@RepGeoffDavis Introduces Bill to REIN In Costly, Job-Crushing Regulations

Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY) today introduced the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act – part of the Pledge to America – to help rein in costly regulations that are stifling job creation. Rep. Davis said:

“The American people have asked for more transparency and accountability from their government and the REINS Act is an important part of our response. … The REINS Act would end the practice of Congress avoiding accountability through vaguely drafted legislation by requiring a vote on the most burdensome regulations generated by those laws.   Members of Congress should never have an option to avoid responsibility for the effects of the laws they pass.”

Unlike the president’s executive branch review – which appears to exempt some of the most egregious agencies and programs – the REINS Act requires an up-or-down vote by Congress on major federal rules and regulations that have an economic effect of at least $100 million. The goal is to make Washington more accountable to the people, shut down the federal red tap factory, and help small businesses get back to creating new jobs.

This is yet another example – following votes to cut Congress’ budget and repeal the job-destroying health care law – of the new House majority listening to the people, and focusing on cutting spending and creating new jobs. Check out the Facebook page set up by Rep. Davis to support the REINS Act and follow him on Twitter at @RepGeoffDavis.

Exempting Job-Destroying Regulations, It’s the Incredible, Shrinking “Government-Wide Review” (1/19/11)
New Executive Order: In Regulators We Trust (1/18/11)
REINing in the Red Tape: WSJ Highlights Pledge Proposal to Help Job Creators, Make Washington More Accountable (1/14/11)