April 29, 2010

April 29, 2010

We’re going to take a couple of days off, so this will be the last posting until Sunday. » What Lies Beneath The economic report released last week by Health and Human Services, which indicated that President Barack Obama’s health care “reform” law would actually increase the cost of health care and impose higher costs on [...]

Gatherings: Raise Your Voice

April 28, 2010

April 28, 2007 UNC Chapel Hill, N.C. Report by Bill Cook, GoE NC-SC Rep. We could not have had a more beautiful day to celebrate our troops, the freedoms that they are fighting for, and those Americans who support them. First and foremost, my thanks to Tony Stevenson for the tremendous job of putting it [...]

April 28, 2010

I know who I want to be the next president. Assuming, of course, that by ’12 the Republic still stands and elections still happen. I’m beginning to be less than super-optimistic. » Europe debt crisis spreads to Portugal Greece was pushed to the brink of a financial abyss and started dragging another eurozone country – Portugal [...]

MM+CC=BS : April 27, 2010

April 27, 2010

You can call them myths, I call them bald-faced lies – repeated until assumed to be wisdom. Five myths about green energy Cap-and-trade treason If you thought that the way the Obama administration and its cohort of Democrats in Congress rammed through the takeover of the nation’s healthcare system was appalling, prepare to watch the [...]

April 27, 2010

» Tell Albert Snyder, “I Stand With You” » The Dreadful Equation It is possible to ration subsistence, but not prosperity. Americans are slowly, painfully beginning to appreciate the difference between those two levels of existence. We’ve been so prosperous, for so long, that we lost sight of how far our economy would collapse when value was [...]

April 26, 2010

April 26, 2010

» Wisconsin and the Voter Fraud Agenda Democrats are pushing to weaken ballot security at the state and national level. Have they forgotten the 2000 election? That’s a nutty question with which to kick off the article, me thinks. But I’ll answer it – with a question: Is there a clown in the Senate by the [...]

MM+CC=BS : April 25, 2010

April 25, 2010

Scientist says Arctic getting colder Scientists who believe the climate is warming may have been misled by data from U.S. meteorological stations located in urban areas, where dense microclimates creates higher temperatures, RIA Novosti quoted Pokrovsky as saying. “Politicians who placed their bets on global warming may lose the pot,” Pokrovsky said.

Mexican Tea Party?

Hay look! It’s a Tea Party! Look at that mass of violent rioters! Throwing stuff at the cops, screaming and hollering. And marching where they have no permit! [video:youtube:BMNjWz1BCBc] There must be a black dhimmicrat congressman in there somewhere. I bet he’s covered with spit and his ears are ringing from the N-word being screamed [...]

The Problem with Pauls …

Part of Daniel Greenfield’s Friday Afternoon Roundup included a section about Ron/Rand Paul that is worth a repeat. And repeat it, I shall: Turning to the Republican side, some people are impressed by a statement put out by Rand Paul that seems to be Pro-Israel. But the first thing to remember is that Ron Paul’s [...]

April 25, 2010

Let’s do this one again: » Blagojevich Bombshell: Obama Subpoena Revealed » Dear Sarah Palin, It’s Time to Re-Think That Rand Paul (Anti-Israel, Pro-Kokesh) Endorsement! Sarah Palin, whom Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post and Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy have called a “friend of Israel,” needs to reevaluate her influential endorsement of Rand [...]