
Recent Hardware Articles

2013 Trend: Plastic Will Be Passé

Without credit cards, getting paid will get a lot quicker, easier, and cheaper.  Read more

2013 Trend: Social Media Will Get Bigger

Facebook just hit 1 billion users. Brace yourself for the backlash.  Read more

5 Epic Tech Fails in 2012

These products and innovations once seemed so full of promise. Not so much anymore.  Read more

5 Good Holiday Gifts for Your Employees

Your business is nothing without your people. How will you sufficiently thank them this year?  Read more

Rise of the Microserver

Go ahead and keep your data in-house. Thanks to some of the macro names in computing, servers are going micro and getting more efficient.  Read more

2013 Trend: An App for Every Waking Minute

Do you have a mobile strategy? Even if you do, you probably need a new one.  Read more

Biggest Tech Trends of 2012

After a year's worth of hardware and software news, these six developments are the ones to remember.  Read more

3 Ways the Holidays Put Your Company at Risk

Between the shopping madness, boozy eggnog, and harried traveling, this season presents plenty of threats to your business.  Read more

Get More Out of Windows 8 or RT: 4 Tips

Ease a transition to a Windows 8 or Windows RT device with a little advance preparation.  Read more

Windows Surface RT: Pros & Cons

Microsoft's new tablet may be off to a slow start, but it's too early to dismiss the device. Here's what Surface has going for it.  Read more