Gatherings – Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey

June 30, 2007

June 30, 2007 Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey The Army Garrision, Fort Monmouth, in Monmouth New Jersey has endured for too long the humiliation of ungrateful Americans. Every Saturday moonbats migrate to the gates of the fort and spend hours protesting a war that is not only just and legal, but absolutely necessary. They strain the [...]

Walter Reed June 29, 2007

June 29, 2007

June 29, 2007 Walter Reed Army Hospital Washington, D.C. For several years the intersection of Georgia Ave and Elder St in D.C. was occupied every Friday evening by a Codepoink/SEIU coalition. They used this intersection at the gates of Walter Reed Hospital to stage their anti-war, anti-America, anti-military, Bush-Bashing demonstrations. And they called it supporting [...]

Dear George, Nuffs nuff, yawn yawn

June 28, 2007

Dear George, I’ve been defending you against moonbats for the better part of a decade. I’ve invested hundreds of hours arguing and debating. In return, I’m referred to as an ignorant racist? If you enforce the existing immigration laws, we wont need new ones. If you dont enforce existing laws, why should we believe you’ll [...]