Basic Accounting

Recent Basic Accounting Articles

3 Ways to Get Paid Faster

Cash-flow is key for small businesses. Improving yours could be as simple as changing a bit of wording on your invoices. Here's how.  Read more

How Fast Is Too Fast?

To determine the right growth rate for your business, ask yourself some key questions.  Read more

4 Hidden Signs of a Healthy Company

Your balance sheet alone won't tell you if your company is thriving or on the verge of failure. Here's what you really need to look out for.  Read more

Time to Break Up With Your Bank

Your relationship with your bank may be one-sided--and expensive. But you won't know unless you play the field.  Read more

Reminder: Strategy & Planning Are Not Optional

You don't want your company to be among the walking dead. Know what you offer, to whom, and why.  Read more

Minimize Expenses and Save Your Business Money 

Advice from Warren Jolly, chief executive of Affiliate Media, and Scott Gerber, founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council.  Watch video

Are You a 'Small Giant'?

Not every business owner measures success purely based on the bottom line. Meet others like you.  Read more

The Single Most Important Rule of Business

Entrepreneurs are great at meeting challenges with optimism--but sometimes that's not what the business needs.  Read more

How to Stay Alive When Business Shrinks

You've used everything you had to keep going, but it may not be enough. Norm Brodsky weighs in on what to do next.  Read more

Worry About Quality, Not Profits 

James Miller talks about what his customers really value.  Watch video