Monthly Archives: June 2010

Catholic Bishops Tell Congress: Don't Turn Military Hospitals in Abortion Centers

30 June 2010

by Steven Ertelt Editor
June 29, 2010

Washington, DC ( – The nation’s Catholic bishops have a message for members of Congress: don’t turn American taxpayer-funded military base hospitals into abortion centers. They are oppose language in a Senate bill that would overturn the ban on abortions at the approximately 250 military base hospitals.

Sen. Roland Burris attached an amendment to a bill in the Senate Armed Services Committee that received a 15-12 vote.

All Democrats supported it except for Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, who joined all of the committee’s Republicans in opposition.

In a June 29 letter to members of the Senate, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, said authorizing abortions at military hospitals in this country and around the world is “misguided.”

He urged lawmakers to vote for an expected amendment that would remove the Burris language from the National Defense Authorization Act (S. 3454).

Cardinal DiNardo said it was disingenuous to suggest, as the amendment’s proponents have, that the amendment is “moderate” in requiring patients at military facilities to pay for their abortions.

“Which is a more direct governmental involvement in abortion: That the government reimburses someone else for having done an abortion, or that the government performs the abortion itself and accepts payment for doing so?” the Cardinal wrote.

He cited a 1989 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court saying that “the State need not commit any resources to facilitating abortions, even if it can turn a profit by doing so.”

Cardinal DiNardo also noted the longstanding nature of the current policy against providing abortions at military health facilities, which has been in place for 22 years with the exception of 1993-1995.

“During the brief period when these facilities were told to make abortions available, scarcely any military physician could be found in overseas facilities who was willing to perform abortions,” the Cardinal noted.   More

Young Wisconsin Catholics Cheer Bishop Morlino for Welcoming Orthodox Priests

25 June 2010

Bishop Morlino: One of the most outspoken advocates for unborn among the U.S. Catholic hierarchy

By Kathleen Gilbert

MADISON, Wisconsin, June 23, 2010 ( – Catholics in the diocese of Madison, WI are hitting back at negative media coverage of their bishop after he welcomed priests with the Society of Jesus Christ the Priest, a group renowned for their traditionalist liturgy and fidelity to orthodox Catholic teaching. Supporters note that, contrary to the picture painted by dissenting voices in the media, Morlino’s focus on orthodoxy is increasingly popular with Catholic youth – even in the liberal stronghold of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Madison Bishop Robert Morlino, one of the most outspoken advocates for the unborn among the U.S. Catholic hierarchy, has defended the priests against criticism that the move represented a “step backward” and that the priests’ approach is, in the words of one parishioner, “quite different than we have become accustomed to.” Morlino heard parishioners from St. Mary’s Parish in Platteville at an occasionally-heated meeting on Monday.

Despite media coverage focusing on dissenting voices, many were eager to voice support for their bishop – especially among pro-life Catholics.

Peggy Hamill, director of Pro-Life Wisconsin (PLW), indicated that Morlino’s fidelity to Catholic orthodoxy matched his reputation as “a man of integrity, and consistency.”

“Pro-life Wisconsin knows him to have a deep respect for the sacredness of human life which he expects his priests to reflect,” said Hamill. “Bishop Morlino’s selection of new priests for the diocese of Madison is simply consistent with his fostering appreciation for the sacred.”

PLW board member Greg Wagner agreed that “there’s lots of positive” in the diocese’s reaction to Morlino, despite the consistently negative news coverage.

Morlino has been subject to scathing criticism for his adherence to orthodox Catholicism in the past: he met with a strident outcry from liberal Catholics after sacking a pastoral associate who refused to recant her thesis questioning the masculinity of God as well as the authority of male Church hierarchy.

“There’s quite a bit of support here in the Madison diocese, it certainly isn’t all negative,” said Wagner.

In addition, Wagner pointed to the “just phenomenal” Catholic spiritual life at the University of Wisconsin Madison’s St. Paul University Catholic Center, saying that the “youth are getting behind Bishop Morlino.” More…

Thanks to for such an encouraging story in times of relentless attacks on the Faith and the Church.

Lasers uncover first icons of Sts. Peter and Paul

24 June 2010

By NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press Writer Nicole Winfield, Associated Press Writer – Tue Jun 22, 4:16 pm ET

A cameraman films a painting discovered with the earliest known icons of the Apostles Peter and Paul in a catacomb located under a modern office building in a residential neighborhood of Rome, Tuesday, June, 22, 2010. Restorers said Tuesday they had unearthed the 4th-century images using a new laser technique that allowed them to burn off centuries of white calcium deposits without damaging the dark colors of the original paintings underneath. The paintings adorn what is believed to be the tomb of a Roman noblewoman and represent some of the earliest evidence of devotion to the apostles in early Christianity. (AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito)

ROME – Twenty-first century laser technology has opened a window into the early days of the Catholic Church, guiding researchers through the dank, musty catacombs beneath Rome to a startling find: the first known icons of the apostles Peter and Paul.

Vatican officials unveiled the paintings Tuesday, discovered along with the earliest known images of the apostles John and Andrew in an underground burial chamber beneath an office building on a busy street in a working-class Rome neighborhood.

The images, which date from the second half of the 4th century, were uncovered using a new laser technique that allows restorers to burn off centuries of thick white calcium carbonate deposits without damaging the brilliant dark colors of the paintings underneath.

The technique could revolutionize the way restoration work is carried out in the miles (kilometers) of catacombs that burrow under the Eternal City where early Christians buried their dead.

The icons were discovered on the ceiling of a tomb of an aristocratic Roman woman at the Santa Tecla catacomb, near where the remains of the apostle Paul are said to be buried. More…

Thanks to for the story…

Happy Father's Day to all our Fathers- and to our priests also!

20 June 2010

Thanks Dad

Happy Father’s Day

posted by Matt Archbold on

Editor’s Note: Happy Father’s Day to our dear friends, the Brothers Archbold, Matthew and Patrick at was supported by the Brothers A from day one and for this we are truly grateful. Have a wonderful Father’s Day, Matthew and Patrick, God Love you both!

Ad majorem Dei gloriam, Sofia

20 June 2010

Interactive Website Coming Father’s Day, June 20, 2010

Here’s how we can help them.™ was established in 2010, by the non-profit Catholic media apostolate Catholics Come Home, Inc® (, during the “Year for Priests” declared by Pope Benedict XVI. Our mission is to encourage priests, and promote priestly vocations through our love and prayers.

On Father’s Day (June 20, 2010),™ will launch its interactive Web site ( that will equip you in offering Spiritual bouquets as well as printable and e-greeting cards (Collar-Hollers? ) with kind words of gratitude to show your appreciation and love for our priests! Visitors will also have the opportunity to submit a one-minute video testimonial thanking their priest.

With your support, we also plan to develop beautiful television ads to uphold the priesthood and promote priestly vocations. In the meantime, please pray for our beloved seminarians, priests, bishops and our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI. We appreciate your prayers for the apostolic work of™ and®.

God bless our priests!

It seems like all of us have witnessed the kindness and dedication of a Catholic priest on numerous occasions, perhaps even daily. Maybe he humbly served at a funeral for someone in your family? Maybe, he helped prepare your son or daughter for marriage, and celebrated their Wedding Mass?

If we look further, we will witness the heroic and sacrificial lives of priests serving as Military Chaplains, ministering to the forgotten in nursing homes and hospitals, feeding the poorest of the poor, serving as a peacemaker during marriage counseling, and dedicating their lives to so many other works of mercy.

In our Catholic Church, the priest serves “in Persona Christi”, bringing us the saving grace of Jesus Christ through the sacramental waters of baptism; reconciling us to the Blessed Trinity in the confessional; and bringing us in full communion with Jesus – truly present in the Holy Eucharist during the celebration of every Mass.

Priests need encouragement.

How quick the world is to criticize priests, but Jesus calls us to pray for them to be great shepherds of their flocks. They are constantly on the front line of spiritual attacks from the secular media and un-churched people. Sometimes they are condemned by non-Catholics, who simply don’t understand the vocation of the Priesthood, that Jesus himself instituted on Holy Thursday.

Countless Catholic priests and bishops lead rewarding spirit-filled lives. Since they are human, they too can feel tired and lonely. Few of these servants receive our true gratitude and love. So many of these noble men of God could be uplifted by a simple prayer and a gentle word of appreciation from us!

Saint John Vianney, the Patron Saint of Parish Priests said: “If we were to fully realize what a priest is on earth, we would die: not of fright, but of love.” He goes on to say: “What use would be a house filled with gold, were there no one to open its door? The priest holds the key to the treasures of Heaven: it is he who opens the door.”

Click HERE to submit your written testimonial or video
to be included in the website launch on
Father’s Day, June 20, 2010.


Editor’s Note: Please support this site. At this time our priests need more support than ever. Ad majorem Dei gloriam, Sofia

Gov't Funded $1 Billion for Abortion and Advocacy via

17 June 2010

You know that the federal government doesn’t fund abortions? Well, explain this government report that shows how our federal government gave nearly $1 billion of taxpayer dollars to organizations that perform and/or advocate abortions over the past seven years, including $657.1 million just to Planned Parenthood.

Mark Hemingway reports on a GAO report that details spending from 2002-2009:

Over the seven year period studied in the report, Planned Parenthood received $657.1 million in tax dollars; Population Council received $284.3 million, the Guttmacher Institute received $12.7 million, Advocates for Youth received $8.7 million, and the International Planned Parenthood Federation received $3.9 million.

All in all, $966.7 million tax dollars went to encouraging a practice a plurality of Americans finds morally wrong.

You know what really kills me about this is knowing that we had a Republican President and a Republican congress for so many years and the massive funding stream of death continued unabated.

Defunding the death eaters should have made sense to social conservatives and fiscal conservatives yet it was never done. One has to ask “Why?”

And you want to know what the answer is – Republicans had the pro-life vote. We worked to get George W. Bush elected. They just needed to throw us a bone every once in a while. They didn’t care enough to actually stop the funding of abortion to pick a political fight.

I guess all we can do now is look ahead and now that we have these GAO numbers thanks to Congressman Mike Pence we must stay on this issue until Planned Parenthood is completely defunded.You know that tripe that the federal government doesn’t fund abortions? Well, explain this government report that shows how our federal government gave nearly $1 billion of taxpayer dollars to organizations that perform and/or advocate abortions over the past seven years, including $657.1 million just to Planned Parenthood.

iMark Hemingway reports on a GAO report that details spending from 2002-2009:

Over the seven year period studied in the report, Planned Parenthood received $657.1 million in tax dollars; Population Council received $284.3 million, the Guttmacher Institute received $12.7 million, Advocates for Youth received $8.7 million, and the International Planned Parenthood Federation received $3.9 million.

All in all, $966.7 million tax dollars went to encouraging a practice a plurality of Americans finds morally wrong.

You know what really kills me about this is knowing that we had a Republican President and a Republican congress for so many years and the massive funding stream of death continued unabated.

Defunding the death eaters should have made sense to social conservatives and fiscal conservatives yet it was never done. One has to ask “Why?”

And you want to know what the answer is – Republicans had the pro-life vote. We worked to get George W. Bush elected. They just needed to throw us a bone every once in a while. They didn’t care enough to actually stop the funding of abortion to pick a political fight.

I guess all we can do now is look ahead and now that we have these GAO numbers thanks to Congressman Mike Pence we must stay on this issue until Planned Parenthood is completely defunded. More…

Editor’s Note: The Brothers Archbold from usually reside at our Guest Blog spot, but this piece is so important we had to post it on the front page. Thanks to our colleagues at @CMReport for their relentless pursuit for Truth…Our vote for BEST Catholic Blog evah!! BTW, why aren’t you following them on Twitter? ;) AMDG, Sofia

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