Monthly Archives: August 2011

A man MUCH smarter than Bill Keller

30 August 2011

Bill Keller, the former Catholic who runs the NY (“Hell’s Bible” coined by Fr.Z) Times decided that Faith (or his lack of it) needed to be discussed in the sadly worn pages of the Old Gray Lady. Per usual, another former Catholic showing how sad the state of the Church is in here in North America.

But Keller, did you have to slam the Eucharist? Is your hatred of Catholicism so deep that you go straight to the heart of the Faith…the Mysterium Fidei ?? Bill O’Reilly last evening was the only commentator to report on this story. (Surprised?) Plenty of times Bill gets his Faith wrong when opining but not this time. At the end of the segment with Bernard Goldberg, O’Reilly probably startled even the most traditional Catholic with the statement that as Catholics we should “pray for Bill Keller and perhaps offer our Communion for him…”

Thank you Bill…even though earlier in the report you incorrectly stated that both priests and ministers can confect the Sacrament of the Eucharist, (where are the Fox fact-checkers on Religion? Call Father Morris, please!) you towed the orthodox Catholic line in front of at least 6 million viewers. “…offer our Communion for Bill Keller…” Mr. O’Reilly, one of those nuns you so fondly write about in “Bold, Fresh” did teach you well…remember her in your prayers and thank her!

O’Reilly continued on to say it doesn’t bother him when people like Bill Keller state that they don’t believe in the Eucharist. He went on further to state that “smarter people than Keller do believe in it…(the Eucharist)” Well, Bill, your former Religion teacher would be proud. You are correct, there are smarter people than Bill Keller and Cris Mattoon is one of them. Here is a crosspost from Cris’s blog where he addresses Faith, (particularly his own) in the business world…

Bill Keller, watch out! Cris Mattoon might take over the NY Times and actually make it an intelligent, fair publication!



by Cris Mattoon, J.D.


“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” ~Matthew 7:7-8

“I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.” ~Frederick Douglass

A man (we’ll call him “Fred”) had approached me after a meeting to speak to me further about the role of faith in organizational settings. I could tell that he was uncomfortable amidst the lingering group, so we stepped off into a vacant conference room to speak privately.

“Cris, how can you live your faith so openly in business settings?,” he opened.

“Well, Fred, I strive to conduct all of my affairs consistently, regardless of the setting. So, I guess I don’t really notice the difference between the business setting and all other settings, ” I replied.

Fred’s face betrayed his consternation, and then he stammered out, “But aren’t you afraid you’re going to offend someone?! I mean, I’ve seen you speak openly not only with our employees but also with our clients.” Now I understood more about the basis of his concern.

I paused for a moment and then calmly replied, “Yes, Fred, I am concerned about offending Someone…God.” I continued, “Each of us has been endowed by our Creator with certain gifts, often mastered through great effort on our part, often undertaken solely on our faith or the faith of our loved ones. Some of us are great lawyers, doctors and engineers, while others of us are great welders, longshoremen and meat packers. God’s love for us and investment in us have absolutely nothing to do with our earning capacity, but have everything to do with how our lives can influence and improve the lives of our fellow men and women through our service to them.”

Read the rest of this SMART blog piece by clicking here

Thank you Saint Barbara!

28 August 2011

Just a quick note to thank Saint Barbara for her protection during Hurricane Irene for Sofia’s family and friends. Lots of flooded basements and cleanup but they are all grateful they were spared the worst.

No injuries or building damage reported back from Sofia’s loved ones and she wants to thank all prayer warriors from, Twitter and Facebook who prayed during this time.

Sofia will be back live on the blog,Twitter and Facebook September 6th.

Sofia will “See you in September”

God Bless!

Sancta Barbara, ora pro nobis

27 August 2011

Sofia’s family and friends all live within one to four miles from the beach on the Jersey Shore. She is asking for all her dearest friends and readers to please pray for their safety tonight and tomorrow during Hurricane Irene.

Saint Barbara is one of the patron Saints we invoke as Catholics for protection of our safety during storms. Please pray to Saint Barbara and to Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother for the safety of all people living in the path of this deceptively dangerous storm.

Sofia will be back from a long break this summer on September 6th. She was under her Doctor’s orders and her Confessor’s directive to take this long and silent sabbatical. Sofia has prayed for each and every one of you and has monitored the Prayer Request Page on Always Catholic and each of the requests have been on her daily prayer list.

She will be posting “What I Did on my Summer Non-Vacation” letting all know what’s up.

She thanks all of you for your concern and for your prayers and wants you to know she will be ready to resume her part of “fighting the good fight…”

Thank you for your understanding, for your kindness and for your patience.

Prayer to Saint Barbara

Saint Barbara, your courage is much stronger than the forces of hurricanes and the power of lightening. Be always by our side so that we, like you, may face all storms, wars, trials and tribulations with the same fortitude with which you faced yours. O Beautiful Maiden once imprisoned in a high tower, protect us from the lightning and fire that rages in the sky and the discord of war. Keep us alert and protect us from the dangers that surround us. Holy Mary Mother of Jesus intercessor for us all; we pray to assure receiving of the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist at the hour of our death. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen


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