cuts are not extended and we see a tax hike it is certainly going to make it harder to make basic payments like house payments, doctor visits, school costs etc.”
  29. Last night, I attended the annual holiday event for the Prince George’s County Crime Solvers program, where I joined President Tom Murphy, Jr. and Zel Windsor, who was recognized as the Crime Solvers Coordinator of the Year.
    Photo: Last night, I attended the annual holiday event for the Prince George’s County Crime Solvers program, where I joined President Tom Murphy, Jr. and Zel Windsor, who was recognized as the Crime Solvers Coordinator of the Year.