Hoyer Statement on White House Proposals to Reduce Gun Violence

For Immediate Release:

January 16, 2013


Katie Grant, 202-225-3130

WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden announced their proposals to reduce gun violence:

“Today, President Obama and Vice President Biden outlined a series of steps to make our communities and children safer from gun violence.  From a universal background check to a new ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, from new resources for law enforcement to new initiatives that help those with mental illness access the help they need, the President’s plan is a major step forward to address the epidemic of gun violence that has plagued our country in recent years. 

“It is now Congress’s responsibility to work with the President to move forward with this plan, which is based on common-sense ideas supported by a majority of Americans and a majority of responsible gun owners.  Only through a concerted plan of action can we prevent the kind of mass shootings like the ones in Aurora, Portland, and Newtown – and the thousands of smaller but no less horrifying incidents of gun violence that plague our communities each year.  I look forward to working with my colleagues in Congress to bring legislation to the floor over the coming weeks to implement these proposals.” 
