Visit the United States Navy Memorial

The United States Navy Memorial is home to the Memorial Plaza, which features Stanley Bleifeld's famous statue, The Lone SailorĀ©. The Lone Sailor, a tribute to all personnel of the sea services, overlooks the Granite Sea, an exact replication of the world's oceans. Surrounding the Granite Sea are two fountain pools, honoring the personnel of the American Navy and the other navies of the world. The southern hemisphere of the Granite Sea is surrounded by 26 bronze bas-reliefs commemorating events, personnel, and communities of the various sea services.

An aerial view of the Navy Memorial in downtown Washington, DC The aerial view of the U.S. Navy Memorial on Pennsylvania Avenue in the heart of Washington, D.C. Photo courtesy of the National Park Service.

Adjacent to the Memorial Plaza is the Naval Heritage Center, which features the Arleigh & Roberta Burke Theater, several rotating exhibits about the sea services, and houses several Navy Log kiosks, for easy registration on the Navy Log. The Naval Heritage Center also features daily screenings of the film At Sea.

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