Tom Price

Georgia's 6th District

From Twitter
  • Follow @reptomprice on Twitter »
  • As one sworn to uphold the Constitution, I vow to defend our freedoms & bring focus to real solutions. #tcot
  • All Americans want our communities to be safe places to live, learn, work and play. #tcot
  • My thoughts on President Obama’s recommendations for executive action. #SecondAmendment #tcot
  • I applaud @Senate_GOPs for their leadership in putting forth a schedule to produce a budget this year.
  • B/c of #ObamaCare it’s estimated GA will have health insurance premium rate increases between 65-100%.
  • POTUS informs Congress that he will again miss legal deadline for submitting a budget. #noleadership
  • In 2006, then-Senator Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling. That was more than $8 trillion in debt ago. #tcot
  • Congrats to my friend Mike Pence, sworn in as the 50th Gov of Indiana 2day. Indiana is lucky to have such a terrific leader serving them.
  • RADIO: Tune in to @larry_kudlow at 10:30AM to catch our discussion on the upcoming debt ceiling debate --> #tcot
  • Democrat leaders in both chambers want President Obama to circumvent Congress on the debt ceiling. #noleadership
  • Honored to present the "President's Gold Level Volunteer Service Award" to Cody Jackson, the "One Boy #USO" today.
  • Coming up soon - I'll talk w/ @GovMikeHuckabee at 2:15pm about the upcoming debt ceiling debate. Listen live here -–>
  • RADIO: I'll be on w/ @GovMikeHuckabee to talk about the upcoming debt ceiling debate at 2pm. Please tune in! #tcot
  • Apparently, during #fiscalcliff negotiations, Pres. Obama insisted that Washington doesn't have a spending problem. Really Mr. President?
  • It’s been 1,350 days since @SenateDems have passed a budget. It’s past time for them to put ‘pen to paper’ on our nation’s fiscal problems.
  • Congrats to the Georgia State University Marching Band, who will be marching in the 57th Inaugural Parade!
  • Perhaps putting ‘pen to paper’ would shed light for @SenateDems on the challenges we face & the necessity of action.
  • 113th - House #GOP will continue to exhibit leadership necessary to make the tough decisions our constituents rightly demand we make.
  • Honored to be sworn in as representative for #GA06 in the 113th Congress.
  • President Obama announces he’ll push for more tax increases on the American people next year.
  • VIDEO: #SGR needs to be repealed. It doesn't work for patients or doctors. --> #fiscalcliff
  • Many of America's seniors are on the verge of losing access to health care. --> #fiscalcliff #SGR
  • We must provide certainty for seniors/physicians in the new year --> #fiscalcliff #SGR
  • I'll be on @SquawkCNBC at 7am to discuss #fiscalcliff negotiations. Please tune in!
  • POTUS offers chain CPI in AM - Reid refuses in PM: Left hand doesn't know what the far left hand is doing.
  • Solving a spending-driven debt crisis requires spending cuts & real govt. reforms - not tax increases!
  • POTUS comments on Sunday show today did not reflect reality.
  • House #GOP has voted to stop the tax hikes for all Americans & #smallbiz & avert the #fiscalcliff.
  • To date, Pres. Obama has made it clear that he's more interested in tax hikes than economic vitality.
  • Obama Cliff now just 3 days away - past time for POTUS to lead!
  • @SenateDems can't pass a budget at least once in the last 4yrs or take up House passed #4jobs bills? Where's their leadership?
  • From my family to yours, Merry Christmas! May God bless you and may He continue to bless the United States of America.
  • House passes FY2013 NDAA, to ensure our #military has the support & resources they need to protect our freedoms.
  • The Administration ought to be standing with our ally #Israel NOT undermining them. #tcot
  • Honored to be named the Vice Chair of Budget Committee. Look forward to working with @reppaulryan!
  • So thankful for the good health of @repdavecamp. My dear friend & chairman of @WaysandMeansGOP is now cancer-free!
  • Americans overwhelmingly support major spending reforms as a part of #fiscalcliff deal. No debt ceiling increase without it.
  • A debt ceiling increase shouldn’t be considered in #fiscalcliff talks w/out Medicare reform, like premium support.
  • Our problem isn’t that we tax too little. It’s that we spend too much! We must have serious spending cuts for a debt ceiling increase.
  • President Obama's tax increase would fund government not for eight years, eight months or even eight weeks! Only eight days!
  • REMINDER: President's proposed tax hike funds government for only EIGHT DAYS & would destroy 700,000+ jobs.
  • Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this horrible tragedy. #PrayForNewtown
  • RT @RepPaulRyan: President Obama's tax hikes are bad for jobs and don’t fix the debt crisis, as this chart shows. #SpendingIsTheProblem ...
  • Happy 376th Birthday to the @USNationalGuard! Thank you for all you do in defending our freedoms at home and abroad. #NationalGuard
  • We wish all of our friends in the Jewish community a very happy #Hanukkah!
  • Ever mindful of those who lost their lives on December 7, 1941 at #PearlHarbor. God bless those who defend our freedom at home and abroad.
  • #MedDeviceTax harms America’s ability to conduct necessary research & development to maintain global competitiveness.
  • Repealing the #MedDeviceTax is an area Repubs & Dems can find common ground in efforts to serve the American people.
  • RT @RepErikPaulsen: BY THE #s: 182 - days since House passed my #MedDeviceTax repeal bill - time for Senate to act #4jobs & #4innovation.
  • Congrats to my friend @JimDeMint for being named President of @Heritage. He will serve Heritage with distinction, as he has South Carolina.
  • @ajc: House #GOP stand by taxpayers #fiscalcliff #tcot
  • I'll be on @msnbc at 10am this morning to discuss #fiscalcliff negotiations. Please tune in! #tcot
  • RT @SmallBizGOP: #SmallBiz owners share on our #OpenMic how raising tax rates in a #FiscalCliff deal will affect them #tcot #Congress h ...
  • MATH: The President’s plan to increase taxes on “wealthy” covers government spending for only EIGHT DAYS. #fiscalcliff
  • Disappointed in the Administration’s reaction to our ally #Israel. We should be standing with the Israeli people. #tcot
  • I'll be on @CNN around 2:30pm to discuss #fiscalcliff negotiations. Please tune in!
  • We do not need a government #healthcare takeover & President Obama’s higher taxes. We need patient-centered reforms.
  • President Obama’s #healthcare tax increases the White House isn’t advertising: #ObamaTax
  • Please share: the Obama tax increase on small businesses would fund the government for only 8 days & would kill 700,000+ jobs! #fiscalcliff
  • RT @RepKenMarchant: Just signed on to cosponsor my friend @RepTomPrice's new bill prohibiting a new financial transaction tax http://t.c ...
  • Excited to have @UGAAthletics playing in the SEC Championship game tomorrow. Very proud to have a Georgia school represented. Go Dawgs!
  • Path to Palestinian statehood is between Ramallah and Jerusalem – UN scoring political points only makes things worse!
  • As I explained today on @TeamCavuto, I do not favor raising the tax rates. Watch to find out why -- #fiscalcliff #tcot
  • I'll be on @FoxNews w/ @TeamCavuto at 4pm to discuss #fiscalcliff negotiations. Please tune in! #tcot
  • RT @AmbassadorOren: Check out my Op-ed: Falling for Hamas’s media manipulation #palestinians
  • Media bias in US and elsewhere distorts reality - America must stand with #Israel against deceit and deception!
  • Just stopped by the rotunda to tape a holiday greeting for our troops! We are grateful for their service & sacrifice.
  • RT @RepublicanStudy: Conservatives in the U.S. House & @RepublicanStudy will take your questions today using #AskRSC from 11am-3pm E ...
  • Thanks to the GA Credit Union for taking the time to meet with me today! #GA06
  • I'll be on @NewsHour tonight discussing #fiscalcliff negotiations.
  • The administration seems to be more interested in raising tax rates than in gaining economic vitality. #fiscalcliff
  • The President’s plan to increase taxes covers spending by the federal government for only EIGHT DAYS. #fiscalcliff
  • LIVE on @msnbc NOW - tune in! #fiscalcliff
  • Looking forward to visiting with residents at Mount Vernon Towers in Sandy Springs today!
  • RT @GOPoversight: Starting now. Watch "Security Failures of Benghazi" hearing LIVE:
  • RT @GOPoversight: "The Security Failures of Benghazi" WATCH HEARING LIVE @ 12PM #Libya
  • RT @GOPpolicy: Policy Point of the Week: “New AAF Study Finds Obama Admin’s Spending Plans Would Necessarily Raise Middle Class Taxes” h ...
  • RT @GOPpolicy: Policy Points: --> @GOPoversight full committee hearing tomorrow @ 12 PM: “The Security Failures ...
  • Time 4 @SenateDems & Obama to end gridlock by working w/ House #GOP to create conditions 4 econ growth & job creation.
  • The “Obama Misery Index” shows that unemployment & debt have risen by a combined 80% since the start of the Obama Admin
  • RT @djheakin: Sept. unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent due to an extraordinary – but implausible – estimate of 873,000 #jobs in house ...
  • With an unchanged real unemployment rate of 14.7%, it’s time to put an end to Democrat obstructionism.
  • RT @Senate_RPC: Real unemployment rate remains unchanged at 14.7%. Fundamentals of 23 million unemployed haven’t changed. RPC analysis: ...
  • Folks may have questions about the topline figure but the REAL unemployment rate remains unchanged at 14.7%. Time to #StopTheTaxHike
  • RT @JimPethokoukis: 114,000 jobs a month is a pretty good number ... for 1962. We need 2-3x that to close jobs gap
  • Jobs report -- The rate of economic growth & job creation remains far below what is needed for millions of Americans.
  • RT @SpeakerBoehner: House has passed a plan to avert fiscal cliff w/responsible cuts & reforms, #stopthetaxhike #4jobs ...
  • RT @DrPhilRoe: I remain concerned that the #IPAB could function as a denial-of-care board, and I will continue to fight for a repeal. ht ...
  • RT @BudgetGOP: If President Obama has such great plans for deficit reduction, then why do his own numbers show this?
  • The nation’s job creators desperately need an end to the uncertainty. #QE3 #smallbiz
  • President's tax hike will not solve our debt problems. Deficit would still = $6.5tril over the next 10yrs. #Obamanomics
  • RT @SpeakerBoehner: GOP challenges @WhiteHouse use of tax dollars to coax employers into delaying sequester layoff warnings ...
  • #smallbiz have created 65% of new jobs over the past 17yrs. Yet President Obama proposes a tax increase on nearly 1 million job creators.
  • New legislation to revamp Medicare bidding to make it more efficient for taxpayers & so seniors receive better care.
  • Entrepreneurship hit 17 yr low. We should be supporting #smallbiz, not raising their taxes.
  • RT @RosLehtinen: The Admin just doesn't get it, welcomes Hezbollah ally 2 #Statedept w/ open arms. #DefineAlly
  • RT @SmallBizGOP: 1948-2008 we had 39 months of 8% unemployment, 2008-Present, we have had 43 months of 8% unemployment #DoingFine #tcot ...
  • We need patient-centered not penalty-centered health care reform.
  • President's healthcare law will now penalize hospitals for readmitting patients - likely those who treat the sickest and poorest Americans.
  • In the last 2 yrs House #GOP passed 2 budgets & 30+ jobs bills. @SenateDems have not produced a budget in over 1,000days.