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New Majority Keeps #Pledge to Focus on Jobs & Ending the Job-Crushing D.C. Spending Binge
Posted by Press Office on January 21, 2011

Less than three weeks into the 112th Congress, the new House majority has kept its Pledge to America to focus on removing barriers to job growth and ending Washington’s job-crushing spending binge.  Even with legislative activity postponed for one week out of respect to the victims of the tragedy in Arizona, the House has already taken action to:

  • Make it easier to cut spending – and harder to increase spending: Stopping Washington’s job-crushing spending binge began on Day One when the House adopted new rules to make spending cuts much easier.  The new cut-as-you-go (“cut-go”) rule requires any new mandatory spending be offset with spending cuts - not tax hikes.  And legislation must now show a long-term budget impact to prevent lawmakers from using accounting gimmicks and sleight of hand to hide the true cost of big government proposals (as was done with the health care law passed last year).
  • Rein in the red tape factory in Washington, DC: Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY) introduced the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act to help end some of the uncertainty facing job creators on account of job-stifling red tape. The bill would require an up-or-down vote by Congress on major federal rules and regulations – written by unelected bureaucrats – that have an economic impact of at least $100 million.
  • Cut Congress’ budget: Leading by example, the House of Representatives cut its budget by $35 million, fulfilling the pledge to “make Congress do more with less...” With record deficits and an unemployment rate near double-digits, every dollar of the people’s money saved now is a dollar that isn’t borrowed and owed by our children and grandchildren in the form of higher taxes.
  • Hold weekly votes on spending cuts: Every dollar counts, and the House has already begun replacing Congress’ culture of spending with a culture of saving – first by cutting its budget, and then by saving taxpayers millions of dollars by eliminating needless paper copies of legislation. These were just the first of many spending cuts to come.

And earlier today, Speaker Boehner and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced that they have selected House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) to deliver the Republican address to the nation following President Obama's State of the Union speech next week.  Chairman Ryan will lead a critical effort in the House this year to start cutting up the credit cards that have been abused by Washington Democrats as part of a job-crushing spending binge.   

This is just the beginning.  To find out what’s to come, all you need to do is look to the
Pledge to America.  As Speaker Boehner has vowed: “the Pledge is the plan.”  In the drive to stop the job-crushing spending binge and remove government barriers to job growth, the House of Representatives will be focusing on:

  • Cutting government spending back to pre-“stimulus,” pre-bailout levels: The Washington Post reported this morning that “Backed by tea party supporters, Republicans have made spending cuts a cornerstone of their new majority and are moving along several tracks to accomplish their objectives.” Next week, the new majority will give President Obama and the Democratic-controlled Senate the opportunity to “cut up their credit card" by passing a measure directing committees to cut spending in the areas that need it most.
  • Engaging in effective oversight to eliminate and prevent regulations that hurt job growth: In his remarks to the opening session of the 112th Congress, Speaker Boehner pledged that “[c]ommittees, once bloated, will be smaller, with a renewed mission, including oversight.” And Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) explained this week that, “Our oversight efforts will not only review and cut current regulations, but work to end pending detrimental rules and regulations from going into effect, and ensure that the culture of bureaucracy and big-government rulemaking in Washington is no longer the norm so that people can start getting back to work.”
  • Sun-setting outdated & duplicative programs: The House Energy & Commerce Committee, for example, is requiring that “[e]very program authorized or reauthorized … will have a sunset date of not more than seven years.”  As noted in the Pledge, such requirements will “force Congress to determine if a program is worthy of continued taxpayer support.”
  • Repealing job-destroying small business mandates, ending government control (and taxpayer bailouts of) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and much, much more.

Stay connected with the Office of the Speaker on Facebook, Twitter, and here on Speaker.gov as the new majority works to keep its Pledge to America and focus on reforms that reflect the priorities of the American people: less sending and more jobs.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • william russell commented on 1/25/2011
    Hey republicans you are doing alot of good things, but i pray you hold obama's feet to the fire. Send bill after bill of cuts to spending every day and week and than allow the american people know. Keep a list oc spending cuts by the comngress and waiting for action at the senate. Do not, do not buckle on raising the national debit until there is a real promise to cut spending back to 2006 levels. The next thing to do for the american people is to have the congress and senate pay more for their health care, and how about stopping the policy of granting pensions and health care for one's entire family after only serving one term. While at it stop the automatic process of increasing your pay when ever there is a deficiet.
  • Beti Wheeler commented on 1/25/2011
    Cutting spending and the formation of a job market all sound commendable. However, are we encouraging people to develop PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? If the "Bread Winner" is twenty- something and gives birth to 9 children, are you aware that she is paid $1500 per child????? Or, a total of $13,500.00 per month!!!!! When our Veterans are receiving between $600 and $800 per month for defending our country, this is a disgrace! Why don't we help them with the first child if there is a hardship, and require the biological fathers to pay Child Support for all additional children? Then and then only will they stop riding the gravy train. Since taxpayers have no relationship with these men, why should we pay for their entertainment? Also, food stamps have now become a credit card - ebt or etb- according to the check out people at Sam's club. Every two weeks, when I go to pick up groceries, there are women there who are as wide as they are tall, and pack their baskets with between $550 and $750 worth of prepared boxes of frozen goods - Shrimp Scampi, Lobster Tails, Maui-Maui, Smoked Turkey, etc. and from the Deli they stack up bar-b-que ribs and steak. I thought Food Stamps were restricted to the basic staples. So, while I am purchasing corn meal, eggs, tomatoes and lettuce, the non-working class lives like Kings at taxpayer expense. There is something wrong here!!!!! Now, my daughter-in-law tells me that they get FREE Cell Phones. I pay $20 per month for 200 minutes with Consumer Cellular and I do not feel that I am being deprived. Why can't these people get their own cell phones???? They may need to set up a budget and prioritize their list of needs or WANTS. Also, many of these women who receive Section 8 housing and work a couple of hours at 7-11, pay $100 towards their rent and sell cocaine in the afternoon and prostitute themselves at night. Then, they can afford beautiful wardrobes. We should only be helping the elderly women who are not bringing men in to sleep there. These people have learned to play the system and are costing us untold millions every year. I am not saying we should be hard- hearted, but I feel if they can afford to get their hair done in fancy do's and acrylic nails every week, they can afford to accept responsibility. I am disgusted when I look at all the Government Give-away programs which are enabling these undesirables to become parasites on our state and country. They will always have a hand-out as long as we continue to fill it.!!!!!
  • Jan Nomer commented on 1/25/2011
    Thank-you for keeping me informed. Also thank-you your hard work.
  • Constance Bulger commented on 1/25/2011
    I watched Obama's State of the Union Speech and was not impressed at all. The speech was nothing but a campaign speech. I don't now nor will I ever trust him! He says one thing and does the exact opposite. Please "stick to you pledge" and do what you say. We can't let Obama get re-elected! He is the most dishonest elected president we have ever had.
  • Richard Hopkins commented on 1/26/2011
    Obama's proposal in his SOTU address last night, proposed freezing federal spending at the current levels. NO, NO, NO! The outrageous spending of the last 3 years needs to be ROLLED BACK! Please do all you can do to get the roll-back legislation enacted, even if the Senate or Obama blocks it. Thank you.
  • molly baldwin commented on 1/26/2011
    This all sounds great and maybe we will get back on track and put Americans first. The less sending and more jobs sounds as if you are looking in the directions of "out sourcing". I hope so. I call wat should be an American company and wind up talking to someone in a foreign land that I can not understand and they do not know anything about the company or subject you are calling about. They only read scripts. IF companies are saving that much money thru "out sourcing" by putting Americans out of a job those companies should pass the savings on to the existing employees or hire Americans. "OUT SOURCING" has already taken it's toal on America. Bring the jobs back home.
  • Sandy Wolf commented on 1/26/2011
    I believe Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were huge instigators in the poor economy we "enjoy" today. Their power needs to be eliminated.
  • charllie and dolphine diaco commented on 1/26/2011
    this is great, keep up the good work. may the Lord bless you. please make sure to defund planned parenthood completely. no tax payer funding for abortion
  • First Name Last Name commented on 1/26/2011
    Stop the EMBRYONIC STEM CELL research. Playing with embryos is wrong. Nothing comes of embryonic stem cells, but there are results with existing living stem cells.
  • Gregory Ford commented on 1/26/2011
    Dear Speaker Boehner: Many thanks. These are the right words. So many of us are not only pulling for you but also depending on you. As we speak the words I am also reminded of what my father taught me: "Never confuse activity for achievement." There are many like me, in their 50's, well educated and experienced but needing work. I call them The fotten Men poaching a bit from William Graham Sumners' essay "The Forgotten Men" a tremendous under untilized resource in AMerica --the experienced, well educated men adn women over 50 who are capable and want to work. If we could get this mature crowd back to work, several things would happen. First, I would love to work until the day I day. Who wants to sit in a rocking chair and whittle? There are more like me. Folks like me, if we are working and produciing would not be a drag on Social Security, even though age wise we may be approaching eligibility. I'll take work over SS any day. Second, the over-50 crowd represents a huge voting and working block. Get us all back to working and producing and you'll see a prosperity base that generates tax revenues, pays in to SS, and is moving this country forward economically. We don't want handouts. We want the opportunity to succeed -- to pay our bills. If I can ever be of assistance you can count on me. Many thanks. Sincerely, --GRF
  • Shahid Raki commented on 1/26/2011
    You will have to learn that as the Speaker of The House, you sit slmost directly behind the President anytime he makes a speech. Your lackluster facade during his speech last night was very clear to me. There was no real enthusiasm shown on your part. Remember this, I am two months older than you and can say that we both have transitioned through a lot of America's eras in reaching to today's realities. Your words may say one thing, but your actions and expressions will say something entirely different without ever making a sound. I try to make a concentrated effort of observing people, especially those individuals whom I deem not be what they try to portray themselvs as bein to others. Please remember that the status that the country is currently in is not mainly due to President Obama and did not begin in a Democratic majority controlled Congress. The song "Somebody's Watching You" speaks so strongly about what many Americans are doing these days in regards to their politicians. Just like so many of us displaced workers have had to learn new skills to get ourselves prepared to get back into the working world, it might be beneficial to you and your constitutents to learn how to better disguise your displeasure, dislike or disgust for someone who is in close proximity to you at a particular time. What say you?
  • jerry silovich commented on 1/26/2011
    cutt or ewpeal the federal reserve act,fanny may,fredie mac turn fanny and fredie in to private companies! so we get them our of our treaasury.cut or real the comunity reinvestmennt act.cut department hhs,edu,energy,epa
  • Reginald Bradshaw commented on 1/26/2011
    I elected for furn the Television off when The President Came on. I do not trust him or his party and didnt feel up to more fo his teleprompt reading.. I did listen to the Republican Response and I felt I got a true picture of the state of the union in this response. I will be watching all of the work of our new congress and am expecting the republicans to make the needed decisions to bring back a constitutionally responsive governing body. I am looking foward not backward but remembering what got us to where we are. I know we have a big job ahead but we can corredt the wrong if we are willing. The proposals by the Republicans are necessary and fair. I am from the older generation but I like the tone of our new members.
  • Grover Syck commented on 1/27/2011
    The cuts the republicans are putting forth are like the actions of Attila the Hun's rape and pillage of a village. With out direction or thought about the damage cone
  • michael tessitore commented on 1/28/2011
    Keep up the good work, I was told by my uc benefits office that my benefits end March 5th and don't qualify for the 13-mo. extension, Why? I'm confused and concerned of loosing my home if this holds true. Thank you
  • Chris Wilkes commented on 1/28/2011
    Mr.Speaker, Seems good to see a party that cares about the little guy,and I hope this trend continues.Although things that have been done will not turn around overnight.Please know that we want what's best for all of us.Remember the saying that I know you have heard more than once WE THE PEOPLE. Thank you Chris from Bellevue,Michigan.
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