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Which “Fiscal Cliff” issues are you most concerned about?
Posted by Randy | November 09, 2012
As the end of the year approaches, so does the “fiscal cliff”: expiration of the Bush tax cuts and automatic spending cuts of $1.2 trillion known as sequestration are scheduled to take place.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report today: Economic Effects of Policies Contributing to Fiscal Tightening in 2013, estimating that significant tax increases and spending cuts scheduled to take effect in January will sharply reduce the federal budget deficit, but also cause “a decline in the nation’s economic output and an increase in unemployment. “   Essentially, the fiscal cliff could drive the U.S. economy back into recession next year and result in a jump in the jobless rate to 9.1% by the end of 2013.

Question of the week: Which “Fiscal Cliff” issues are you most concerned about? (multi-answer)

(  ) Rising income tax rates to 15, 28, 31, 36 and 39.6% from 10, 15, 25, 28, 33 and 35%
(  ) Capital Gains rate rises from 15 to 20% for most people
(  ) Automatic spending cuts to defense budget of $55 billion in 2013
(   ) Reduction in the child tax credit from $1,000 per child under 17, to $500 per child under 17
(  ) Automatic spending cuts of $55 billion to non-defense discretionary spending in 2013
(  ) I am not concerned. These are all appropriate tax increases and spending cuts.
(  ) Other (share your thoughts on my blog here.)

Take the poll here.

Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • Mary Milks commented on 11/9/2012
    I was happy to reelect you. Now, please work with the Obama Administration & the Senate to get SOMETHING done. Compromise is not a dirty word. Your constituents are depending on you. Thank you for all your hard work on my behalf.
  • Jeff Henry commented on 11/9/2012
    Congratulations!!! - Keep taxes low and the military strong. Make cuts in non-defense discretionary spending. We need a smaller more efficient federal goverment.
  • Kathryn Rea commented on 11/9/2012
    I agree somewhat with John, we should never cut our military budget we need the strongest and most well equiped military in the world after all it is our military that always goes to the rescue lets give them what they need to do it! I also feel the Congress and Senate should never be exempt from any law they pass including Obamacare!
  • Julie Gehl commented on 11/9/2012
    I agree with Chris Rand. Obama has been advocating a "balanced" approach for years, yet the GOP in the beltway refuse to compromise. Giving an extra 2 trillion to the military isn't feasible, nor is extending the Bush tax cuts indefinitely. Bludgeoning the budget with further cuts has already proven to be disastrous to employment. Cut with finesse, by using a scalpel, not a sledge hammer. Let the tax cuts expire, and then replace them with more modest cuts to all but the top 2%.
  • shay nyunt commented on 11/9/2012
    cuts needy, no more borrowing money. no more taxes. go over the cliff, we need it.
  • Eric DeGroff commented on 11/9/2012
    I'm concerned about our massive national debt. It is unsustainable, it inhibits anything positive we could otherwise do with our wealth, and it's immoral of us to pass that obligation on to our children and grandchildren. The wealthy already pay more than their share, but I'd be satisfied with a higher tax on top incomes -- IF small businesses were exempted and spending were brought under control.
  • E Eanes commented on 11/9/2012
    Pass everything the Dems want so they get all the blame when it fails.
  • sandra edwards commented on 11/9/2012
    Randy, these are tough choices. However, it makes no sense to me to raise taxes on anyone during these times so my vote is to hold the line on any tax increases and let the rest fall where it may. Why? Because that seems to be the more permanent change and the hardest to undo in my humble opinion. Defense cuts may or may not happen and might possibly be reversed "out of need" even if they do happen. They will ramp right back up with another war or when it is determined they went too deep. Besides, Congress has the ability to re-appropriate or re-allocate funds as needed...right? Same with the non defense discretionary bucket. Do we really think the Democrats are going to want those cuts?? I say let them happen. They too will soon be reversed I am sure. So what I am saying, is to hold the line on the items that are the hardest to get back. Once tax increases take hold, we will not get that back for a very long time.
  • Taylor Kaye commented on 11/9/2012
    I think the tax rates should stay the same as long as people are in financial straits, except the highest tax bracket should be increased. The welathiest should pay more - and capital gains should be increased for the wealthy and loop holes removed. It is not reasonable for billionaires or multi-millionaires like Romney to pay a 14% tax rate because they have so much money and people who are struggling pay 20% or more because they don't have enough money to use the loop holes!
  • Ann Francis commented on 11/9/2012
    The current taxes (referred to as Bush tax cuts) should be held, NO TAXES raised, cut, cut, cut, cut spending. Milatary spending can and must be reevaluated, we MUST retain our defences! Medicare and Medicaid and SS must be revamped while we still have time to save them - in place for those currently on them, changes made for future recipients etc.
  • Renaud Reynard commented on 11/9/2012
    It seems a balance of enhanced revenue and austerity is the best path. It is the one President Obama and Speaker Boehner agreed to last year, before the tea party initiated a minority veto. As Rand stated earlier, we can all win with compromise. The president has also voiced a willingness to address some shortcomings of the Affordable Care Act. There are clearly problems with the plan first proposed by the very conservative Heritage Foundation. Let us remember that the plan is not a model of a liberal dream, rather it is a conservative approach to a national issue. Can it be improved? Of course. Will changes save money? Quite possibly, but please remember that there are huge savings in quality of life, in the a reduction in loss of work time due to ilness. Those are the "intangibles" few wish to recognize . . . until they are sick sans insurance. My biggest concern comes when folks simply say let the country tank to prove the other side is wrong. We are a great nation with a people who seem a little overwrought with political noice. We can solve problems by working together and accepting compromise. Renaud
  • Bill Perry commented on 11/9/2012
    Compromise is the key... take the President's tax increase on the wealthy.. then allow them an offset jobs tax credit .. Seems simple to me..
  • Craig Vrana commented on 11/9/2012
    I'm more concerned about the hyperinflation heading our way. It's going to make the fiscal cliff look like a "bump in the road", to quote our dear leader.
  • Karen Richardson commented on 11/9/2012
    Chris Rand has it right...the failure to compromise is what worries me the most. Both sides have ideas that can help and they need to be locked in a room together until they decide to work together and then sort out which ideas each side can live with. The "bases" of each party may also have to ease up on rhetoric like that of Mr. Collick's above. This isn't an us and them debate: it's just about us as Americans, all together, trying to figure out how to keep the dream alive for everyone. Take a deep breath and admit to yourself that the other side might be made up of people just like you.
  • corky hopkins commented on 11/9/2012
    decrease in medicaid, special education cuts, closing Department of Aging Rehabilitative Services for months which is totally ridiculous. Cuts in military spending
  • Steven Simonson commented on 11/9/2012
    Go along with Obama and the Democrats and let the Bush Tax Cuts expire only on "the wealthy". We may not like it, but the voters have spoken, they WANT what Obama is selling, and YOU and other GOP Congressman MUST be willing to work with him, even if that means giving up on some of the things you've been standing your ground on. Republicans should no longer take the heat for being "obstructionist", even if it means letting Obama and the Democrats do things that further harm the economy.
  • bobby olsen commented on 11/9/2012
    I think we need to go over the fiscal cliff. This is what the American people voted for. Give them what they want and hopefully this country will crash and burn like the President wants. Then lets see what he will do about that. As you can tell I am angry about what is going on in this country. I doesn't matter what anyone does this President is going to run this country into the ground. He will do this because he can and also because he wants to.
  • Larry Bice commented on 11/9/2012
    It is time that both parties come togather, and quit acting like there are both in seperate countries. Revenue needs to increase and taxes are one way but should not be the only way. Yes cuts in government is needed as well. I believe everybody, the Fed., State, Military and most people could cope very well with a 10% spending cut and would never feel it. There is least a 10% waste in every budget if not more. A tax code change is needed. Most important is that both parties come togather and find common ground. If all of you say you care about the welfare of this country and all the people and I mean all the people then you should act accordingly. I am a Democract but I have voted both ways and I voted again for the Honorable Randy Forbes. So Mr. Forbes I am depending on you to act in good faith to reach common gound and settle for nothing less.
  • Lawrence Nowery commented on 11/9/2012
    I'm really not convinced that anyone ever reads these comments!!
  • Bonnie Norem commented on 11/9/2012
    We have to get the White House under control and quit spending money like getting it from a tree (working people). We do not need another agency in the government like he proposed. We do not need Obamacare that is robbing us. We need to quit robbing Medicare for all the illegals that Obama is bringing into our country to support. We need to cut back on giving to places like Egypt and Pakinstan. Why do we support all these nations that hate us and use what we give them for destroying us? Has anyone offered to help us? Cut out the waste from all the welfare abuse on food stamps, etc. and allow jobs to be created like the pipeline, allowing the coal miners to keep their jobs and quit dumping money into failed companies like Obama has done the last 4 years. Quite giving stimulas to big donors to have we the people pay for their high lifestyle and spending through donations to them like Solandra. Time to work and quite politicing in Congress and the Administration in particular. Quit paying for excess travel and parties in the government agencies!
  • Joseph Burns commented on 11/9/2012
    I am not overly concerned about the fiscal cliff because these are items that will occur ONLY if Congress doesn't work together to pass an appropriate budget. What this means is that members of both the House and Senate - regardless of the party - need to work together to reach an agreement. This is where Republicans and Democrats need to throw out party politics. The results of the election should indicate that Americans are tired of partisan, hardline activities. On many issues, I consider myself a Republican. The party, however, has lost touch with the general popluation. Giving tax breaks to the wealthy will allow them to put money into their personal investments or allow them to buy high-end products. This will have little impact on the economy as a whole. Giving tax breaks to the low and middle income people will put more money immediately back into the economy as they tend to spend a greater portion of their income for a variety of goods/services - by necessity. Smart military and government cuts need to occur to improve efficiency and eliminate redundancy.
  • Allen Shepard commented on 11/9/2012
    Congratulations on winning. My son and I voted early but my wife got to meet you again Tuesday afternoon. Please help cut spending. I'd rather see someone in the military than on public assistance. GM has *not* paid us back for the bail out. Part of the deal was 700 million shares of stock @ 58 dollars a share. Well GM stock is still lower. Six Trillion dollars Obama added means my two kids, wife and myself owe another 18,575 dollars each to the debt. That is nearly 52,000 dollars.
  • rob't karnes commented on 11/9/2012
    How about "JUST CUT THE D*** SPENDING !!! " All czars, depts of : energy, educ, etc.
  • David Rhodes commented on 11/9/2012
    As a business owner I am very concerned about the fiscal cliff. It is still difficult for us and things are getting better so slowly. We can't go backwards and we need to come up with solutions that meet this situation without putting us back in a recession. I am asking all of our elected government officials to come together and solve this problem. We need to put the country first and solve these problems in a responsible and fair manner.
  • Bonnie Norem commented on 11/9/2012
    Time to cut out all the big donations to Egypt, Pakinstan, and all these nations that use it to destroy our nation by killing our military personnel, our embasseys, etc. Stop the spending to agencies for all the excess travel and partying. Stop the payment of illegal immigrants for food stamps and medical help. Stop Obamacare - that is the biggest expense to take us over the cliff and the Supreme Court said it was a tax issue. No added new agencies to the government by growing the government more. No more giving excess money to companies like Solendra, etc. Allow our energy companies to allow their workers back to work like the coal industry. Save our defense - that is all we have left to protect us. When people don't have to pay for something then they do not value what they get. If someone gets free education then we don't feel the need to go to classes because we think we are not loosing anything (this is college more than younger kids). Most people do not have babysitter for kids over 13/14 today unless handicapped (even though I think they should have someone there) - maybe it should be 15 and not 17. I do not think raising rates on (quote rich) is going to do the job. There has been too much taxes added already to all of us through gas prices, food prices, utilities, etc. that are hidden. The government has to start being accountable for their choices of how they are spending our money and these last 4 years has been out of hand! We need people working.
  • Liz Johnson commented on 11/9/2012
    As a small business owner which derives a significant portion of income from "stockholder dividends", I am concerned that rate is going from 15% to 39.5% I believe. That is a significant jump and hope we won't have to decrease our employee numbers. I don't want to give another dime in taxes until the government quits spending a trillion more than it takes in. If we had a balanced budget, I would gladly pay some extra toward reducing our debt. I am so saddened and disgusted that over half of this country is not concerned with the financial security/ stability of this government!
  • Conrad Faust commented on 11/9/2012
    Going over the fiscal cliff is NOT the worst case scenario. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. Take the recent presidential election. We know things are going to get worse with Obama before they get better. He is flying off to a worthless meeting in BURMA, while the U. S. in effect burns. What is he going to do there? Look for more ways to disparage our country? I am for a strong military, but not a wastefull military. We still have a wastefull millitary. As an example I cite the fact that the millitary LOST six billion dollars, ($6,000,000,000.) last year in Afghanistan. No one was held accountable and no one is even concerened or looking for what happened to the $6B. All the misleaders and deceivers in Afhanastan are utterly corrupt and we should get out as soon as possible. Not one of them, especially Karsei is worth one more American life.
  • Becky McDonough commented on 11/9/2012
    Yesterday I learned of an 80 employees business that has laid off 30 employees so that they can be under 50 employees so as to not have to be burdened by additional regulation. The owners of this wonderful little company feel that they have worked and worried for 20 years to build a company that will provide less profit and less marketability for retirement than they ever thougtht possible. I spoke with another small business contractor who believes that the regulation is causing small service businesses to give up and go back to work for the bigger companies. End result....fewer jobs. Big business is squeezing small business out of business. No hope for the middle class to hope to build wealth in middle America.
  • Chris Powell commented on 11/9/2012
    Congressman - My main concern is the lack of any sense of urgency over the past year to address budgetary decisions. When was the last time a budget was passed? The process of continuing resolutions injects uncertainty to many small businesses that have any revenue from government customers - the impact is extremely painful. Once again we find ourselves up against the wall dealing with a debt ceiling limit decision without having done anything since the last emergency. Clearly it is time to make some HARD decisions that put the health of the nation ahead of re-election. There is culpability on both sides for failing to find common ground and collaborating on a way to cut spending while adressing taxation and revenue streams. I am not for raising taxes, unless congress can come to grips with spending the money responsibly. Please push to reconcile differences and resolve budget issues so that the American people do not get crushed in the aftermath of the fiscal cliff. There are rational ways to achieve a balanced approach, but someone needs to step up and show some leadership.
  • M McM commented on 11/9/2012
    Cut everything except our defense. When I say cut, I mean cut - not just not increasing. The governement needs to get out of Education, Healthcare,etc. stop regulating and micromanaging every aspect of our lives. The local level is the best place to be able to spend money where it is best needed. We need to stop sending money anywhere. If we can not pay our bills we should not be giving money to anyone. Once we are fiscally strong THEN and only then do we help others. Charity begins at home. While I am at it - can we please get out of the UN?
  • Jim Stasny commented on 11/9/2012
    Discretionary spending is, what? ... 30 percent or so of the budget? You can't solve the problem there. The payroll tax holiday is silly since all you're doing is drawing down on the future to disquise the political cowardice of the present. And anybody in Congress who thinks Grover Norquist is some kind of shield against irresponsiblity on the national interest, doesn't deserve to be in Congress. Revenues are necessary in a deal. Let's face it. The only difference going forward between Greece, Italy, Portugal, and the United States is that we speak English. Suck it up and do your job.
  • Rita Geer commented on 11/9/2012
    I am very concerned about the trend for larger businesses buying up the small business to eliminate competition. We have so many GOOD small businesses in this area that have closed up shop because they cannot compete with the large businesses which have less personal connection to the community. How can you help promote small business with incentives tax wise and in other areas?
  • Lonnell Stewart commented on 11/9/2012
    Mr. Forbes, as a representative, I think you understand that sometimes you will have to have the integrity to make good choices for the people you represent even if they disagree with that choice and don't understand it is for their benefit. They may say hold your ground and let us go off the fiscal cliff, but you know that's not what any one really wants. I say, let the Bush tax cuts expire and save the programs that help people who truly need it the most. I know this may not get posted because I may no longer be in your district, but I know you know what is right and I hope you will have the courage and integrity to do it. I believe you do. Thanks
  • Paul Puletti commented on 11/9/2012
    Before we even mention the words "tax increase", we want SIGNIFICANT AND REAL SPENDING CUTS to discretionary spending and SIGNIFICANT AND REAL ENTITLEMENT REFORM. Every single time we have "compromised" in the past we agreed to REAL tax increases in exchange for future, fuzzy, "cuts" to the RATE OF GROWTH, none of which actually materialize. Fool me once... We have been fooled for the last time. Spending cuts first. Then we can talk taxes.
  • Sam Wilder commented on 11/9/2012
    We will clearly need to take SOME cuts in defense, but they need to be balanced by a strategy that calls for a reduction of military commitments around the world. Our military has been stressed to the max during this past decade. For starters, get out of Africa. We need to stop being the world's policeman. Don't get involved in Syria. Why do we need to shift emphasis to the Pacific? We could draw down some troops from Europe and Korea. I'm not calling for 1930's style isolationism - just a much more realistic set of commitments for our troops. We're overly committed now.
  • Tom Perry commented on 11/9/2012
    Despite what people say or think, taxes are not evil. One cannot expect government services or (military) protection without adequate funding. (Also, do not pad the military just to be more macho than anyone else.) Not everyone has capital gains, but those who do are substantially better off than the regular working citizen. Do not tax blue collar workers at a higher rate than the well off. Be realistic. Seek compromise. Don't take "never" pledges. Watch the phrasing in questions you ask. Most people want and are thankful for adequate health coverage -- and also expect each person to pay his/her fair share. If one is truly concerned about deficit spending, do not give huge tax breaks to corporations who are rolling in profits or send jobs overseas. Do not rattle sabers and start wars you cannot finish -- or pay for. Again, be realistic.
  • Melissa Cofield commented on 11/9/2012
    Well over 60% of the national budget is defense spending, and this is where the biggest cuts need to be made. We are ending a decade of war, and the budget should reflect this. I am not in favor of raising the tax rates, but I am very much in favor of eliminating the loopholes for the wealthy. They have benefitted from the US system, and should do more to support it. The middle class is shrinking, the number of people living in poverty is rising, and unless and until they pay their fair share in taxes, the trend will continue. I agree with previous posts that you, Congressman Forbes, need to lead the way in compromising with the President and Democrats to find a solution to our looming economic disaster. "Compromise" is NOT a dirty word! This nation has been built on compromise, and it's past time you and your colleagues realize it and get the job done that my tax dollars are paying you to do.
  • Steven omtvedt commented on 11/9/2012
    As is the case with every election lately, we have a nearly 50/50 split what do you do with that? Why are the conservatives the only ones that have to give on their principles? bi-partisan means both sides, right? Im not a fan of many in the Cong/Senate because all seem to have forgotten what the constution says. You guys certianly dont follow it. And the 47 percent have spoken plus a few. If we had a rule that says you can't vote if you collect a govt check of any kind things would be quite different. You guys missed the boat with the linder fair tax, if Mitt and others had jumped in with both feet supporting it there would have been a clear difference to vote for. I have not heard an argument against the bill yet that holds water other than it takes too much power away from the political class. And for me thats a plus.
  • Herbert Levin commented on 11/9/2012
    I am very concern about the growth of the size of government, the cost of government, Congress exempting themselves from the limits that the taxpayer public benefits are. Congress is not above the public in the entitlements that Congress votes for itself. Congress can not continue to spend more than the government collect in revenues. Congress must continue to fund a strong defense with the problems that the USA faces today.
  • Gregg J commented on 11/9/2012
    What I'm most worried about is the false information used by congress to sway opinion. For example, the Bush tax cuts have been enforce for 11 years now. It should be clear to all but the most dense members of congress these tax cuts are not going to create jobs ever. Additionally, the falsehood that reductions need to be made to save social security and medicare is simply not true. Raise the payroll tax cap currently at $110K to $250K and repeal the policies that make it attractive to ship jobs overseas. The other side of the coin is to cut spending wisely. Despite the whining about defense cuts, there is room to reduce defense spending wisely and not impact national security. Here's a question for all members of congress, how do you propose to pay down the debt without increasing revenues? Don't vote on any legislation until you can answer that question truthfully and let it guide your actions. I know we've got some new members in congress so lets replace the gridlock with leadership.
  • Malcolm Kelley commented on 11/9/2012
    This is a democracy. This form of governing includes compromise, for the good of all. The acclaimed job, four years ago described by one Senator as his only job, of making Barack Obama a one term president is finished. It should never have started but that's history. It's now time you go to work for us, your employers. I suggest you take we citizens to heart, remind your fellow Congressmen of these matters, and work with ALL Congressmen, the Senate, and the President toward solving the problems of our country FOR THE GOOD OF ALL.
  • Mary & Ed Bland commented on 11/9/2012
    The Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans must expire. This government cannot continue to function with the current inequity in tax revenue. Those making $250,000 annually and above should pay more, and Republicans should not hold the entire nation hostage in order to secure those tax reductions for the wealthiest Americans. The argument that the tax reductions for the wealthiest Americans creates jobs is a myth. There is no evidence that this trickle down approach has ever worked. The Bush/Cheney years raided the U.S. Treasury, redistributing wealth to the one percent in unprecedented ways; it did not lead to an increase in jobs. We realize some Republicans are anti-fact and anti-science, but the evidence speaks for itself. There must be shared responsibility in solving the problems this nation faces. The burdens should not be borne by the middle class and the poor. During President Obama's first term, Republicans turned their backs on the country and governing and pursued the unpatriotic political agenda of bringing down a President. Thankfully, that agenda failed. The people have spoken in favor of democracy not oligarchy. Republicans need to act like statesmen instead of petulant little boys.
  • Tammie Bellamy commented on 11/9/2012
    As an independent, I know many will disagree but I say to let the Bush tax cuts expire. The times are changing especially on the economic front and we cannot continue to do business as usual. It is insane to continue to do the same things expecting a different result. We have to change with the times. These tax rates were already in place when Mr. Bill Clinton balanced the budget so this is nothing new. These cuts were given at time when it was plentiful and we all enjoyed the cuts; now we need to put these rates back in place for the good of the Country. We all know that many factors played into the cause of the recession primarily the housing bubble explosion. We must decrease our debt, cut out unnecessary expenses, create jobs and reinvest in our Country! As a person who would be considered to be within the middle class; I would be willing to pay a little more taxes if necessary. It’s time to work together and stop being nasty. Our Country is the greatest Country in the world and I am proud to be called an American. God has already blessed America, let’s get ourselves together and do what we need to do by the people and for the people. I know I’m fired up and ready to go, are you?
  • Mary & Ed Bland commented on 11/9/2012
    The Bush tax cuts must expire. Bush/Cheney raided the U.S. Treasury and redistributed wealth to the one percent in ways unprecedented in this nation's history. This redistribution plus two wars, one of which was waged on false pretenses, exploded the deficit more than all previous Presidents put together. One of the messages of this important election is that citizens--all citizens--must share in government in equitable ways. The middle class and the poor should not be paying a greater percentage of taxes than the wealthiest Americans. The Republican argument that extending these tax cuts will create more jobs is a myth. That approach has never worked. We realize some Republicans are anti-fact and anti-science, but the evidence speaks for itself. Trickle down has never worked. We are hoping Republicans will act like statesmen for a change and not once again hold the nation hostage in order to further enrich the one percent of Americans. In this election, the voters have chosen democracy over oligarchy. Big money could not buy the election and attempts to suppress voters could not steal it. Thankfully, democracy won. We are so proud of our country and of the voters. The disgraceful, reckless and irresponsible Republican tactic these past four years of turning their backs on the country to pursue the political agenda of bringing down the President has failed. It's time for Republicans to act in the traditions of statespersons like President Eisenhower and former Virginia senator John Warner and cease acting like petulant little boys.
  • Georgette Lasorso commented on 11/9/2012
    It doesn't matter what I or any American citizen thinks. Nothing is going to be done. We had an ineligible, illegal, Muslim in office for 4 years & lo & behold he is elected for another 4 years or as long as he wants. We do not need a Congress or Supreme Court, the fraud does his work through Executive Order. The Republic Party is almost non existent. When are you all going to replace Boehner, Cantor & in the Senate McConnell? I like Allen West as Speaker! It seems to me that the majority of R's are afraid to stand up for the U.S. Constitution (is it still in effect?) & their constitutents. I guess it would interfere with you all receiving your pay ckecks & perks. Do any of you really care about the people that have lost jobs, homes, possessions ? Since obamacare is law, 2013 will be hard but 2014 will be much harder - if we can survive.
  • Jim Akers commented on 11/9/2012
    The House should quickly act to extend all the Bush rates and apply an additional rate of 42% on all incomes over one million. Dividend incomes above 1 million taxed @ 22%. "Tax Free" income above 1 million taxed at 22%. Hold the child credits @ the Bush rates. Preminently eliminate the death tax. Require that any new Federal regulation written in furtherance of any law be approved by both houses of congress before implementation. Allow any member of Congress to call for a review vote on any existing Federal regulation and failing that review vote by the regulation could no longer be enforced.
  • Barry Hofman commented on 11/9/2012
    No one is addressing the issue of sustainability. I think all Americans are convinced that the relative comforts of their lives are something that they are entitled to. A country that consumes over 25% of the worlds collective resources and only has a population of 300 million needs to appreciate and adjust their consumption. Our burgeoning national debt and its ever increasing resulting drag (interest) on our budget will either be addressed now or it will be purged when a more attractive currency becomes internationally acceptable. Right now the dollar is what the vast majority of commodities and in fact many other currencies are "pegged" to. If the IMF or other governing body determines that a new currency or another existing currency should replace it iI fear a drastic international sell off would result due to the risk associated with the unattractive debt load in the US economy. How much does our government need to consume? Is that tied to your Soc Sec or retirement? With that money do you support the current system? What are you willing to give up or are you willing to consume until the entire economic system collapses? I'll bet the answer for most Americans is to wait and see if it collapses! Scary? yes Possible? absolutely
  • Ann Newcomb commented on 11/9/2012
    Am I the only one still concerned about the rising cost of healthcare?! Going beyond ObamaCare which is ludicrous - generally, universally healthcare costs are becoming unaffordable just when we Boomers are needing it more and using it for more expen sive procedures than routine physicals! HELP!!
  • Toni Tabb commented on 11/9/2012
    It's apparent that the GOP had neither the interest or fortitude to to address the issue of treason, 'aiding and abetting the enemy' (i.e. the Muslim Brotherhood - Al Qaeda) during the election, perhaps hoping that we'd peacefully install a new President. Now we have fraudulently re-elected a President, endorsed and celebrated by Communist Party USA, Chavez, Castro and Ahmedinajad, who clearly intends to complete the transformation he started and dismantle what's left of our constitutional republic. Go for the short term fix on the fiscal cliff... And immediately press your fellow House members to do their job and submit 'Articles of Impeachment' to the Judiciary Committee for high crimes and misdemeanors ...and treason. Knowing the truth and not taking action is legally and morally wrong. Please stand with the 5 members of Congress who have already called for the investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of our government at the highest levels. Stand with the brave whistleblowers and the men who died in Benghazi while this President abandoned them. 'We the People' will support you!
  • Earl George commented on 11/9/2012
    We have to reduce spending, the days of the pork barrell spending for pet projects has to end. Congress needs to be under the same retirement system and medical coverage that the rest of the country is on. Our generation created this mess and it is so unfair to pass it on to our children and grandchildren to pay for. If this is not corredcted and corrected soon my fear is this country will be no more, and that is such a shame because this is the greatest country in the world. The problem is it is turning into a welfare society and everyone is looking/voting for what that party is going to give them and not on what is the right thing for Americans. It's a sad state of affairs, what we really need in Washington are statesmen that will do whats best for this country and not whats necessarily best for themselves and moving to Socialism is not the right choice.
  • mike zirpoli commented on 11/9/2012
    Congratulation Randy and I wish You the Best of Luck, this country needs to put GOD Back in the equation or no matter what we do , we will Fail. We are being like the Democrates of again depending on government to fix our problems. The only thing that have saved us is the support for Israel and we have put them under the bus with Obama. We need to cut the waste and in my view start over,Sorry Randy I think we had given to much of pay and Benitfits to Congress and the Senate. Run one time, 6years and when you do run YOU pay to run. Run for President ,the person running pays for it. People that run our Country ,should do it to SERVE our country without All the perks,like insurance or other Benitfits for the individule, the Congressman or Senate. We need to go back to our Founding Fathers who serve our country for the LOVE of GOD and Country. Look how much we can save by this alone and put people in office to serve not to be serve like Americans feel like they should be. Its not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you.IN GOD WE TRUST>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more than ever.
  • Thomas G commented on 11/9/2012
    Congressman Forbes, my worst fear is you. There are now many new voters in your district that are not as acquainted with you as the rest of us are. The fact is sir, that last year you voted, and then trumpeted on this very blog, your vote to shove this great nation into default. That sir harmed this great nation, it harmed the very private sector you proclaim to support. That harmed this nation in the eyes of the international community and made it significantly more difficult to conduct foreign policy. Your action inflicted serious harm on millions of seniors and their retirement savings. You hurt us sir, and you hurt us badly. Your old district sent you to Washington with a balanced budget and a climate where the entire national debt would have been retired had you not supported policy that instead gave us 10 TRILLION dollars during your tenure and not a single balanced budget. You voted more than once against tax cuts for the middle class and refused to acknowledge the warnings of past presidents, past and present Treasury secretaries, past and present chairmen of the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the nation's most respected economists and the overwhelming will of the people. You defended policy contrary to that advocated, and implemented, from the Federal Reserve. You refused to even pressure your leadership to vote on the Jobs bill sent to you over a year ago. This was a bill fully paid for sir as reported by the CBO and it cost our country a million jobs and added billions more to our deficit. You did all of this to protect millionaires and billionaires who haven't created jobs at all. You acted in obstruction congressman. You refuse to rescind your commitment to the Grover Norquist blackmail pledge of obstruction that prevents you from doing anything at all. So my biggest concern is you sir, your inability to function in service to your country. I don't think you listen to the voters, and now with many new ones in your district, all of us will have to work hard until they too grasp what is at stake here. I have no doubt that I have the energy to help that along and many others do too. Act sir, and act now.
  • Tom Tracy commented on 11/9/2012
    I think it is too premature to determine what will happen. I hope the Republican Party learned a lesson and becomes a more inclusive, compromising Party, so I too can rejoin my Party and not continue to vote for the "other side."
  • Frances Thompson commented on 11/9/2012
    If you put aside the the political rhetoric, a common theme that is running through a lot of these posts is that we want the gridlock to stop and members of congress need to make compromises so that can happen. This includes you, Congressman Forbes. Let's do what we teach our children and work it out without fighting because we couldn't get all that we wanted. All the name calling and putting down one party or the other will not change the situation that we are facing. Continued gridlock is not in the best interest of our country! America is better than this.
  • Lesa Bery commented on 11/9/2012
    Dear Congressman Forbes: When you were a kid, was there ever a time when you got in trouble and your mom couldn't deal with the level of punishment you needed so she left it up to your father, "when he gets home"??? I may be telling my age but I did. I wishing my dad would get home and get it over with. Let us go over the damn cliff and fall where we may. What I can't deal with is a repeat of the last 4 years. This country needs to stop spending more than it makes and we must stop borrowing from countries that force children to work. All the women that voted for Obama because they were concerned about womens rights needs to wake up! I have a customer that owns his own company and he spends much of his time in China. He said that in western China, children as young as 5 are forced to work the fields. China doesn't have all that money to lend becasue they are such good financial wizzards!!! I voted for you, again, but please, don't sit in gridlock for another 4 years. Make something happen!!! Come on home and get it over with!!! It's time to move on. Sincerely. Lesa Berry.
  • John C. commented on 11/9/2012
    I am amazed at how out of touch the Republican Party has become. While the pre-election rhetoric would lay the blame on the Obama administration for the economy and debt, he truly inherited what was for the most part an unforeseen disaster. Subsequently the "tea party" was successful acquiring some seats in our congress and the Republican party has apparently accepted the hard right, no taxes stance in the face of unprecedented debt. It should be clear that if we are to tackle the debt problem, that we are either going to have to cut services or increase taxes. With the most wealthy 20% of our citizens taking in 46% of our nations income, (see pewsocialtrends.org "Lost Decade of the Middle Class"), I expect most of your citizenry feel that taxes targeting primarily the upper income earners would be preferable to cuts in the social programs that address issues that so much of our citizenry can no longer afford.
  • Sandra Costello commented on 11/9/2012
    You and your buddies in Washington , be it Democrats or Republican need to sit down across the table and compromise. If the sledge hammer that hit you in the head from the elections doesn't show you anything, you must see that the American people are tired of this crap you call governing. Get with the program. Full speed ahead and get it done.
  • Eurith Grier commented on 11/9/2012
    There is no need for tax increases at all. The Congress and President should keep their hands out of the TAX JAR. It is pathetic the amount on money you guys throw away.. Tossing a lot of money at every issue coming before you has not, and will not resolve the issues. Aid to Pakistan, and the rest of the Arab Nations could go far to relieving the DEBT burden facing our country. The President gave Solyndra and others, billions of dollars and they went bankrupt. He is not a business man nor will he ever be. He gave them billions because they helped him get elected with their huge donations, not because they had a viable product. He gave billions to Chaves to drill offshore, and stopped the Pipeline and jobs here that could have been. A long list of items that were posted several times in emails that Romney would delete from the budget have to be looked at closely. I'm sure you must have seen or heard about them. Its PORK that doesn't have to be in the budget. Whimsical characters in the House and Senate such as Reid, Pelosi and I'm sure many more spend tax dollars as if it were their money, not the peoples money. Every Congressman and Senator has a "BRIDGE TO NOWHERE" that they want money approved to build. Last time I looked at congresses responsibility, it was security of our nation. You guys have let us down. You are in our pockets for much more than the security of the United States. You guys should have impeached Obama long ago for usurping the Constitution. You didn't, now we have four more years of Presidential destruction to our GREAT NATION.
  • John Arthur commented on 11/9/2012
    John Arthur, MSG Retired I know the election is over, but I have to ask why so many people in this country turned their back on the 4 brave heroes who died in Lybia?? This president, his Sec. of State, his Sec. of defense let those brave people die for nothing. Well I pitty you all. The truth, I hope will eventually come out. I have solice in one thing, my vote didn't put him back in office!
  • Richard Fraley commented on 11/9/2012
    I have many concerns, I feel we need surprise checks, on those on welfare, food stamps, housing assistance, and all the rest, like Medicade. No one seems to check to see if people getting this aid are really qualified for it. When I am at the grocery store, I see Food Stamp Program buying the best cuts of meats and carts piled to overflowing with items, I don't buy, because of prices. Then when items like Beer, Cigaretts aren't covered by Food Stamps, they'll pull out an anormous roll of money to pay for them. If they're not working and are down,Where did the huge amount of money, come from ? I am concerned of what seems the latest rip off, today. Young people living together, the girl gets pregnant, they're not married, a welfare baby and some have more after the first one. Every baby has a Father even if a woman has sex with more then one man. She surely knows when and who she slept with, so require she names who and when, then require that both her and him or in case of multible partners, A DNA test should find the Father, are responsible for the debt. Many couples are having babies, both working, not married, but have the babies first, welfare again, for delivery etc, plus all the additional perks, bottles, strolers and car seats. Then they get married. This isn't fair to married young couples, who get married first, then have babies,and pay the bill. No welfare ,that, because of married status, it's not fair to the tax payers either. I also feel that anytime the Country isn't operating under a balanced budget, then the House and Senate, should not be able to vote themselves a pay raise. A raise for failure, doesn't make sense.
  • Janice Stedman commented on 11/9/2012
    I am also concerned about the estate tax being reinstated. My belief is that this is double taxation. I have no problem with the money that has never been taxed being taxed, but to tax the entire estate is ludicrous. This is part of the reason we fought the revolutionary war. I want our military to remain strong, so do not cut the defense budget. I agree that all representatives and senators and all other government workers need live by the same rules that they make the rest of us live by. This includes obamacare! Also, I feel that congress should not get salary raises unless it is approved by a vote by the people. In other words, you all work for us and we should decide if you deserve a raise
  • Les Moore commented on 11/9/2012
    Congratulations on your re-election. It does not matter what you do Randy. Our government is broken and nobody will be able to fix it. The principles on which this country was founded are forgotten. Special interests and greed have taken over. Reason and sanity are nowhere to be found. Look at Greece. That is where America will be very soon.
  • S I commented on 11/9/2012
    Automatic spending cuts of $55 billion to non-defense discretionary spending in 2013 are concerning. All cuts will cost jobs and income to some segment of Americans. Cuts should be even, but the first step is to have the wealthy pay their fair share. After that, look to cuts!
  • James Parlow commented on 11/9/2012
    Let everything take effect. You are only prolonging the inevitable by trying to fight the march toward Socialism. I say if that is what the majority wants, give it to them.
  • James Simmons commented on 11/9/2012
    The fiscal cliff I would most like to see removed is John "The Coward" Boehner. He doesn't speak for me, and I'm 99% sure he doesn't speak for any conservative. He is a Republican in name only, and needs to be shown the door. For god's sake, speaker of the house is something he openly campaigned for, and all he's done since getting his wish is bend over backwards for the democrats ... Remove Him!
  • James Simmons commented on 11/9/2012
    What really scares me is the people on this very blog who believe Democracy won. Starting today, I want you all to listen to what the President say's, and then watch what he does.
  • Bill Thompson commented on 11/9/2012
    We are spending more than we take in. It doesn't seem the party in power has any idea of how to do anything right. If I ran my house like theFederal Government I would be out in the street or maybe in jail. I will make it as simple as I can. The reason President Obama was reelected is because the government is a sugar daddy to much of the population. There is no accountability in the homes of many today, which also carries over into the class room. Young people expect or more apportiately demand free this and free that and the current Administration promising them theywill get it. I came up during WWII and I wasn't promised anything. I was told if you want something you will be required to work for it. We are as we are today because when the voters voted on November 6th. they didn't vote biblical values. Where were the churches in this election year. If the percentages of who voted for whom then I must inform the pastors of those churches you don't belong in the pulpit. Jehoshaphat joined a wicked king and we know what happened to him. We as a nation have been blessed by Jehovah God but our people have sided with King Ahab and we will suffer until America changes its ways. Our finances are out of kilter because we don't have moral standards that promote biblical giving,thrift and a willingness to save for what we want. If we don't change we may see a repeat of what took place in the late 1930s. America is close to the same thing. Promises made but not kept.
  • doris gordon commented on 11/9/2012
    Congratulation. Please support our president in his agenda. He has good plans and need the support of all the Congressmen. I agree on the raising of tax for all above $250,000.00
  • Dianne Price commented on 11/9/2012
    Cut welfare by raising the bar to qualify, cut unemployment back to 3-6 months at most. Cut grants for research, all wasteful spending by government contracts, cut lifetime benefits to those who serve in the congress and senate.....when they leave the job by being voted out let them have 3-6 months unemployment. Same as the rest of us. No benefits for non citizens. Get the Federal government out of our lives anywhere they don't need to be. No more bailouts. No more stimulus packages! Do not cut military, we are going to need everything we have to protect us while we are so vulnerable. I think there is way more fluff in Federal government than we know...someone needs to police all giveway programs.
  • John Mahan commented on 11/9/2012
    My only concern is will both sides work together or will we still have a dysfunctional government. There has to be compromise from both sides. It is only common sense that to reduce the deficit you have to raise some revenues and make some cuts. PLEASE DO YOUR JOB CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT.
  • ArLisa Middleton commented on 11/9/2012
    Get a tax plan together that will help grow the economy, but don't allow the republicans to hold the poor and middle class hostage so their taxes won't increase. I paid my fair share when all governmnet salaries were frozen for two years. Let's let the wealthiest do their part in helping the economy. If they are unwililling to accept a tax increase, then I say let the current tax plan expire and in the next election let's vote the republican out of the House of Representative and let the democrates get the majority once again. It seems to me if the are truely about representing, they should be representing for the majority of the people not the top 2% who help keep them in office. We defeated Mitt Romney now let's when the House back if the republicans are unwilling to do what is fair for all. That little tax increase certainly will not break them. The wealthiest have had their chance and the country has come to realize that the trickle down effect doesn't work. Let's stop pretending it does and do what is good for the entire country to grow, then a lot more people will have a chance at a decent way of life.
  • Joseph Mealey commented on 11/9/2012
    simple fair taxes (%) seem like an easy fix to me,stop letting the big money guys talk you out of it. I don't mind paying a little higher rate IF people making more than me are paying the same rate not a lower rate WITH SHELTERS! Military spending cuts are automatic with the troops coming home and we can maintain a solid national defense with less.We need to look within and get our FINANCIAL house in order for a while. I voted for you, Kaine and Obama.I was a solid rebublican but no more the old-timers are completely lost on many issues. The big (pac) money was a waste! I tossed many a glossy mailer without a glance and TV was irritating. The average voter is smarter and better informed (I think!) than even mainstream media believes. I think voter turnout will continue to go up. Thanks for your hard work!
  • Chip Pommert commented on 11/10/2012
    Randy, I follow your voting record and have seen how you vote right down party lines 100% of the time no matter what. This is why congress has the lowest approval rating in history. You all TALK bipartisanship but none of you know how to practice it anymore. Even this blog is for show and you set up these insta-polls with questions that are scewed to your parties ideology so that you can continue to vote with your party , not for your constituants. The Republican party has gone so far to the extreme right that it left no room for moderates like myself. If it continues down this road we will have essentially a ONE party system. Extremism is killing the Republican party and the sooner you realize it and start moving back toward the middle the better for US all. Some of the people on this post need to stop getting their misinformation and propaganda from fox news and Rush Limbaugh. His kind is part of the problem NOT the answer. It disturbs me greatly the down right dishonesty, hate, and division that is being spread to futhure the extremist agenda. If you're not part of the solution, than you're part of the problem. The American people gave y'all a mandate last Tuesday night. You know what you need to do now please go do your job in the best interests of the people who elected you.
  • Johnny A. Shelton commented on 11/10/2012
    Developiment of Green Energy, Veggie oil in communities converted into Bio-Diesel for School Busses, Garden Plots for the communities, Bio-Gas to supplement Natural Gas from the Eaist Plants, Passave Solar for housing, Solar Voltaic to supplement Electricity! These programs will help leassin our dependance on Forien Oil! I am going to try and introduce these programs into Virginia State Unoiversity! The State spends X amount of dollars to intertain at the Governors House! Let the College provide the Culinary School with the ability to cut State cost by doing the cooking and intertainment! If we use our brains insted of our pocket books we can off set these cost!
  • chuck rodgers commented on 11/10/2012
    The United States of America has been a great nation because of our forefathers and their insight. Every American that has ever served in the military, has done so to protect our country. Cutting our defense budget will cut our ability to maintain our Homeland Security and allow a greater event than 9/11, and will also slap every veteran, past, presant, and future, in the face. Only an IDIOT would slash Homeland Security. I don't have to be POLITICALLY CORRECT, so if I have hurt your feelings.....change your stance and support this country and the freedoms our veterans have fought and died for.
  • John Hillis commented on 11/10/2012
    However it may be accomplished, the Congress and the President must implement changes in our tax laws that increase revenue while eliminating tax breaks that do not incentivize both individual tax payers and businesses to invest in America while retaining those that do. My family's income is greater than $250,000 per year, and I believe that those in my tax bracket and above must share a greater tax burden than we have since the Bush tax cuts were enacted. Small business owners are not investing and hiring, not because they necessarily fear higher personal taxes, but they, along with large business cannot prudently invest in their businesses because the Federal government's fiscal policy direction has been so uncertain for so long. Take away the uncertainty with a balanced policy of revenue enhancement and Federal spending reductions, and businesses will start to hire and invest as consumers and b2b partners gain confidence and start to spend and not save as much. The spending cuts must start with the major entitlement programs. My wife and I are in our late 60s, and we are planning to rely, in part, on social security and medicare during our retirement from the full-time workforce in a couple of years. So we certainly support those programs, but not in the way in which they are currently designed or funded; as almost everyone acknowledges, changes must be made in these programs if our nation is to get its fiscal house in order, even though that will mean that benefits will not be as rich as they have grown to be. Mr. Forbes, you and the Republican caucus in the House MUST find compromise with the Democrat-led Senate and the White House. The futures of my six grandchildren and their children depend on you doing so.
  • Sherry Miller commented on 11/10/2012
    Bottom line: Congress do your job. This is what the taxpayers pay you to do. It is obvious that the House does not care about the average citizens of this country. Stop bickering and get to it. I'm sick of this "us" and "them" attitude.
  • Ronald McCabe commented on 11/10/2012
    Please respect the Constitution. You are obligated to protect our borders and provide for the common defense of our citizens. Do that and leave the social engineering to those who do it best, The social and religious organizations. When you follow this simple outline a basic consumption tax on the national level will ensure that everyone pays their fair share and the economy will do just fine.
  • Michael White commented on 11/10/2012
    Get back to the Constitution - all of you in Congress. Obamacare was and is un-Constitutional, regardless of what the Supreme Court has ruled so far. Get rid of it. As to taxes, eliminate tax breaks/deductions for all things other than mortgages on primary residence and charitable gifts - and narrowly define charitable gifts. There may additional exemptions, but I can't think of any others at this moment. It is truly amazing to me that the public willingly chooses to ignore what is staring them in the face as to our President's actual record and the false understanding that things such as Obamacare are good things for the nation - that legislation and handouts such as this will bring the nation to its knees and ultimate bankruptcy. Given also that our Constitution requires the government to pay just debts, we will all have to have our taxes increased to pay those debts. Anybody who believes otherwise is a fool. It will not be borne by those who have been financially successful; Most of the burden will be borne by those of us in the "middle class." It is inevitable.
  • Errol Duplessis commented on 11/10/2012
    The Republican Party cannot have it their way and expect change to happen. There is room for compromise. You were elected to represent the values of your constituency and not a radical agenda from the extreme right faction of your party. iddle class values are paramount. Let the Bush tax cuts expire (this is NOT a tax increase), and do a complete tax makeover which is badly needed by Congress. I am a small businessman in your district (Brunswick County), and I believe that tax reform and Obamacare which I like, are needed by most Americans. Only the very wealthy class can afford to dismiss Obamacarethe rest of us need it. After the results of the election in Virginia, it should be clear to you in which direction to head. Ignore Congressman Cantor, for he will never get it right (he is a man alone right now). And I am not a taker, I am a maker.
  • Kelly Waters commented on 11/10/2012
    I'm concerned about sequestration issues in the funding allotted for education. We ate already stretched thin and this will take away even more programs that help students that really need it.
  • Tricia Cox commented on 11/10/2012
    The choices are tough. I believe you are aware of what is needed. When you were elected, each time, we want you to do what is best for our nation- not just what is best for the Republican party. I support you and usually the party, but compromise has GOT to get back into our governmental system. You are an integrity driven man, with values and honor, please do what you see is best for our nation-- for healing and the long term.
  • Norm Williams commented on 11/10/2012
    I am tired of all the bail outs. I closed my business (samll as it was) let everyone og and am selling the equipment off. Lets just go ahead and go over the cliff so everyone gets to suffer and not get food stamps and see who comes out standing, sure won't be the liberals who have to be carried by those of us who work hard!
  • Bill Perry commented on 11/10/2012
    Compromise .... increase tax on the above 250 k group... then allow them tax credits for jobs created...
  • A Yates commented on 11/10/2012
    I am very concerned about the disfunctional body of representatives. PLEASE come to some concensus regarding the "cliff" AND the burdening deficits that will eventually take our great country down IF we don't act in a bipartisan fashion. Thank you for your ongoing efforts on our behalf and on behalf of all Americans.
  • Gary Thompson commented on 11/11/2012
    What Obama and his administration are proposing is fiscally irresponsible. The increase in taxing the job creators will eliminate jobs and increase unemployment, thus reducing revenue to the government. What is being proposed beside income tax rate increases is massive issue related taxes such As the carbon tax for reducing the debt. Everything a about this administration is designed to expand their control of the electorate by providing hand outs and little to do with fixing America's economic woes!
  • Dennis Jones commented on 11/11/2012
    Your survey is insulting and reflects the obstruction you have shown in Washington. You are no longer part of the solution for our district or for the country. I am personally asking that you work in my interest not in the interest of hatred and obstruction. Your attitude and actions have pushed the U.S. to the fiscal cliff. Own your responsibility in getting us into this mess. Work across party lines and ideology to correct this mess. The hatred baggage you are bringing to Washington does not move our country forward and does nothing but hurt middle class Americans. I voted against on Tuesday. If your legislative actions continue as they have for the last four years, I will vote against in 2014 and actively work with whom ever is running against you.
  • Charles Weston commented on 11/11/2012
    Congressman Forbes, My family has been suffering with Congressman Scott for too many years. I appreciate your common sense leadership. I pray that one day before I pass on our district will be represented by someone like you. Anyway, please continue your service and leadership to the areas you represent. Don't give away the ship because others cry for compromises. Be sure those compromises are for the good of all. Thanks, Chuck Weston
  • Carol Anderson commented on 11/12/2012
    Dear Mr. Forbes, I was really surprised to see the varied responses on this blog. Most of all I was amazed at the number of people asking for, begging for you,to compromise with President Obama. It was heartening to see such a request for compromise and for working for the good of all. I too ask that you compromise. You were re elected by 56%. However, 42% of your constituents said it was time for you to go. You have a choice now. Do you remain entrenched in policies that brought us to the fiscal cliff, or move to find common ground. People are not stupid. Neither is Obama. Having Bill Clinton campaign for him and remind us all how good things were for EVERYONE during his tenure was extremely effective. Clinton understood the country profits when the middle class profits, not just the privileged few. Obama understands that too. Clinton's policies led to a balanced budget. He strengthened the middle class. By the way, where were the former republican presidents campaigning for Romney? They could not because that would have reminded everyone how bad for the middle class republican policies are. For you to work with democrats will take courage. People say you are a good man. But are you courageous enough to buck the religious and conservative right- go against policies that will help us in the middle? Courage is doing what is right in the face of adversity. Do you possess it? You need to show leadership in your own party. I agree with the people who complained about your polls not really representing all facets of a question. When you skew those questions to what you want to hear you are not only hurting your constituents, you are hurting yourself by not really understanding what is going on in the world around you. Please open your mind. Ask the really hard questions and expect a spirited debate on both sides. Virginia is turning blue, yet you remain staunchly red and are marching lock step in line with political views that may no longer serve you. Citizens United did NOT buy the White House. Your constituents are NOT stupid. We do not all get our information from Faux News. With regard to taxes I believe we should all pay comparable rates. If Romney is paying 15% - I WANT TO PAY 15%. If Romney is paying 30%, then I guess I should pay it too. But what I will NOT want to do is pay 30% when Romney is paying 15% which is what I am doing now. This election cycle it was 56% to 42%. Next cycle, it might just be the other way around. Represent us all - it's called job security......
  • Larry Trotter commented on 11/13/2012
    I am not worried at all. The elecetion is over, now it is time for all to get together and do what is best for all Americans. Just do your jobs!!
  • Mark Duffer commented on 11/13/2012
    I do not fear the fiscal cliff. We will deal with these issues on this end or down the road as Greece and the rest of Europe are doing. The DOD cuts do not have to cost as many jobs if we demand more efficiency from the military by defense contractors. Tax increases are another matter. Taking money from people who earn it to give to others who have not is problematic for me. I realize, however, there are people in genuine need of help. There is massive fraud in our social security, medicare/medicaid, and welfare programs. I pray that we have learned from the collapse of all the socialistic societies in the past that once you overburden those supporting the rest of the society the productive members cease to be productive and the house of cards collapses.
  • juanita kendall commented on 11/14/2012
    What is really going on? What happened to the flat tax idea? I hope u are voting to leave the tax break in. Adjusting the 250 + is not that much for a tax hike. I pay 28% every yr. & have combo salaries that are 50 to 55. I hardy ever get a refund. Usually I pay.
  • John DeMajo commented on 11/15/2012
    I hope that Representative Forbes will fight relentlessly to get to the bottom of the questionable manner in which the Obama administration is handling matters pertaining to the bombing of our embassy, and other issues relating to the deficit and spending as well. This past election is far from being a mandate for the administration, with the president winning by a very small percentage of popular votes. The news media has made it obvious that they are not going to hold the president accountable for any of his actions or the actions of his administration. We therefore are relying on our representatives in the Republican Party to stand up for what is right, and to expose any wrong doing by the administration. Please don't give in to pressure from the Left Representative Forbes.
  • William Moore commented on 11/17/2012
    Honorable Congressman Forbes, Should the House of Representatives fail to come to an agreement on an increase in revenue through measured tax increases and elimination of some deductions for the wealthy along with measured spending cuts to programs that least adversely affect our most vulnerable Americans, our economy will plunge into a recession, unemployment will increase, and the available income of Americans who are currently struggling will be reduced. Responsible increases in revenue along with responsible spending cuts will help move our country in a controlled manner toward a solid economic future for all Americans. We must reduce our deficit but at a rate that minimizes the impact on our economic recovery. It is time for all of us to put party politics aside and put the long term wellbeing of Americans first. Please do all you can to come to an agreement in the House of Representatives that helps all Americans toward a sound economic future. Respectfully, Henry Moore
  • Richard Diver commented on 11/18/2012
    I am even more concerned by your lack of attention and action on frivolous and wasteful government spending and the large numbers of unproductive government employees and those who are not needed. For example, my office boasts one civil servant who sleeps at his desk or in his vehicle for most of the day. Others spend much of the day surfing the internet. and yes, management is aware chooses to do nothing. Three biggest problems with Government employees? 1. They don't have to make a profit - no reason to be efficient or productive. 2. It's not their money - money grows on trees. 3. There is NO oversight. You also need to become knowledgeable on the Fair Tax so that you will co-sponsor the legislation!
  • Greg Diamontopulos commented on 11/20/2012
    It is high time that the Congress pass a flat rate tax for ALL citizens of this Nation. The FACT that the richest are required to carry the 90% (or higher) burden of current taxes (and future tax increases under this disgraceful administration and its miopic minions in the Senate). while 50% of the population pays no tax is the height of insanity. Additionally, IAW the US Constitution, the primary role of the Federal Government is to provide / ensure the national defense of the Nation. So, knock off the insane fiscal attacks at the military budget; especially when refusing to touch the handout sacred cows. It is NOT to dole out its citizens' hard earned monies to every special interest group under the guise of "Social Welfare", "Social Engineering", or wahtever the latest buzz words happen to be. The bank is broke, it's is high time the Congress cowboy's up, acts like intelligent men and women, put partisan insanity aside, STOP the ludicrous and self-serving class warfare baloney, cut their own pay and benefits to reflect comparability to that of the citizenry (for whom they work), and tackle the fiscal BOMB they have created. The survival of the Republic is at stake.
  • Bill Schran commented on 11/20/2012
    I agree with the 1st comment: "return to the earlier tax rates for those who earn over $250,000 per yr.; raise the cap on Social Security; look at defense budget carefully" I think looking at small businesses, we should probably raise it to $500,000, those making a net, not gross over $500K pay at a higher rate. Raise cap on social security to no cap - this might take care of funding the program for a much longer time, and do not let government borrow from the social security fund. Ask the military exactly what they need going forward, many programs that provide money for representatives districts should be looked at - fund only what the military truly needs! Deal with the AMT once and for all! Have it kick in for those earning above 250K or even 500K. It's ridiculous to have those earning under 100K have to pay AMT. I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. We must fund programs to take care of those who find themselves in situations where they can't help themselves. Congressman Forbes - your constituents are watching and waiting. Congress voted to put this "fiscal cliff" in place. Congress can pull the American people back or push them over the edge. At this point we don't know what's over the edge - do we want to find out?
  • Robin D. Ross commented on 11/28/2012
    Under your poll, I don't understand why you didn't list taxes on the wealthy as a separate issue from taxes on the middle class. You made so that if I vote for myself, I have to vote for Bush tax cuts on the wealthy to remain as well. You need to separate the issue for true polling STATS. That's too sneaky...not fair.
  • William Chase commented on 11/30/2012
    We have a spending problem not a tax problem. Twice before, under Regan and under Bush(the elder) tax increases were granted but the spending cuts never came through. DON'T LET HAPPEN AGAIN. Get the spending cuts FIRST then go to taxes.
  • Sandra Costello commented on 12/5/2012
    I think that the paychecks for all of you ( Republicans / Democrats) should be held back until you come up with a plan. It turns my stomach to know that you are being paid to be selfish.
  • Star Marie Anderson commented on 12/7/2012
    The problem with the budget is spending. How about stopping all of foreign aid, then bring our military home from Germany or let them pay us to keep our people there, stop all SS for non citizens that did not pay into the system, stop food stamps and free health care to noncitizens, and then go after the people that work for cash and don't pay taxes. A flat tax would get everyone with some skin in the game. I resent the fact that I paid for my own education, raised 2 children on my income alone, and am taxed higher as a business owner. Then we have a president that says the "rich" should pay more. I gave up practicing medicine, no incentive with the new cuts in medicaid, medicare and obamacare. Am proudly paying little or no taxes now, was tired of being on the top and being yelled at to pay! Obama's rhetoric and behavior is a disincentive to work and do well.
  • Virginia Bathe commented on 12/14/2012
    Compromise is strongly called for by Democrats and Republicans. Democrats should agree to some restructuring of the tax code. Republicans should agree to increase the amount that the wealthiest Americans pay in taxes. Please let common sense prevail!
  • Ben Priester commented on 12/21/2012
    I believe that some tax reform is needed along with spending cuts to entitlements and goverment as well. However, to avoid the fiscal cliff I believe there should be some compromise. Taking a little of what Gov. Romney had intended for our budget should be taken into consideration. However, I don't believe anyone in DC has a mandate to make the country a socialist state or to bankrupt it either. I don't have the answers, I'm just concerned for our country and if we're not careful we'll be the next Greece or Italy or another country that has a bankrupt economy. DO SOMETHING! PLEASE!!!
  • Donna Wike commented on 12/21/2012
    We are over-regulated, over-taxed and there are too many people out of work. Our government is so big it's become corrupt, and they have no right to involve themselves in our businesses or interfere with our medical needs, except to offer Medicaid and Medicare for the poor and elderly. Once we can get rid of the over-regulation and lower the taxes, there will be more jobs and more revenue to cover the necessities, according to the constitution.
  • Gloria Everson commented on 12/21/2012
    I did not vote for you, but you do represent me, I did vote for President Obama because I do believe he has the poor and middle class best interest at heart The American people spoke by reelecting the President, I hope you will do your part in supporting the President's plan.The GOP party should remember there will be more elections ahead, As you can see the American people donot forget who cares for them.
  • Bob Lambert commented on 12/28/2012
    It is time for you to make a deal on the fiscal cliff, period. Politicians are "hired" by us to make a deal. In the tradition of Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neil, the job is to get things done. Now that's not happening, meaning that you and your colleagues are just not doing your job. Partisan politics must be secondary to serving everyday Americans. Come on, let's start getting things done rather than pushing partisan agendas. It will be a travesty if the House forces us over the fiscal cliff and will reflect the most egregious abdication of their (and your) responsibility to those who voted for you.
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