August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012

Can’t Say I Disagree » Iran’s Supreme Leader Praises U.S. ‘Occupy’ Movement The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei – the “supreme leader” of Iran – praised America’s “Occupy Wall Street” movement on Thursday, calling it a reflection of people around the world who are “losing their patience” with the dominance of the United States and Israel in the [...]

August 30, 2012

August 30, 2012

» A Party of Trolls The Democratic Party and its media affiliates have become a party of trolls who only know how to hijack every discussion with an obsessive insistence that every issue can be boiled down to race and that the difference between the two parties is that one of them is racist and the [...]

63 and tired

August 29, 2012

This came by email from my friend John Macioce, and is attributed to Robert A. Hall I’m 63. Except for one semester in college when jobs were scarce and a six-month period when I was between jobs, but job-hunting every day, I’ve worked hard since I was 18. Despite some health challenges, I still put [...]

August 29, 2012

» Shedding the Light on the SEIU: Were it not for the internet, you might never know about America’s most notorious union Take, for example, the story of the Connecticut nursing home patients who were recently put in harm’s way when the SEIU abandoned them for picket lines. Were it not for the internet (and a [...]

52% Pure Joy

August 28, 2012

I am currently 56 years old. I have been married (as of today) 29 years. 29 / 56 = 0.52 Today, I celebrate the last 52% of my life being married to the woman that God made for me. On August 28, 1983 she took me as her husband – I have never looked back. [...]

August 28, 2012

From a comment: Bravo…for another great truth being told…about the Liar N’ Chief…they HAVE to serve under. But not for long brave men/women…not for long! Your family and friends back home here in America…are fighting bravely and also standing up against the enemy within…and we are going to remove him in November…guaranteed! » Media’s One-Sided Coverage [...]

August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012

» Do Not Miss 2016 One day, when all the facts are known, Americans will look back and cringe in shame and horror that Barack Hussein Obama was elected president. Dinesh D’Souza has brought that day closer with 2016, which is tearing up the box office …. Do not miss this film. We can’t grouse about [...]

August 26, 2012

August 26, 2012

» A Small Step for One Man We are no longer concerned with doing hard things and finding the men with the special qualities to do them. It is the easy things that concern us now. The political pandering of diversity and the search for “Green” solutions to problems that don’t exist. We no longer look [...]

August 25, 2012

August 25, 2012

» Leakgate: Obama’s Unspinnable Scandal Even getting the Joint Chiefs chairman to admonish the ex-Navy SEALs who are condemning White House leaks won’t extinguish Obama’s Leak-gate scandal. These heroes are dead right. It would seem, to me, that the quickest way to end “hate crimes” may be to simply pre-emptively lock up all the “hate crime [...]

August 24, 2012

August 24, 2012

» CBO: Economic outlook brightening thanks to President Obama’s stellar leadership. Just kidding: deep recession and 9 percent unemployment on the way. » Ethanol vs. the World Even prior to the drought, a growing roll of world leaders was looking on aghast at such special pleading and politely suggesting that maybe the U.S. might do something to [...]