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    US slams Israel on new settlement plan

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration on Monday harshly criticized its top Mideast ally, Israel, over new settlement construction plans in areas the Palestinians claim for a future state and urged it to rethink them.

    The White House and State Department said the plans run counter to longstanding U.S. policy, particularly as they relate to a sensitive piece of land outside Jerusalem known as E1.

    "We reiterate our long standing opposition to Israeli settlement activity and East Jerusalem construction," White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters. "We oppose all unilateral actions, including settlement activity and housing construction as they complicate efforts to resume direct, bilateral negotiations and risk prejudging the outcome of those negotiations and this including building in the so called E-1 area."

    "We urge Israeli leaders to reconsider these unilateral decisions and exercise restraint as these actions are counterproductive and make it harder to resume direct negotiations to achieve a two state solution," he said.

    At the State Department, spokesman Mark Toner said the E1 plans are "especially damaging" to prospects for a resumption in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

    The E1 area "area is particularly sensitive and construction there would be especially damaging to efforts to achieve a two-state solution," Toner said in a statement.

    Israel on Friday announced that it would move ahead on plans to build 3,000 settler homes in the West Bank and east Jerusalem on territory the Palestinians claim as theirs to punish the Palestinians for winning U.N. recognition. It also said it would begin planning work in E1, where construction would essentially end hopes for an eventual Palestinian state to be contiguous.

    Building in E1 would sever the link between the West Bank and east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claim for a future capital. It would also cut off the northern part of the West Bank from its southern flank.

    The Palestinians say construction in that territory would kill any hope for establishing a viable state of Palestine. Successive U.S. governments have agreed, and under intense American pressure, Israel has avoided building settlements in the area. It has, however, developed roads and infrastructure and built a police station.


    • B  •  1 mth 15 days ago
      More talk that will, of course, amount to zero action.
    • A Yahoo! User  •  1 mth 15 days ago
      the u.s. will protest but not cut off the taxpayer money that allows israel to build the settlements.
    • Bo  •  1 mth 13 days ago
      Put your money where your mouth is Mr, President. Freeze all aid to Israel until Israel agrees to freeze development in the disputed areas.
    • Lrobby99  •  1 mth 13 days ago
      And ever year we slam at least 3 BILLION more dollars of taxpayer money into a country that doesn't need it, doesn't appreciate it, and spits in our faces every chance.
    • Steven  •  1 mth 14 days ago
      America...A DOMESTIC Return On YOUR-PAID Tax Dollars is NOT "SOCIALISM"...Your Money Spent In Your Community Benifits YOUR Economy...NOT The Benifits Of Israeli LAND THEFT & WAR CRIME Profitiers...Americas COST & LOSS...A "FISCAL CLIFF".
    • Roger Pankey  •  1 mth 15 days ago
      But the check is still in the mail
    • Sane1  •  1 mth 15 days ago
      Just words. No meaning.
    • Steven  •  1 mth 14 days ago
      Americas "FISCAL CLIFF" Is The Cost & LOSS Of Israeli AIPAC Corruption Against The US Government...PLANNED Israeli TAX Theft DEBT Destabilization Against the American People...Turn Away From The 24/7 Zionist Media CONDITIONING....Israeli EVIL.
    • Ricky  •  1 mth 13 days ago
      For all to read - especially Jews and those who hate them in virtue of being so :
      John -
      That's a great question - I have given it tons of thought over the past few days and I would love to give you my summation -
      Its an interesting thing because its perpetuated on both sides like this -
      As you can see above with my conversation with Steve -
      - It is my opinion that he feels that the Jews in the world are the reason for his "lack of success and accomplishment- basically his life not turning out the way he hoped and expected."
      - He obviously has anger towards the group and the way he gets back at them is by calling me a "heeb and so on and so forth."
      - He does this to hurt my feelings and get a rise out of me ...wich it does -
      - But the way I get back at Steve (and you too I imagine) for the anger he creates in me by hating me for no other reason than the fact I am by channeling the anger of knowing everyone hates me, without knowing me, into the way I structure and live my life -
      - So I and people like me tend to do very well and people like Steve - and I imagine you too - hate us more and more -
      :) I still got love for you and Steve tho - that's what gets twisted -
      without you I wouldn't be me :)
    • Mike  •  1 mth 15 days ago
      The US is nearing a fiscal cliff because they don't know how to mind their own business.

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