October 31, 2010

October 31, 2010

» “If You Don’t Know What’s Going On, Don’t Vote” This letter is directed at a particular subset of Americans who manage to weave their way through life without the slightest concern or knowledge about the critical issues facing the country today. For you, “news gathering” consists of watching John Stewart’s “The Daily Show,” even as [...]

Only You Can Prevent More Frankens

October 30, 2010

We can’t just win. We have to win BIG! We now know that Republicans should have won the 2008 Senate Race in Minnesota – Act immediately to prevent another Franken! It is no longer enough to win close races. In the next 72-hours we must guarantee that an additional 5-Million Republicans turn-out to vote so [...]

October 30, 2010

The time is upon us. The time has come for each and every American citizen to stand-up and make a choice – and stand by that choice. Do you stand for Progressivism and government dependence? Or do you choose freedom and self-government? Do you choose slavery to an elitist class? Or the liberty that comes [...]

October 29, 2010

October 29, 2010

» Still More Democrat Vote Fraud » High Versus Low Behar responded in character by belching: “I would like to point out that those flowers were picked by illegal immigrants and they’re not voting for you, bitch.” It would be nice to think that illegal aliens aren’t voting for anybody. But then, it would be nice to [...]

October 28, 2010

October 28, 2010

Voter Fraud? They make an App for that … » Introducing the Voter Fraud app Voter Fraud: A dhimmicrat tradition » Top Union Official Caught on Tape Discussing Voter Fraud » Daytona Beach Commissioner Arrested On Fraud Charges » Voter Fraud Watch: Allegations of Poll Worker Misconduct in Harris County, Texas » If 2+2=4, when does S+E+I+U=RICO? Isn’t it amazing [...]

Rep. David Price … a Busy Man

October 27, 2010

This morning I had the opportunity to review a campaign ad by Rep. David Price (D-NC). As expected it was merely a string of negative and dishonest attacks on the Republican contender for his job, B.J. Lawson. You can see it if you want, here: The Case Against B.J. Lawson … can’t recommend it. I [...]

October 27, 2010

Say, little miss … who are you? Linked from JohnCoxArt.com, tip by Hans Irregularities, Glitches, Paranoia … or Fraud? » Nevada voting machines automatically checking Harry Reid’s name; voting machine technicians are SEIU members » Possible glitch with vote-by-mail system » Block The Vote There are more incidents than these listed here. But I’m not ready, yet, to [...]

October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010

» The Short Leash and How To Yank It … there is one central theme that is motivating votes all across the nation and that is the idea of repealing Obamacare. Even if they only make the symbolic gesture of passing the bill out of the House and sending it to the Senate. What is important [...]

October 25, 2010

October 25, 2010

» Another Lefty lie magicked into “fact” There have been so many of them — Katrina, “global warming,” among others — and now the “no WMDs in Iraq” hocus-pocus falls to inexorable truth… … more salient than that is the fact that Leftists turned the whole exercise on its head, for purely political purposes … … [...]

Dhimmicrats, Here’s What Yer Up Against

October 24, 2010

Note to Dhimmicrats, socialists, leftists*: If you don’t nip this patriotism thing in the bud, yer gonna lose and waste decades of work and planning to turn this country into a communist hellhole. oops … it might be too late, never mind. * (redundant, redundant, redundant)