Steny Hoyer

Steny Hoyer


The Democratic Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Maryland's 5th Congressional District.

Washington, DC ·

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  1. My op-ed in ’s issue about the need for both parties to work together during POTUS’ 2nd term:

  2. Deeply disappointed that House GOP is considering a bill next week to freeze federal employees’ salaries for 3rd year.

  3. I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance the President’s proposals to reduce gun violence:

  4. Thank you Sec. Salazar for your service & leadership at the Dept of Interior – good luck in your future endeavors

  5. New poll: Americans say GOP isn’t compromising enough & shouldn’t allow government default or shutdown .

  6. .: Proud to support your fight against discrimination; Dems sent letter opposing more taxpayer $ to defend DOMA:...

  7. .: Here’s the letter from Dems objecting to GOP spending more taxpayer $ to defend discriminatory DOMA:

  8. .: Sharing w/ you House Dems’ letter to GOP opposing spending more taxpayer $ to defend indefensible DOMA:


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