U.S. Department of Commerce

The 2012 Statistical Abstract

The National Data Book

The 2012 Statistical Abstract:  Historical Statistics

Population PDF Excel
Population Characteristics (Sex, Race, Urban, Rural) PDF Excel
Population by Age PDF Excel
Resident Population by State PDF Excel
Resident Population--Percent Change by State PDF Excel
Resident Population--Net Change by State PDF Excel
Population of the 75 Largest Cities PDF Excel
Immigration--Number and Rate PDF Excel
Immigration by Leading Country or Region of Last Residence PDF Excel
Native and Foreign Born Population by Place of Birth PDF Excel
Marital Status of the Population by Sex PDF Excel
Households by Type and Size PDF Excel
Live Births, Deaths, Infant Deaths, and Maternal Deaths PDF Excel
Births to Teenagers and to Unmarried Women PDF Excel
Age-Adjusted Death Rates by Race and Sex PDF Excel
Expectation of Life at Birth by Race and Sex PDF Excel
Government Transfer Payments to Individuals PDF Excel
Diseases--Cases per 100,000 Population PDF Excel
Food Consumption Per Capita and Food Expenditures PDF Excel
School Enrollment PDF Excel
High School Graduates, and College Enrollment and Degrees PDF Excel
Educational Attainment by Sex PDF Excel
Crimes and Crime Rates by Type of Offense PDF Excel
Federal and State Prisoners PDF Excel
Money Income of Families by Race and Type of Family PDF Excel
Aggregate Income Received by Each Fifth and Top 5 Percent of Families PDF Excel
Housing Units by Selected Characteristics PDF Excel
National Air Pollutant Emissions PDF Excel
Employment Status of the Civilian Population PDF Excel
Marital Status of Women in the Civilian Labor Force PDF Excel
Nonfarm Employment, Hours, and Earnings by Industry PDF Excel
Gross Domestic Product PDF Excel
Gross Domestic Product and Personal Income Per Capita PDF Excel
Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type PDF Excel
Personal Income by State PDF Excel
Consumer and Gross Domestic Price Indexes PDF Excel
Business Cycle Expansions and Contractions PDF Excel
Stock Prices and Yields PDF Excel
Bond Yields and Interest Rates PDF Excel
Selected Economic Indicators PDF Excel
Transportation Indicators for Motor Vehicles and Airlines PDF Excel
Selected Communications Media PDF Excel
Energy Supply and Disposition by Type of Fuel PDF Excel
Agriculture--Farms, Acreage, Income, and Foreign Trade PDF Excel
Production Indicators for Agricultural, Fishery, Mineral and Manufactured Products PDF Excel
Governmental Employment and Payrolls PDF Excel
Federal Government--Receipts and Outlays PDF Excel
Federal Government--Receipts by Source PDF Excel
Federal Government--Outlays and Debt PDF Excel
Federal Government--Employment PDF Excel
National Defense and Veterans--Summary PDF Excel
Vote Cast for President PDF Excel
Political Party Affiliations in Congress and the Presidency PDF Excel
U.S. International Transactions by Type of Transaction PDF Excel
World Population by Region PDF Excel

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  The 2012 Statistical Abstract  |  Page Last Modified: August 31, 2012