Intellectual Property

Recent Intellectual Property Articles

Google & Facebook Take on Patent Trolls

Technology giants launch an assault on vague patents that hinder innovation and jack up costs.  Read more

The Paradox of Post-Grant Patent Review

A mysterious little tweak of the language of a patent-reform bill renders it nearly useless. What the heck happened?  Read more

The Real Toll of Patent Trolls

Patent trolls drain businesses of billions of dollars a year. And if you have a website--any website--you are a potential target. Here's what you need to kno...  Read more

Is This What Patent-Infringement Insurance Looks Like?

Patent clearinghouse companies offer "memberships" in what they are describing as a sort of patent-infringement insurance. Some call it a glorified protectio...  Read more

Zumba: At War With the Pirates | Company of the Year

This fast-growing company is besieged by imitators, counterfeiters, and fakes. In defense, it employs a fleet of about 20 in-house lawyers and retains law fi...  Read more

One Thing I Wish I Knew Before Going Global

OtterBox's CEO talks about a lesson he learned the hard way after expanding his business overseas.  Read more

4 Myths of Global Branding

What rights do you have when protecting your trademark internationally? You may be surprised.  Read more

How Zumba Fitness Turned Pirates Into a Street Marketing Team 

Each week, 12 million people in 125 countries take Zumba Fitness classes. Here, co-founder Alberto Perlman talks about how he protects the company's trademark.  Watch video

Someone Copied Your Product. What Next?

Taking legal action is costly and time-consuming. Here's how to weigh whether you (really) need to.  Read more

3 Lessons From Apple's Billion-Dollar Win

Here's what you can learn from Apple's patent victory over Samsung.  Read more